Dawnlark Plains back when all her quiet words were thunder
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
All Welcome 
she floated in a dark, comfortable spot somewhere just beyond conscience. the wounds were not especially serious but wide and ugly; the fringe of her ear a mess of dried blood and barely-there scabs. darkness drifted into dreams, dark and confusing and fragmented, until finally there came one where Adi rested somewhere near her; all was well and good. she looked at him and he smiled, moved close, and she was content. 

and then she was struggling for air, limbs twitching but body made immobile. @Aditya was everywhere, the colour of his fur flashing before her eyes, and she was fading, her chest burned-

she woke suddenly, gasping in a breath before falling still, mind reeling at the sudden awakening and the sudden awareness of pain; blinking out at the twilight dumbly as she tried to collect a hundred scattered thoughts.
tags for reference! vaguely vague post
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
It had been quite recent since that white-furred male had attacked Dawn. It shook Loir honestly, and it was the first time she had actually released an aggressive and defensive side. Loir remembered how not too long after she had hurried toward Vaati and made an attempt to knock him off of Dawn, Aliac and Shale had joined in, hurrying to help Dawn. It was a bloody scene, and Loir honestly felt even ashamed she had tried to attack someone, but it was to defend Dawn. That day, Loir had went to go check up on the Envoy. While Loir was no medic, she wanted to maybe try and mentally help Dawn.

Loir looked at the female, looking at all the blood. It mortified her, but Loir knew, injuries happened. Wolves died, but at least Morningside had medics. "Dawn, I'm very sorry about what happened." Loir had said, tears glowing in her eyes. "That wolf, I can't believe he would do such a thing. If you need any help, emotionally or not, let me know. I may not be a medic, but I can always try."
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he had heard, briefly, about dawn's altercation with the pale man in the maplewood. his mind leapt to the conclusion that it had been the brute spitting fire at them the other day, and he began to formulate a plan to go after him--but first he must speak to his mate. a freshly-killed hare clenched in his jaws, aditya padded to the place where she rested, setting the kill by her paws and stepping back. loir was there, speaking; he waited until his apprentice was done before he piped up.

"eat, mer--dawn," he corrected, dipping his head in abashment. his old nickname for her came so easily, there were times when it nearly slipped out of his mouth, especially now, when she was in this state. his golden eyes lifted to rest on her shredded ear, lips pulled tight in a frown. "how are you feeling?"

obviously she felt like shit, but he'd rather hear it in her own words.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
just when her breath had calmed and the faded edges of the dream slipped back into the pyres of the back of her mind, there appeared Loir. the woman's gaze took in the blood and teared up immediately, words gushing from her suddenly. she blinked, unsure how to take the apology and offer of emotional assistance; Loir looked more shaken up than she felt. she knew she ought to offer some comfort, as Pema would have done. "my emotional state is fine. don't-" ouch, failing already. "don't be sorry."

and then came aditya; a sharp prick of panic she could make no sense of as her dreams faded entirely. he spoke and ears swept back to touch her crown immediately (with a sharp burn of pain from the one that existed as little more than a stub, now). hurt and anger spiked suddenly just below the surface, carefully hidden save for the sharp movement of her auds.  "like sh-" informal, wrong, in front of the girl who already was crying. "alright. ears don't grow back, though." she'd discovered the injury some moment after the heat of the battle, something familiar vanished. tight frown marred her features, his choice of words still a twisting dagger somewhere alongside all the other hurts.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
Loir had been doubtful that Dawn was fine. Clearly she was refusing help, and that was not a good thing. Then, she noticed Aditya and let him be by her, to comfort the Envoy for now. Loir would be emotionally shaken by the event herself, and maybe she needed help as well, despite being unscathed. Vaati had retreated at the sight of Loir and her companions, leaving Dawn laying there in pain. Loir instantly felt bad, and she felt that she had done something wrong by separating Vaati and Dawn in a somewhat "mean" way. Loir felt that she had also hurt Dawn more by doing that, but maybe she didn't.

Loir just felt really glad that she had also defended Dawn, but she was healing, and it didn't look so good with how her ear was. "I feel like I should've gotten injured as well." Loir murmured, the memories flooding in. "That wolf decided to be a coward and ran away. I should've gotten my fair share of injury as well. I feel as though it's wrong that you're injured and I'm not!" The tears were starting to burn now, and Loir couldn't resist them. God, she had been through alot already. Seeing the dead bodies of her family and then witnessing a fight.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
dawn's sharp answer did not surprise him; he accepted it with a nod, knowing there was not much more he could do. then loir began to speak again, and the sorrow in her voice made him turn his head, a little surprised.

he did not handle tears well, despite being so quick to emotion himself. loir's obvious distress made an already strained encounter between himself and his former mate all the more stressful. grimacing a little, he cast a glance that was half-helpless, half-amused at dawn, and nosed the kill an inch or so closer to her.

"i'll leave you ladies to talk," adi murmured, blinking sympathetically at loir before padding off. whatever needed to be worked out, they could do it without his presence.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
she met his gaze as he pushed the kill closer, gratefulness changing suddenly to alarm and then a please don't. despite the strain, she wanted him here; for through all that had happened, he still offered comfort. swallowing once, thickly, she watched him as he padded off. she did not want to deal with Loir's tears right now, and not alone. bitterness ebbed up quickly and faded, and she turned back to the woman.

"and what would that achieve? we'd have one less hunter and the strain on the pack would be greater."  gentler, now, she continued. "be glad he ran when he did." still, her gaze was firm even through the pain, settled on the woman.
The Curious Sweetheart
89 Posts
Ooc — IndianaServal
To be honest, Loir didn't know what made her want to end up injured now. It must've probably been the rage that had filled her gut when she would've been able to attack that white wolf that was trying to kill Dawn. Loir felt horrible for honestly wishing she could've been hurt as well. No, she did not want to be hurt, she wanted to be for her packmates. Like Dawn had asked, what would that achieve? 

Nothing, maybe.

Instead, Loir just got up and decided to head off, perhaps Aditya and Dawn should have their time alone.
[Image: gamekeeper_master.gif]
HUNTER TRADE: 1/5 threads
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Loir simply got up and left, silently, padding off with even less warning than Aditya had given. she blinked after the joiner a moment, feeling briefly helplessness as she watched the pair go. her maw opened to call back Aditya and then shut, brief flash of hurt lancing through her as she realized he hadn't seemed particularly inclined to hang around much more than it took to drop off the rabbit. 

the hurt faded, but something akin to dread settled low in her chest, and she placed her head on her paws and was silent.