Stone Circle On guard!
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 

The sun was beginning to set on the day. The past couple of days had been rough. Steph hardly slept, as she took to patrolling the borders almost non-stop. Since the attack on Leta, almost everyone had been on guard, and Steph was no exception. She smelled everything, looking for any signs that strangers had been near. So far, so good. 

Still, she wasn't in a great mood. How had that woman gotten so close to Leta? Steph didn't know the specifics, and it irked her. She sauntered over the border, marking here and there where she had marked many times over the past few days. Only a wolf with no sense of smell would miss these borders.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
I am going to set this before Easy runs into Raako on her own personal timeline. Just a reminder to myself! Please still feel free to hop in, Vespera!
After visiting Dawn and Aditya at Swiftcurrent Creek, Easy made plans to find Sunny at the willows as well. First, however, she wanted to stop by Easthollow and see how her aunt and cousins were doing. She'd forgotten entirely that she shared no blood with these wolves, but even if she'd remembered, she would've been happy to call them family.

She was delighted to see a familiar figure on the borders.

"Steph!" Easy called out, bounding toward the other girl, but slowing a respectful distance away. "It's been so long! You're all grown up! I mean, we both are," the mottled woman laughed as she drew near, failing to see Steph's downcast mood in her own excitement.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
why hallo thar, please excuse my moody child

The female dragged her tired legs through the blades of grass, she couldn't tell that it was grass at all. She hadn't slept for what felt like days. The young female had been patrolling constantly, she made sure that nothing slipped past her. Vespera's eyelids were constantly dropping and it was a fight to keep them open. A bit of adrenaline would wake her up nicely, and thankfully she didn't have to wait long. The Easthollow wolf stopped near a tree as her ears seemed to act on their own as they followed the sound of a wolf speaking. She snapped her head up faster then she blinked and her violet gaze glanced upon two wolves. The young female's tiredness had prevented her from recognizing Steph. With what little strength she had, Vespera took off faster than a firearm and came speeding at the two, with every stride she shook her head to keep her vision from blurring. She had approached the two and flashed her fangs and she halted with a ripping snarl. Her brain took a moment to catch up as she had seemed to leave it behind at the tree but her eyes fixed on Steph, the dark female who had acted with kindness when she was just new to Easthollow and they had a great big hunt together.

Vespera whipped her head towards the stranger, with eyes of fury. Vespera's large ears were pulled back to the point where it looked like she didn't have any, her spine fur prickled up to the max. The young female was beyond exhausted so she couldn't see nor hear or think straight, she was so filled with rage that she didn't hear the casual conversation that the wolf tried to have with Steph. "Who the hell do you think you are! Walking towards our borders with the intent on crossing them!" Vespera lowered her head to her shoulder level, her eyes widened with fury and her snarls were deep as she breathed, "I will have no nonsense!" She growled.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph, on edge as she was, wasn't prepared for someone to call out her name and come dashing up to the boarders. Her head shot up, as did her hackles, and she bared her teeth in warning. She didn't recognize the other female quickly, but it did come. Her fur smoothed, and her teeth were covered, just in time for another wolf, this one a family member, to come barreling up.

Generally, Steph wouldn't care about Vespera's approach, seeing as it was similar to her own. However, when Vespera turned it on Steph, the former Beta snapped at the air in Vespera's direction. It was half-hearted; just a warning that Steph didn't appreciate the snarl. But, that was as far as Steph's warning went. 

Steph shot an apologizing glance to Easy before turning back to her pack mate. This is Easy, she's family, Steph explained. She doesn't know what happened, she's used to being welcomed here, she added, mentioning the Leta incident. Steph turned back to her adopted sister. One of our youngest was attacked by an outsider a few days ago, so we're on edge. Steph hoped Easy would understand, and not take offense to how they greeted her.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
When she was met with bared fangs, Easy fell back respectfully, tail whisking to show she meant no harm. She knew she cut an imposing figure at times, and that she ought to give people time to get used to that -- but she felt tiny again when she saw Steph, her heart giving a sad double-throb at the memory of being girls together with Steph and Clary and Lav. It all seemed so far away!

"My apologies," she begged, remaining where she was to allow the others to approach her. She was surprised by the aggression of the other dark shewolf, but instantly understanding when the reasoning was explained. "That's awful," she gasped, dark ears pressing forward to obtain more information, if offered. "Was the attacker caught and killed?" She still remembered being so small and hearing that Lavender had been attacked. Her smaller sister still bore the scars. "... and the child?" she asked with bated breath, worry clear in bright, orange eyes.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Vespera's rage seemed to decline as her vision seemed to clear. Her senses were low, so she didn't notice that Steph gave her a warning snap at the air, and if she did, she would choose to ignore it. In her mind, Steph wasn't the Beta right now so any direct order wouldn't register with Vespera. The young female kept a close sharp gaze at the stranger as Steph explained that this wolf by the name of Easy was family. Vespera's heavy breathing began slowing and she hid her fangs back in her mouth as her gaze seemed to calm down. "My apologies," she mumbled, her once prickled fur had gone down and she tried to keep a serious look but she was slowly losing her battle of tiredness. 

However, her grief and guilt were beginning to take over when Steph had explained what had recently just happened. Easy had asked what has become of Leta, to which Vespera responded very quickly, "gone," she said flat out, she wanted to make sure her emotions didn't take over her tone of voice. The young female's legs wobbled a bit but she quickly corrected her stance. "So is the bastard that killed her," she added with a deep hiss, Vespera sought for revenge, she wasn't afraid of killing those who need justice, in her mind that is how justice is properly served.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The tension seemed to dissipate, thankfully, though none of the trio were exactly all smiles. Steph closed the distance between her and Easy, intent on giving her friend a nudge of affection before sitting back on her haunches. She made sure to position herself so that Vespera could still be included in the conversation.

As her packmade explained the loss of Steph's younger sibling, Steph's frown deepened. I don't think Mom is taking it very well, she admitted to Easy. She's never lost a young like this before. Steph wished she hadn't now. Two of the pups hadn't survived birth, but there was a difference between having a stillborn pup, and having a pup ripped from your life by a vengeful wolf. It was just wrong.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The news weighed heavily on Easy's heart. She hadn't known the child, but she still emphasized with Easthollow's loss, and still felt an echo of the sting such a loss must hold for them. When Vespera offered an apology, she gave a swift shake of her head. "You're just doing your job," she said firmly, offering a sad smile at the woman. "My sister, Lavender, was attacked when we were young. Everyone was on edge until we were grown, it seemed like. My dad ordered all trespassers attacked and killed without question, after that." She really ought to be more careful running up on Easthollow's borders if she was going to visit so infrequently.

She looked back to Steph, pushing her nose against the other woman's dark shoulder. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Steph. And for Aunt Val's, too. And yours -- I don't believe I caught your name." Her pumpkin gaze had slid back toward Vespera, who she thought looked like she needed a good rest.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The young female felt like her body was swaying from her exhaust, but she knew she had to pay close attention to what was happening in front of her. What surprised Vespera was that the female claimed that this has happened to her before with her sister named Lavender and how her father ordered all members to be on extra guard, which was happening to Easthollow. Though Vespera was still surprised of how calm the female was after her initial aggression towards her, she would have been usually greeted with a tongue lashing from a stranger which would set the wolves' relationship apart. Now she felt terrible on how she had greeted Easy and wished it had played out differently and she could start over, but her sadness had smacked her in the face and reminded her of her current state.

Vespera watched lazily as Easy comforted Steph with putting her muzzle on her shoulder to which Vespera got a sudden flash of PTSD when she tried to comfort Val and Greyback had the audacity to attack her. The dark female looked at the ground and quietly began to think of all the rage she has for him with her eyes twitching, but another thought occurred to her. Was it her fault all along? But these thoughts were snapped out of her head when Easy asked for her name, Vespera blinked and looked up and tried to look normal, "it's Vespera," she said with little energy she had left.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.
545 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steph nodded, understanding why Easy's father had chosen that order. But, because they knew the scent of their attacker, Steph didn't think Val would give such directions. That scent would not soon be forgotten, and anyone with it would no doubt be attacked. But wolves they knew, wolves they trusted, would still be welcome. Thank you for your condolences, she said softly. 

Steph was unaware of the turmoil going on through Vespera's head. If she was, she might have tried to quell the questioning. Greyback, like everyone else, had been on edge, and he hadn't wanted anyone to get close to his fallen pup. Not even Valette had let him get close to her. So, when Greyback attacked, Steph figured he was backing up Valette in her wishes. She didn't realize Vespera had taken it so personally. Her gaze travelled to her pack mate when her name was given, and then went back to Easy. Have you come to visit a while? Steph asked, wondering if this would be a short or prolonged visit. East was welcome either way, of course.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy cast an uncertain glance in Vespera's direction, the other girl's flagging spirits tugging on her heartstrings. Her attention turned back to Steph a moment later when she asked a question. "Not this time," said said a bit sadly, giving a contrite wag of her tail. "I've just been to visit Dawn, and I'm trying to track Sunny down as well. But I'll be in the area for a while to come, so there's a good chance you'll be seeing more of me as the season turns." This assurance heartened Easy as much as she hoped it would hearten Steph. But she couldn't help but slide her gaze back to Vespera, and as it settled there, a bit of her father's domineering instinct to nurture at all costs came out to play.

"Goodness, you look like you could use a nap," she fretted, pumpkin gaze narrowing in concern. "When's the last time you've had a rest, Vespera?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Vespera was in her own little world while the two talked, she had nothing to do really with this conversation so she just decided to opt out a little. The young female once again stared into space, but her gaze was away from the other two females. There were many emotions swirling within her, anger, depression, confusion, and even betrayal. Vespera's heart sank every time her mind would make her think about what happened to Leta, and how Greyback had no right to attack her, and what made it worse, Valette did nothing to help her. She was glad that Leta was alive, but that victory was being clouded by dark feelings, she felt she did nothing wrong, everyone had wronged her, and she was starting to get the message after resisting the thoughts for so long. But was it her fault? Had she been lying to herself this entire time? Had Valette been lying to her? It was becoming more clear to Vespera that it was indeed the case that she had been lied to one way or another.

But her thoughts were interrupted by Easy who had addressed Vespera and her lack of sleep giving her a concerned gaze. Vespera turned to her, she gave a small smile and tried to look at least a little bit energetic, "oh uh, nothing to worry about! Its just a case of insomnia thats all, nothing to worry about trust me." She attempted in a reassuring voice, she also hoped that Steph wouldn't notice this either, Easy seemed to be the only one which was ideal for Vespera.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon