Neverwinter Forest Your guard
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
For @Valencia and any onlookers okay.

Another day, aanother opportunity for training. For a nearly two weeks now his focus had been laid upon @Simmik, the young and growing woman holding much potential. Being a yearling, he had concentrated hard on teaching him what he knew. 

Now however he would call out for Valencia only to settle then on the forest floor in wait. As far as he knew, she already knew a bit on fighting and maybe just needed a brush up. We shall see.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny had been patrolling the borders when an unknown voice called for her. At first, she gave pause, wondering why there was a strange man calling her name, but then she shook it off and followed the noise anyway. Perhaps it was the trainer Mal had been talking about.

The dark wolf trotted up on the tawny man, tail wagging at her haunches and a small smile on her maw. "Hey, there," she greeted, stopping a few body lengths away from the other wolf. "What's up?" It would be better for him to explain to her why he was calling rather than her putting words in his mouth.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Would you like to do rolls??

In due time the fiery wolf was greeted by a woman with a rather impressive height. A lean figure, slimmer than the bulk of Simmik but earily taller. A seemingly endless, thick black coat which was only given away by the patch of white on her chest. Her one and only marking from what he could tell at first inspection.

Hello, Lenny? He had called for her of course but just wanted to confirm. There was another girl around here who looked quite similar he had seen around and again. Mal said you already knew a thing or two when it came to fighting but thought you might be interested in some brush ups? A practice spat never hurt. After all, practice makes perfect. I'm Aiolos. He flashes her a smile, his own red-haired tail waving as his amber eyes danced over hers opposite of her, the moon to his sun.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Yes, please - that'd be great c:

The light caught on the man's pelt and set it aflame. It was quite the opposite to her own, where the dense blackness absorbed all the light and reflected it back as bluish white. In fact, it seemed this man held exact opposite colors to her own - her, a shadow lit only by the moon. Him, a flame ignited by the sun. It wasn't often that you got to run into the exact contrast. 

"That's me," she confirmed with a smile, long limbs carrying her a bit closer now that she knew it was the man Mal had told her about. "I do know a few things, but it's always nice to learn from other people." And boy, she was out of practice. It'd been about a month and a half now since she'd left Torbine - she hadn't sparred since. 

Silvered eyes scanned the man over and she leaned mostly to one side, relaxed. "It's nice to meet you, Aiolos. Thanks for comin' out to train me like this. I really appreciate it," she told him genuinely, tail wagging. "How're we gonna start? You come at me?"
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He nods with an agreement to her. Its heard practice makes perfect somewhere before. Another bit of a smile at the tease of expression. Well your welcome. Although he was more or less tasked with this, he could have said he didnt want to or he wasnt cut out for it. That of course would not have only been a lie but would have left a mark on the skills he had as both a mercenary of the pack and guardian of Junshi. Well, techniqually, he was a scout of the pack, but wwhatever. 

You come my way. He speaks as he takes a few paces back, opening the space between them. Let's check out your offense. He readied himself then by splaying his limbs for a bit of better balance, crouching them as his head lowered to align his back, neck and spine. He awaited her move.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny rolled a 4 on this hit.

Lenny decided she liked this guy. He wasn't pretentious or aggressive or irritating, but instead calm and sure of himself. Which the young Archer highly valued, even if her own confidence wavered from time to time. "It does," she told him with a smile, tilting her head a bit to the side. "And I haven't had a sparring buddy for a while, so forgive me if I'm a lil bit rusty."

The raven wolf was by no means an underhanded fighter. Len waited until he was absolutely ready before she charged forward, aiming to plant her forepaws against his shoulder to knock him off balance.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She awaited for his readiment and so he waited then for her charge. She came to him in a swift gallop and he kept bent, ready to spring away. At the final moments she leaps, legs outstretched to collide with his left shoulder. His shoulder is knocked back even as he tries to dodge and he swings his hindquarters to the right so that their bodies form an 'L' shape. There, an attempt to snap at her own left shoulder is given, though while she is in motion it is likely he would loose any hold.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Teeth met her shoulder, but it didn't latch on for long. The girl felt a stinging sensation as his fangs grazed her shoulder, but she doubted it had broken skin much - if at all. Her forepaws hit the ground heavily and she jumped, attempting to land on his back to fasten her teeth into his scruff. If she could do that, she was planning on wrestling him to the ground, but it was unlikely to work - he was larger and more skilled than she was.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Round 2. Aiolos had an 11 here.

Again she takes charge, coming at him from a jumping attack, her upper half resting over his backside as her teeth sung into the back of his scruff, gaining a swift hold onto him. In this position he reached for what he could easily hold and what would likely set him free from her grip and weight. Keeping his head low, he reaches out to his side and aims to bite down onto her foreleg which draped over him. He goes for the the upper half just above the elbow where it was thick and fleshy.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
// Lenny hit a 10 here ^^

Teeth connected with her upper foreleg and it stung, and Lenny let out a slight growl as she was forced to release his scruff in order to get free. It was clear that this man truly did know how to fight, and Lenny was at a disadvantage, especially since she certainly did not have his experience. She weighed her options quickly and moved to wrench her foreleg from his grasp. Her next attack was from beneath, this time going for a headbutt to the ribs to try and bowl the man over.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And 11 again for him!

He could feel the weight of her upon him, his legs locked to hold himself up but they quivered yet luckily his bite took hold (success!), forcing her to let go of him and jump back to which he released his hold on her leg instead of trying to hold on tight - he had no intention of trying to tear her apart. 

As he gathers himself into a proper defensive stance once more (it is obvious he takes on more defensive fighting while she was offensive) she comes back and slams directly into his side. A loud 'OOF!!' huffs from parted jaws and Aiolos falls down onto his side, hitting the ground hard. It was a sorness he knew damn well he would feel come morning cause he felt it now! 

Aiolos, while unable to gather himself off the ground quickly enough (and in the time it took if he tried she would probably pin him) decided to use his ground-game advantage. He lunges from the ground up, seeking to snatch up Valencia's throat within his jaws. A threatening move but the only one he had. He attempts to hold firm but not to crunch down nor shake and tear.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
and a 4 for lenny here ^^

This had to end soon. Both of them were large wolves, intimidating and imposing in stature, and this fight was wearing Lenny down at the very least. She already ached from the blows she'd sustained, and didn't know how she'd handle it in the morning. But it had been a lot of fun.

Her body connected to his side and knocked both of them down, with her on top. However, the golden man was quick, and teeth connected with her throat. Lenny wasn't particularly sure what to do in this situation, floundering slightly as she pushed down with her forepaws in an attempt to dislodge him without tearing her throat.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Last one. Olo got the 9.

He too was growing tired. The weight of Lenny upon him forcing him from being able to get up, though as she struggled, he stated true to his hold for a moment longer. Enough of a time to let her know 'I got you!' before he would release, allowing his head and shoulders to meet the earth with a heavy 'huff'. With her still atop him, his tail gave a few weak thumps on the ground although he didnt speak yet as he heavily panted to catch his breath.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
Lenny flopped down on top of him when she was released, thoroughly defeated, and panted hard. It was only after a few heartbeats that she realized how weird the position was, and rolled off of him with a sheepish chuckle. 

"You're good," she commented, silvery eyes traveling over to him with a lopsided smile. "Thanks for teaching me. I really did need to brush up a little." She rolled onto her side to face him, finding a bit of emboldened confidence rising in her chest. "We should do that again sometime."
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
After a few minutes of trying to gather themselves, the dark Amazon rolled off of him with a chuckle and a compliment. Not half bad yourself. He smirks, his sun-fired eyes meeting hers of the pale, silvery moon. She reminded him of the night. Obviously so, with her near pitch black coating only disturbed by a rounded patch of white to her chest, a stark and noticeable mark like the bright moon was in the black of twilight.

Anytime. I used to spar alot where I came from. It was more of less a must. Not so much here so I've been itching for it. Joining the Junshi had been a perfect opportunity to keep up with his skills and assess himself within the fighting ranks he could not do in Yuelong itself. Between Junshi and Yuelong he had two jobs. And if Ruo had pups, three. He was definitely a busy man, but enjoyed that.
moonglow daddy
166 Posts
Ooc —
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Mal let me in because they needed big guys like me to guard," she said with a wink, getting to her feet and stretching. It was about time for her to get going, anyway - as much fun as she'd had with the golden male. 

A smile crossed her maw as she looked back at him. "Well, anytime you wanna spar, I'd be willing," she assured, tail swishing. "I should go, though. But this was fun." It wasn't necessarily that she wanted to leave - flirting with the attractive male was so inviting, but she had other duties to attend to. "Thanks for teaching me."
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He couldnt help the bit of chuckle, rolling his shoulders in a shrug to her comment on herself. She stood then, revealing his height once more. She was no small wolf. Not bulky, heavy and compact like some powerhouses he had seen (and been tackled down by) but lean and fit, much like his own build. An elegant woman, for certain, cloaked in silken black. 

Your welcome, ma'am. His polite nature coming back to life, a dip of his muzzle given as he laid, content to watch her go all the while.
moonglow daddy