Northstar Vale you know i want you to stay, oh baby
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
All Welcome 
@Aiolos, AW!

the days were dreadfully long, each one taking an eternity to pass. the siren was awaiting her heat and quite impatiently so; this season, she would give daughters to her people. the nereides would strike their claim once more, kalika and her children leading the ranks.

she wandered the border while she thought, an aimless patrol.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
[Image: 159497-Beautiful-Waterfall.gif] 

Along the borders of the pack's territory, nestled at the rock face was Aiolos claim. A den he had carved out in the dirt between rock, nestled by the Broken Falls. He was quiet here savor the sounds of the water trinkling down the rocks. 

Then Kalika  arrived, her scent on the chilly breeze. He lifts from his placement, ginger ears perked, fiery eyes peering. Siren? He purrs out to her delicately, the only name he still knew her by.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
the annunciation of her title sent a rippling tingle down kalika's spine. the siren responded to his purrs with one of her own, cooing, consort? as she makes her approach. it was a lovely scene, one like she hadn't seen before. there were hidden treasure troves to be found inland, though they rarely impressed her such as this. 

the flame sat at attention some feet away. kalika approached, strutting behind his back to circle more fully before him. am i disturbing you? no, siren. of course not, siren. she hoped that he would impress her with an unexpected response but was careful to maintain a reasonable expectation.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos lifts and moves, walking down the pathway from the little cove he rested in. The path led along the pool of waters and down to where he met Kalika in the middle and she danced around him, examining his potential. His eyes moved over her pale dusty form, dancing as well. Disturbing? He spoke with question, a smirk touching his expression. No. But entertaining? Perhaps. Oh Olo, how you speak out of turn. Time living off the island has corrupted you.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika lifted her hackles in opposition to the smile writ on her maw. how? she growled, taking a half-step forward to nip at his shoulder, how do i entertain you? she was interested to hear aiolos's response, to see how far his courage could stretch.

i thought that you were meant to entertain me, consort. another growl, this one lower, accented with a small chirp at its end.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Though she lift her hackles, a smile touched her features. How, she growled, curling around to nip at his shoulder. A quiver ran down his spine. He'd not felt the snip of a woman's spite in quite some time. Though being a lesser to women was certainly not something he would have hoped for, any attention he gained from the Nereides was better then living a life of none and with no one. Still, the thought of the future played at the back of his mind. He could never truly have a family if he was a man to the Nereides. Maybe that was how life was supposed to be for him though. 

Life can become lonely, when no one understands you. Distant... I admit my stay here has been pleasant, free. Your presence has brought me back to reality. Perhaps not exactly what she was looking for, but the truth no less. Your movements, your words, your eyes... You remind me of the stormy seas. And when was the Sea not entertaining? But it is true... He pauses, stepping forth, his muzzle slowly moving to slide into the fur of her nape. I am yours to command. So command me.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
and what reality is that? aiolos appeared to be under the impression that kalika seeked to rule him. as she had said before, this was not her intention. there was only one area in which she expected him to submit; based on his touch, he'd been made well aware.

the siren shivered but refused to buckle. instead, she turned to snap back in his direction, a playful coo sung through closed lips. it was exciting, this rebellion!

kalika did not want him to lose himself wholly. she needed to remind him that this was not his encounter to command, not if it was continuing in the current fashion. she moved away from him, legs quivering as she stood to nip at the end of his tail.

are you? she asked, tail whipping behind her, you'll do anything i ask? how loyal could a foreign born boy truly be?
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
That as a male of the Nereides, I am not free. That I have a debt to pay, a mission to accomplish... A duty to accomplish.  A life, for a life, perhaps. The Nereides women had saved his life for claiming him and perhaps he would be free of his debt to them by repaying them by offering Kalika life which she so desired. A daughter fitted for the Moon and Sea. But if she bore his child, could he ever walk away from them, knowing he let them walk away? He didnt want to be lesser all his life, he knew this. But he also knew he would not Lead. Also knew he could not be led by a man. And though he traditionally could not be a part of his pups lives, could he dismiss them all together as well? 

His head spun, be it his thoughts or her slithering around him, quivering out of his touch. He whips around to face her as she nips at the hairs of his tail and snags them, his fiery eyes dancing over her. No, not anything.   he whispers, coming closer, awaiting the repercussion with delight. Command as you will and I will obey as I see fit.  She would know the seafarer was would heed her words, but take action on them? Not always. But... But I don't peg you the type to demand something unsavory, just to see if it would be done. No, certainly she was not one so cruel. She was a dominant, strong woman, not a spiteful, evil one...or at least he'd hope so. After all, she would be his baby mama.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika snapped again, this time hoping to snag onto the fur lining his spine. she would grip and tug, gentle but firm enough to keep up their game. "i will obey as i see fit", he whispered, the implied boundaries further piquing her interest. what would he not do? how far was aiolos willing to go, if not all the way?

you underestimate me, she teased, prancing just out of reach. this time, kalika fell into a play bow, momentarily rolling onto her back. i may be kind, she chirped, but i am still a nereid. and you are my consort. she was being forgiving, but did not want him to think that this was a standard he could build his expectations upon.

the siren rose back unto all fours to await his response.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
His eyes closed, jaw tightening as she bites down along his spine. Firm, pinching, but not enough go break skin and tear. He breaths deep, oddly taking pleasure in it all. It is not power over him he dislikes, it is not dominance he defies. Only disrespect, belittlement, judgement. She feeds him not these emotions and he quivers under her charge. 

She bounds away, his eyes open and he whips around. She has him spinning, literally, as she playfully dances around him. He barks out, half frustration and half play as he high-steps towards her laying form. Oh, that I am certain... The smirk on his expression presses wider. You are dominant, strong, determined, calculating,  manipulative even perhaps... a true Nereid. 

This time he turns, trotting around her, jumping forward to snip back at her flank with the small front teeth and then bounded out of reach. But not cruel. And with that, he could imagine anything she asked he did not have to fear it was something he'd regret.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
a true nereid.

another sister might have found his words worthy of punishment, but kalika took each as a compliment. her chest swelled with pride as he listed each characteristic, knowing well that he would soon experience each in fullness.

it was as he approached that she stood and would have moved to snap, had he not done it first. aiolos dashed around, nipping kalika's flank. she trembled, limbs weakening as she fought against herself to step away. he carried strong genes, traits that she would be happy to have passed onto their daughters.

the siren stood still, a smirk on her maw as she watched him tease from afar. her tail flagged with mock agitation as she called out, do you enjoy this game? did he find pleasure in their interaction, or was he simply awaiting permission to mount? kalika hoped that it was the former.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She trembled at his touch and he couldn't help the low rumble of satisfaction. There were fleeting thoughts that she had only chosen him cause he was the only one familiar with their culture, and perhaps it was still so, but he would have liked to think it was also because she thought him a fitting choice to father her children, the next generation of Nereides. 

His head fell low, dangled between his long forelegs as he watched her. I think I might. He spoke with a tease, his smile revealing his joking nature for but of course he did. There would always lie concern in what may become, should she bore a son, but he hoped I'd that came, he could find a means to save the boy from death even if Kalika did not wish to raise it.

Aiolos knew the difference between love and lust and in this case, duty and a donor all the same. Still, he couldnt have imagined himself breeding with someone he absolutely abhorred either. Her company had not been with distaste as it had with some on the island. And you? He questioned, fiery eyes meeting that of waters. Or would you have rathered someone else much more, tamed?  And there had been plenty of it, back home at least. Those of lesser strengths, physical or mental, or those having spent so many years being battered that they had broken down.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
the response only fueled kalika's arousal. she was discreet about it, the only hint offered being a quiet purr, sounded as she pranced forward. aiolos was toying with her, in a way switching their roles. even if not genuine in his participation, the consort was doing a good job of faking it. 

she walked up to him, eyes wide and pleading. it was mock innocence; a quality that only a fool would think she posessed. when i whisper to you, she cooed, reaching to nip at his ear, do you think i am insincere? a rhetorical question, an answer that she longed to hear.

then, taking a step back, she gave a short laugh. if i was dissatisfied with my choice, kalika whispered, continuing to preen him, i would not hesitate to tell you. do you think i am incapable of speaking my mind?

the siren took a real step back, settling on her hindquarters. i enjoyed our foreplay, but it's not why i'm here. there were things to talk about, urgent matters. sex could be had at any time.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I'd hope not... Came the low, grumble of words as she nipped his ear and whispered question. But they both knew that women seemed far better a toying with men's emotions then the other way around. At least, he felt so. No, Siren, He spoke, a half cocked smile over his features as he listened to her laugh, her questions given in answer for his own questions. So thus far, it seemed, she did not regret in choosing him. Accepted his honesty and boldness, even if it was against normal Nereides code. 

The smokey woman then settled down onto her haunches before him, claiming all seriousness and that she was here for other things then to just play games with him. Why is it then? His ginger ears perked, taking in the sounds of the broken falls around them and waiting for her reasoning to unfold.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
kalika allowed the silence to brew while she looked him over. do you want to take a second woman this season? straight-forward phrasing from a woman who expected the same in his answer. aiolos was her consort, but not her mate; so long as they were off of the island, she would allow him a choice. her only stipulation was honesty, transparency.

of course, the siren would not share this until after his response. he had depicted himself as a trustworthy man, giving her no reason (aside from his sex) to doubt him.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Her question was abrupt, boldly spoken, as she often was. Never in their short time together had she been hesitant in her words or expressing an air of uncertainty on her features. He doubted it would ever occur. I've no intention, lest it's requested of me. He paused, and then, I've none I've grown particular attached to of my own desire, either. 

Although being in a pack of majorly women (he even was the only male for a short time until the cream yearling arrived) he had no one he had gotten close enough to have any serious affection towards. Of course, quite a few of them were beautiful (not to be named!) in each of their own ways. Aiolos didnt think the idea of being someone's "one and only" was an option for him. Definitely was not on the island, where no man was equal enough to call mate.
moonglow daddy
321 Posts
Ooc — Tweety Bird
if you do take a common woman, kalika said, rising to walk toward him, tell me. that's all i ask. she reached to nip at the fur on his chin, perhaps grazing his cheek, before bounding away once more. this time, she called out, do not chase me! 

they would meet again. i'm tired, consort. the words were called out from some distance; kalika was already on her way back to the den.
Daddy Moonglow
1,047 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
All she would ask of him is if he took another woman, a common woman, that he would inform her. It seemed reasonable and yet there was always a wonder of what may be her reaction should he. As of yet, none sought out the fiery wolf, but who knew what may occur when a woman's heat and desire for children becomes unbearable. Instinct had a way of taking over. 

A deep 'hmmm' sound eased from clenched jaws as he felt the snip of her teeth once more, this time at his creamy chin. Under fur, a small scratch lie, just enough to sting. He nods and as quickly as he does, she bounds of out reach. She is off to leave him just as quickly as she had done their meeting before. 

He steps a few quick paces after her yet stops at her demand. A grumble of protest tossed into her direction, Olo then turns and heads back up the little pathway to the hollow which he rested in.
moonglow daddy