Sunspire Mountains Green eyes, giving me signs.
Swiftcurrent Creek
184 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
All Welcome 
Hoping @Ibis might come recruit him.  :D

Having been without a decent meal for a number of days, it was the trail of a young mountain goat that captured Viinturuth's attention. He found himself pursuing it across the mountain for hours, as the rugged terrain meant he lost the scent a few times, but he felt confident for a successful hunt.

It led him upward into the higher reaches where the air thinned, luring him onward with echoed bleats. The creature was likely on the lookout for his pack - or whatever the hell goats called their groups- and unaware of the predator that prowled after him. Viinturuth felt his mouth water in excited anticipation as he drew closer to his prize, though it was swift to dry when at last he lost all trace of it.

"Fuck," the alabaster wolf muttered, reluctantly abandoning the chase with a low rumble as he made his way carefully toward the spire's lower slopes, hopeful that another opportunity to feed was not too far away.

1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Reiko had left with one of their guards, leaving Ibis as the sole leader in charge, and that was a burden she was not currently equipped to bear. She had wanted to bring Akavir to the forefront of their last conversation, and maybe begin to plan a festival around their wedding. All of that slipped from her mind when the Empresses sister became known to her. Now, all Ibis could think about was how uncertain she felt and how awkward, to be in this leading role while someone she did not know acted on their own terms.

She too needed a break, and so Ibis sought relief among the mountain paths. It was a dangerous choice for someone as heavily pregnant as she was. Ibis' sides had swollen. She was hungry all the time, with her mood fluctuating from one thing to the next. She got to the top of a rise and immediately felt like she had to pee, again, which would be the eighth time since the morning. She was huffing and puffing by the time she came to a halt, sinking to her haunches and feeling her disproportionate belly settle uncomfortably against the grass.

Distantly she heard someone call out—it sounded like an expletive—but Ibis was distracted by the pounding of her heart within her ears, and then the kicking of one of her unborn children against her ribs, prompting a scowl as she got back to her sore paws.
Swiftcurrent Creek
184 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Viinturuth grumbled to himself as he picked his way carefully down each rugged slope, cursing that idiot creature for managing to get away unscathed. He was hungry, enough that his belly ached, though not nearly as much as his pride did.

He was surprised to spot an unfamiliar wolf resting beneath a cliff he'd paused atop as a vantage point, and took a moment to observe her quietly. She was a delicate little thing, appearing juvenile from what he could see of her, and Viinturuth's first thought was to swagger on down and introduce himself. On reminding himself of an earlier first encounter with the plant-eating silver female days prior, however, he stalled to reconsider.

What the hell, he shrugged the concern away, and carried on across the rugged terrain to greet his newest acquaintance: "you know," he started, "you are easily the most delightful thing I've seen in weeks. If that stupid goat hadn't gotten away, I absolutely would've given you the best p-." Okay, what the hell? Why did she look like shit? Was she sick? Contagious!? Viinturuth blinked, uncertain, and rooted himself in place - you know, social distancing and all that. "Uh, are you okay?"

1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
She was immediately startled by the foreign voice, and with surprise written across her face she drew back from the ledge. It took a moment for Ibis to break down what the man was saying once the initial wariness wore off, and then she was peeking down at him, curious but careful. He looked vaguely familiar from what she could see of his features; his white coat was triggering though, making Ibis think of Hime and Takeshi and all the feelings associated with them.

He asked if she was alright. Despite looking a little green (either from her mental comparisons or her fickle pregnancy belly) she nodded her head and called to him: I'm pregnant. Okay is a relative term at this point. And afterward she found herself smiling softly, feeling a little like her old charming self. Are you hunting? Does it go well...?

This was Ibis' first conversation with someone outside her pack in what felt like months, and so far she was struggling through awkward small-talk while simultaneously trying to keep her nausea in check. She seemed to be handling it. Although in hindsight, maybe she should have been more aggressive of these neighbouring territories.
Swiftcurrent Creek
184 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
That smile.

That damn smile. It was all he needed.

Viinturuth felt as though his head suddenly became lighter as vivid eyes looked his way, and his own expression softened into the gentle upward curve of his lips. He regarded the little she-wolf with a kind stare, even though he was screaming on the inside at the announcement of her pregnancy.

She was too young and far too pretty for all that shit, Viinturuth felt. Constantly wailing babies, loss of freedom, saggy tits, all the ugly sides that was bound to come with motherhood. It seemed like such a waste; what was she thinking?

"Well," he laughed awkwardly, "not really. My goat vanished into thin air." The pallid rogue rolled a silver shoulder, pretending not to care despite the frustration he felt at having wasted all that time tracking. "It happens."
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
When he dropped his gaze to the surroundings and spoke of his quarry, Ibis felt confident enough to look him over properly. He had a strength to him, she thought. A pale coat with striking silvers to drape his shoulders, warm eyes. He looked determined even as he spoke about his missing target. Handsome. His laugh sparked something in Ibis' belly not unlike attraction but it was a purely physical thing, passing through her and easily dismissed as a hormonal moment. Something about him was equal parts exotic and familiar, which Ibis didn't understand.

He shrugged, the silver mantle catching the light. Ibis felt her face warm slightly when she realized she was staring, so she looked around too, as if she might find the prey from her vantage point; a shy little laugh drew out of her. Um, well.. If that doesn't go well, my pack's stores are well stocked. If you're hungry. What Ibis thought was a friendly offer could easily be misconstrued, but she was unaware.
Swiftcurrent Creek
184 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He prowled forward on heavy alabaster paws, stepping gracefully down from his ledge so that he could better look upon this cerulean-eyed beauty. There was something alluring about her despite him having been immediately put off by the announcement of pregnancy, which he found in the noticeable swell of her flanks. Viinturuth emitted a soft rumble to her as he neared, burgundy gaze curious on her fine features and he offered a friendly wave of his feathered white tail.

Atop his crown, an ear pricked fforward at her suggestion of finding a suitable meal from her pack's stores. "My lady" he drawled, with the toothiest of grins as he lowered his muzzle in a courteous bow, "you don't have to offer food to win my company."

He gathered to stand upright once more, and attempted to further charm the enchantress with a playful wink. "I'm Viinturuth. What's your name?"
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
He swaggered closer, giving Ibis a moment to revel in the way he moved, and how proud and strong he appeared to her. There was a kingly bearing to him that reminded Ibis of Reiko and the others; perhaps that's where the familiarity stemmed from. His sly comment made her face flush with more warmth and she averted her eyes, laughing softly, too bashful in the moment. When he spoke his name, her little ears twitched. It was so foreign sounding! But beautiful too, she thought, and somehow fitting.

I am Ibis, she murmured, glancing at him as he winked, and laughed a little bit again. My, he was a charmer— It is nice to meet you, Sir Viinturuth. A small feeling of discomfort prompted her to rise too, standing beside him at her full height, but of course she was greatly dwarfed by him in every way. I came out here to stretch my legs, get some fresh air before becoming den-locked. Perhaps you can escort me safely home? I would love to hear about your travels, if you've got any stories.
Swiftcurrent Creek
184 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
@Ibis, wanna fade in your next post? :)

She was bashful, and it was damn adorable. Viinturuth felt at once accomplished, and he did well to mask the smugness behind the charm of his smile.

He took a moment to admire the vivid cerulean of her eyes that gleamed behind fluttering lashes. "I can do that," he agreed with a cheerful sway of his tail, stepping aside just enough to allow his newest conquest the opportunity to lead the way. 

With a soft hum, the pallid Frostfur-Mayfair contemplated how to respond to Ibis' request for a tale from his travels. Truthfully, his more recent wanderings had been with the purpose of finding his estranged family, but the majority his dispersal bouts from Triquetra had been to pursue the fairer sex. It didn't seem appropriate to tell her all about his previous companions, so he opted for something amusing - just enough to hear the beautiful notes of her musical laughter again.