Larksong Grotto nigredo
The Midnight Scholar
4 Posts
Ooc — Rui
All Welcome 
Nigredo; the optimal oneness of matter. Blacker than the sun's shadow, it contains everything and nothing all at once. Too young to ask who it is, what it is, what it's purpose will be...unless given time to be cultivated. From nothingness, limitless potentials may burst forth and meander and grow and collide under the watchful eye of its master. And yet, you must not be too hasty lest it spiral somewhere you cannot fathom to reach. To Khemia, it was simply the beginning. 

Now that may sound too wishy washy for an entry post (and I don't want to get too meta here) but that was what Khemia's brain was like 99% of the time. Unlike me, she was a very dedicated student.

She had arrived in the Wilds at duskfall the previous day, and had already begun the construction of a base of operations. It may be nothing more than a humble hollow log, but to the young scholar it was all she needed for now. Making use of the high humidity levels, she had also harvested a plethora of local bulbs and roots, a few which sparked familiarity, and had set them atop the log to dry. 

In the present timeline, Khemia sat at the entrance to her loggy laboratory, one claw scratching lines carefully into the dirt.
241 Posts
Ooc — Bees
a fox hung from her magled jaws, and the old scar on her neck bled again. diesel walked proud, smiling to herself.

she hadn't seen the shadow, not until close enough that she was certainly seen first. 

there was that second of instinctual wariness, but it was still just a literal second. after it was the wagging of her meaty tail. 

the fox swayed as the mastiff came closer, swagger in her step. she stopped maybe three leaps away from the wolf. a brow - the intact one - rose and the dog slightly shimmed her catch.

in the style of waving a hundred dollar bill in front of a beggar.
The Midnight Scholar
4 Posts
Ooc — Rui
It was not the sight of the creature that first caught the shadow’s attention, but rather the overwhelming scent of blood. It hung in the air like sickly sweet musical notes; an entrée for whomever came after.

And come they did.

Khemia’s eyes grew wide as the beast sidled closer - too close - until she could almost hear its breath. As if the fresh kill hanging from its jaws wasn’t enough of the warning, the nagging feeling of danger! enveloped the once peaceful clearing like a thick fog. She rose to stand. And yet… she was confused.

The scholar returned the tail wag slowly. Her eyes drifted from the fox, to the creature’s marred face, before staring it right in the eyes. 

“Who are you?” She spoke calmly, knowing not if the creature would drop its catch, let alone reply. Fear, of course, sparked in her chest and yet it was smothered almost instantly by morbid curiosity.
241 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the discomfort of the little shadow was almost-touchable, thick. seasoned with fear? the mastiff found satisfaction in having invoked it.

when expected to speak, diesel let a pause stretch as she tried to decide on what would be the most entertaining way to deal with this rust-eared runt.

she tossed the fox at the girl, aiming for her body.

"-hternoon." the mastiff spoke trough mangled face. "hat do 'ee 'ave 'eeeere?" she dropped into a mocking play bow, tail like the swinging bit of an old clock.