Stone Circle Morning
Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Sven was at the den mouth. Big eyes staring out into the expanse. Large paws dangling over a little mound of dirt he'd made in his movements.

He wanted to go explore, but his siblings were being sleepy heads. And he didn't want to go out by himself. Not really.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
There’s a little gray face in the den mouth as she passes. Her jaws tense- mostly convinced she should continue on with her route and pretend she doesn’t see. Because she has no idea what to say  or how to treat a cub, or the things that they liked. What their capabilities are at this age.

She’d seen so many women fall brainstruck and melt at a puppies’ feet, snapping into an instinct of motherhood, seeming to know exactly what to say and act and how to care for them.

Tauris didn’t know shit.
And she certainly never planned to either.

But the cubs weren’t going anywhere. And her’s were coming soon. She supposes she needs to make peace with the idea at any rate. So she pivots her stride and moves slowly towards the den and the boy within it.

She clears her throat. “Kid… Hello.”
Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A wave of his paws when another came by and a sharp yip and a growl, but she kept walking. So he slumped down again, with a huff. Not fair.

Then she came back and he wagged his tail so hard his entire body wiggled and it could be heard against the hard ground. She called him kid. A small little milky tooth smile and he cooed.

Svasvasva! trying to say his name and falling flat.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He squirms about in response, one tiny vibration of fur and fluttering limbs.

“It’s Tauris, actually. Nice to meet you,” she settles into a lay just outside to better look him over.

“So what do you do around here puppy?
Chase your tail? Dig holes? Pick your brother’s nose?”
She quirks a brow.
Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She came back happy day. Now if he couldjust get her to take him out if the den, but how.

He looks at her with a serious expression and then bluets out. Ta! Ta!

Adoring baby blues look at her as she talks to him. No real clue what shes saying exactly, but she said brother. He looked back into the den were his brothers awak3. 

Ujauja? KRAKRA?
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She gasps, inching forward with an excited nod of head: “Yes, that’s right! Aunt TauTau.” Spirits forbid these children came to call her 'Auntie Ta Tas'. That had to be put to rest right here.

“Hey, you’re kind of genius, aren’t you?” She tilts her head. The wiley little fella looked amped to play, but Tauris didn’t dare engage him too much if Taktuq was inside sleeping. Instead she reaches out to gingerly stroke his dark cheek with the back of her paw.

She isn’t sure which one this was, but she had to admit, he was pretty cute the way his big blue eyes sought her, “I think you’re my favorite. Don’t tell the others ok?”

Of course, she hadn't met the others. She might tell them the same thing. 
Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven giggled in pure boyish delight. Tautautautau! he crowed. Little paws pounding the dirt. Wait he liked that feeling. He did it again. It felt hard, but soft and yes he liked that. 

He leaned into her paw. Delight curling his toes. He loved affection. Modir and Fadir were good at making sure all of them had affection. They were well loved.


He wagged his tail and continued to stare up at her with wide happy adoring eyes. He liked this auntie.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She laughs and scooches closer, enough so she can reach in and scoop up her little nephew with one paw. She settles him in a cradle between her forearms and stares. He’s so small.

“Shhhh,” she coos, nuzzling his tiny body with her lips, “Tomorrow I’ll take you on all the adventures. But today let’s be quiet for your mom, ok?” She rocks them.

And on her tongue a song forms from a memory nearly forgotten. She hums while they sway, then the words softly shift into recollection.

Don’t you cry,
Go to sleep you little baby,
When you wake,
You shall have,
All the pretty little horses.”

Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She grasped him and he made a tiny little oof. Not ready for it. But he stayed still for her to move him.

He grasped either side of her face with tiny paws and looked up at her with shiny eyes. Mamama. and he looked into the den towards his mama.

He flopped an ear, but grew quiet and sleepy as she sang nuzzling into the downy fur of her chest and arms.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He takes up her cheeks between his paws. Silver eyes turn glassy with tears. She cannot understand why, but she wont stop singing, her voice growing softer as he nuzzles sleepily into her fur.

“In your bed, mama said
Baby’s riding off to dream land
One-by-one, watch them run
Running free for little baby.”

Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Off to dreamland he goes. Curled safely in the arms of an auntie that he would grow to love. As all the other's of the stone circle.

His paws moved restlessly in his sleep, and snores were heard, bigger than him. But he was comfortable and would stay as long as she would let him.
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi

A lightly kicked paw betrays his sleep. She encloses him with a curl of her head, the cave created by her chest and neck a momentary bed of warmth. She makes a silent promise to always do right by him and his siblings, to make Kvarsheim a home of safety, and of happy times, no matter what comes. She will rest with him in the shade, and eventually when it is time to rise she will send him back into the cavern with a press of her lips to his temple.

“I’ll visit again soon, ok? Go give your momma a kiss from me.”
Humble not Meek
191 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She allowed him to sleep unperturbed. And it was the best sleep he had in a while. He and his siblings were beginning to get in each other's way now. And it was hard to sleep well.

Okokok. Mamamam! HE called as he toddled off towards the den. He waved a paw at his auntie with a loudly yelled TAUTAUTAU!::
474 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She ducks sheepishly as the little boy’s bellowing call rings throughout the hollowed den.


Well, Tak was awake now and ready to receive her son.

“Bye, buddy,” She hold her smile over the denmouth until the pup fades into black.