Lost Creek Hollow sorcerer
106 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
It was a dark and stormy night in Riverclan. A squall of snow blanketed the forest throughout the evening.

During the day, Shadowpaw had traveled with Silvetongue to the meadow. They had meant to watch the stars and speak of their ancestors, but the sky had become overcast.

A message?
Thought Shadowpaw.

She ruminated on this for a long while. Then, she went in search of @Wren.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
there were many things on wren's mind as of late.
ash star made her hatred clear, and she felt more at odds with the riverpeople than she ever had before. she spent her days alone when she was not with silvertongue; long gloomy nights spent hunting and scavenging, dreary cold afternoons spent enforcing borders. it was all she knew to do, the soulless routine, and in some way it felt good to have it again.
when shadowpaw came to find her, she had been clearing away paths in the fresh snow near the falls. she and silvertongue had shared their first moment of longing here. it brought a chill to her spine to think of how much had happened since then.
oh, hey, kiddo, the warrior's lips cut into a tentative smile when she spots the sinewy figure. shadowpaw, too, was unsure of her — and wren sought to slowly remedy this, even if she sometimes felt a cold, selfish jealousy course her veins when she looked at the girl's face.
106 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Big sorry I left you hanging, @Wren! Hope you don’t mind if I wrap and archive this in one post as I am sending SP out of game.

Wren had been a dutiful member of Riverclan and, for this, the young wolf regarded her senior in a brighter light (well… bright for Shadowpaw was one level above a neutral gray). However, Wren’s informal greeting made her glower like Professor Severus Snape.

“It’s Shadowpaw,” she snarked.

Tone! She heard Sandulf’s voice like Jiminy Cricket inside her head.

“I worked hard for that name,” she explained and briefly looked away with a softened expression.

“Anyway,” Shadowpaw said and resumed her extra-spikey facade. “I think I received a message from Starclan. Or maybe… it was more like a sign. A mood.” Shadowpaw tapped her chin in thought. Starclan was trying to tell her something, she just knew it.

“I think you should demote yourself from Fang,” she said to Wren plainly. Objectively. Without care for any feelings. “And become an apprentice like me. You could get your own name. Dream with Starclan.” To Shadowpaw, that’s what every Riverclan wolf should want!

Suddenly, Silvertongue’s howl called for Shadowpaw. “Oh, I gotta go.” Then, without saying goodbye the girl abruptly turned and left.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
no worries at all!! i'm glad they got a thread together even if it was a short one lol <333

everything that spewed from the girl's mouth made wren want to rip her tongue straight from it. it made sense, now, knowing that ash star had raised her; silvertongue would have never taught her child to speak like this.
she forces the growl back down in her throat and, decidedly, remains completely silent for a long while. demote herself? because that's what the sky people would want? how would she even know? did this child know what it took for her to —
no, no; the warrior sucks in a long breath and blows it back out in a cloud of steam. her eye twitches. thanks for the, uh, suggestion, but i'm not gonna do that.
her eyes glaze with the ever familiar sting of tears. more and more she questions her decision to come to riverclan, to be one with them. what was the point in trying so hard if it only resulted in being turned away? was it worth it to stay only for silvertongue? would they ever truly, truly see her as a wolf of the hollow?
did she want them to?
as shadowpaw turns back as quick has she had come, wren internally follows up with i fucked your mother.