Moonspear Collision Course
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Dated for February 1st. Keeping details vague in reference to this thread. @Sialuk.

The star queen's emotions reeled. Crashing, colliding into one another. Her head felt so full it almost hurt. And her heart... Swollen with so much pain. So much passion.

How much longer would she be able to hold this great tide of feelings at bay?

They all centered around three momentous figures in her life. Acrux, her adored son. Argent, her devoted lover and father of her children. And Alaric, a steady constant, always, here at the mountain.

She couldn't help it that day when they returned home. She had known something had stirred within her long ago, growing over the weeks and months. It seemed like the impish man was always there when she or a loved one needed him.

He was there when she came home, her leg broken. It was he who mended her. It was he who so often entertained the kids with his melodious songs. Or shared with them his wealth of knowledge of herbs.

And once more, it was he who had come to her son's aid. Had brought him back to her.


Argent may be Acrux's biological father, but his duty to fulfill his bride price to Sialuk called him away. Elentari would not blame him for this, or for what had befallen their child. She still loved him as deeply as the day they wove the fabric of Acrux into existence. 

But Alaric...

Always there. Just as much as a father as Argent was. Blood meant nothing. Stepping into the role beautifully, if she had to say.

And now, she wondered... It was eating at her. Too much! Too much!

She mustn't keep this to herself any longer. With low cries, she skirted to Sialuk's ulaq. Her other half, who understood her so well. Surely this time would be no different.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Satisfied, Sialuk returned to Moonspear, an extra bounce in her step despite her near constant movement over the past week. She felt rejuvinated, a bubble of excitement for the babes she would provide to Moonspear. Would they be a single babe, as Maggak had been, or more? Would Elentari have babes of her own? Last year, their fire had come together, and Sialuk had scarcely strayed from the spear. This year was an entirely different adventure, and she was eager to see what lay ahead.

Elentari called for her, and Sialuk ducked out of the ulaq to greet her with soft kisses upon her darker half's cheek. Soon, they would celebrate their love, along with the love of Argent, with all of the moon villages. The starwoman wondered if Ariadne would still craft the wreaths for them to wear, or if another would need to be sanctioned for that duty, now that her sister had gone away.

Elentari, she murmured. Is Acrux healing well? Their son had been in a bad way when her time had come, but there was nothing Sialuk could have done to halt it once it had begun.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
For Sialuk, her heart soared happily. Knowing that her time of flame had passed, now settled with the first pinpricks of new life. She was overjoyed to share the role of mother with her. Into the world, they had brought two fine, sturdy youngsters. 

They also shared Acrux's pain, while he mended. Wounds cut into their hearts, as deep as any of the flesh, to know he had been hurt.

He had the love and support of the Moon clans during this difficult time.

Warm as always, Elentari ducked in close to wrap a paw around the one missing a toe. Stroking the fine line of Sialuk's cheekbone. Her ears flit back. "He is. The progress is slow, but he improves by the day." He had the strength of his mothers.

"To think something like this has happened to tears me apart, Sialuk." She quivered slightly, against her pale lover. "I can't even stand to think if the outcome had been any different..." 

"If...if it were not for Maggak and Alaric..." Her voice choked on his name. Her voice, thicker with something deep and confused. Surely, she had seen the way she had embraced the dark healer that day? Had clung to him like nothing else mattered.

Inching her head back, she lifted her eyes. A storm of emotions within. She needed this heartfelt talk. To let it all out.

Sialuk would understand. She always did.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He is safe, Sialuk assured her partner, swiping her tongue across a dark forehead. When she was done, a small tuft of hair stuck upwards, and the starwoman gazed lovingly at Elentari. There was more news to share, now that they were together once again. Sialuk had not been gone long, but time apart from her lovers always felt longer than it was.

Argent will come home soon, she shared. I saw him—and others—while I was away. A small smile curved her lip upward, her eyes sparkling with a joy that Elentari would know. They would have more children among them.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Yes. He is. It will take time for his wounds to mend..." What she did not say, left hanging in the air, was the toll his confidence may have taken. To have been attacked at such a young age, so violently. Elentari was not worried about his physical healing. Moonspear had no shortage of expert healers on their slopes.

Sialuk assured her Argent would be home soon. And even that she had met him, and other men during her time away. The implication brought a smile to her lips, but the light in her eyes wasn't quite as bright. With it, was conflict.

"Argent is a good man. I cannot blame him for being away so long. Fulfilling the bride price takes time." Her gaze slid down, averting to the ground. "I love him just as much as ever, Sialuk. That is unchanged. But the recent weeks, I find I am having feelings for Alaric..."

"He has done so much. Perhaps more..." She dared to say, in a small voice. Her breath quieted, lost to her in that moment.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's eyebrow raised along with the corners of her mouth when Elentari mentioned Alaric. Sialuk was no stranger to sharing, and Alaric was a kind, gentle man. His past was dark, she knew, but she would not share that without his knowledge. It was Alaric's history to share, not her own.

He is a good man, she agreed. The approval in her voice was more than apparent.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She let out a small breath of a sigh, nodding in agreement. "He is. I cannot help this, Sia. He has been as much as a father as Argent." Now she looked up, to hold her eyes. "I have seen how wonderful he is with the children. How he tutors them, sings and shares stories."

"That way he was there for our son. He seems like he is always there when he is needed." Her heart fluttered in her chest, rattling against her ribs. "Is it wrong of me to feel this way, when I have been nothing but loyal to Argent all this time?"
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk smiled, listening as Elentari described the qualities that she saw in Alaric. They were qualities Sialuk had seen, too. He loved the children dearly, knowing well that they were not his blood. You are asking a woman who knows the capacity to love many, she said with a grin. It was true that Sialuk held a special place in her heart for both Argent and Elentari, as she was to wed them, but she had always felt there was no limit to the amount of love she could give. It had always felt right to take more than one lover, even if she did not marry them all.

She knew, though, that Alaric may not be willing to open himself to a wife. His past was a difficult one, and Sialuk did not know if Elentari shared her knowledge. If it is something you wish to pursue, you have my blessing. But you will also want Argent's.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
This will be the last from me here.

Sialuk was right. She spoke the truth. She loved many, easily. Of course she would not frown on Elentari's newly developed feelings. "Oh of course. How could I forget something like that?" She managed to jest lightly. Grateful to be able to share her feelings so openly with her pale lover, she pressed her cheek against hers tenderly.

Sialuk gave her blessings. She never should have worried. But it was only natural and right, that the Archer seek out Argent for the same. "Yes. I have always planned to tell him of this, when he returns to us. When he does, I will find him." 

Soothed, she joined Sialuk back in the ulaq where they would share intimate moments, and then sleep.