Ocean's Breath Plateau Smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars
204 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Limit Two 
Looking for @Heph, whether this is before or after the hunt is up to you <3
She felt — better. More like herself with each passing day. Marina had avoided all of her packmates up to now, but today she felt as if she might be able to carry on a conversation. Today she felt like she could try.

So she looked for Heph, feeling guilty as she realized how long it'd been since they'd properly spoken. Even this small trip through the territory sent a shiver of discomfort down her spine. It would be a long time before Marina felt comfortable passing the borders again, she knew. That man was still out there — and what would he do if he found her again? She didn't want to think about it.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was carrying a wet hide, the fishes had cleaned it of meat and now she needed a place to dry it out in the sun. When she spotted Marina she changed her path, demeanor softer, gentler, less raccous than was her wont. "Marina. I'm glad to see you." She did not wish to press though she ached to know how the other wolf fared, hoped that she was feeling better as she was out and about. A gentle smile was on her face.

"I thought I'd find a sunny spot for this hide if you want to join me?" Her tail was in a low wag but she canted her shoulders evenly, inviting but not set yet on their path with room to go any which way. Chakliux had gone hunting for Andras, soon she would travel to invite packs to the hunt. But Chakliux had said he would return and Heph had to trust that he would, whether he had found his quarry or not. And if he had not she would know what Marina wanted from her husband.
204 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Heph's smile was a reassurance; a reminder that there was still so much good in the world, that she was safe here, that she was among friends. Marina offered a smile of her own, slightly hesitant but genuine in its warmth.

I would like that, She said softly, stepping closer to follow wherever the Beta led. I haven't been around the territory much lately... Marina let her words trail into silence; there was no need to explain. Heph knew already. She hated that she knew.

What's new with you? Marina decided to ask, curiosity sparkling behind her eyes as she turned her attention fully open Heph. Surely whatever the Beta had been up to was much more interesting than Marina's recent string of tragedies.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"hmmm Moontide plans to gather packs for a hunt this season. And I...a wolf named Phox is here and proving quite the gentleman." She grinned a bit, playful and teasing ont he last, allowing the moment of levity, glad to see the genuine smile across Marina's lips and feeling a warmth in her chest that whatever wounds had been inflicted might heal yet.

She reached a place where the sun beamed through the foliage and struck warm even in the chill of the autumn air and set the pelt out. The warmth suffused the ground and she splayed out to lay, letting the moment sit before them before she asked, soft and open. "How are you?"
204 Posts
Ooc — xynien
So, Heph had been busy! Marina smiled to hear it, intrigued by her mention of a man named Phox. Oh? He must be impressive to have caught your eye, She teased lightly, but there was real curiosity behind the words. She knew that Heph had been looking for someone; had she finally found what she wanted?

I'm... better. A little, A soft laugh followed Marina's words, lighthearted but perhaps betraying some of her frustration with this fact. It's taking time, but I'll get there. One day. She had to trust that.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She laughed at the teasing, but she could not help the earnestness that slipped into her voice. "Well he's certainly handsome enough to turn my head. But he's...kind, and steady, and listens to my jokes too, and damn if he isn't a good tracker too."

"There's no rush, let the time pass, we're here with you whatever we can do." It was uncomfortable truth that perhaps what Marina needed none in the pack could provide though they certainly tried in their own ways. But there were promises and there were promises and Moontide would be a place for Marina to stay to recover however long that took, even if nothing could ever truly be erased, and Heph would be there to do whatever she could.