Moonsong Glacier a final lullaby
Bearclaw Valley
230 Posts
Ooc — metic
i can wrap up with my next post <3

there was a sudden detachment from the glacier as she climbed towards the common place, a chill that swept through reminding her that this was no longer home.

in the light of realization, nephele felt no heartache for what she believed to be the conclusion of moonsong.

those who remained upon the frozen landform were elusive, and she sought none out but @Dutch alone. she found a faint trail and followed it, eventually spotting the figure of the chief off in the distance.

she approached as she usually would, expression plain and stoic, though the air about her was now that of a diplomat. "my husband and and i are setting off to establish our own claim." she announced as soon as she was within earshot. "i thank you for your courtesy, and wish you and moonsong the best."

truthfully she cared little for the state of her former home. she had no friends here. no attachments. the glacier could crumble, and she would not care.
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He'd just come down from the deathsite, where he still liked to sit and pray. Now he stood looking at the unfinished lodge, an odd sort of lightness in his chest. And Nephele, too, felt soothingly cool as she approached. His ear turned toward her to invite speech —

And then his head turned toward her when he heard what she had come to say.

A more complex emotion passed through him. Anger? Embarrassment? It was too fleeting for him to say for sure.

"Will you send word when you settle?" he asked her, acceptance swift and absolute. He had a tired but twinkling smile for her. "I should like to visit, someday. Despite your best efforts, I think I might miss you."

And he would. He would miss everything about this place. The idea, though, was bittersweet, and for the moment overshadowed by anticipation.
Bearclaw Valley
230 Posts
Ooc — metic
she had expected anger, disappointment, a part of her thought there might even be fleeting signs of happiness that she'd be leaving. but dutch presented only acceptance, and the viper was caught of guard by his understanding.

she assumed her departure would mark the end of the glacier, and yet the chieftain seemed unruffled with this reality.

"if that is what you wish," she let out at his question of sending word and his interest in visiting. she did not think there was enough connection between them for him to truly care where she'd go, but the last of his words suggested otherwise.

somewhere, within the hollow echoing walls of nephele, a crack in the barrier could be heard.

"careful, i might think you actually like me." it was a last, teasing remark for the chieftain while he still stood atop his icy home. and there in the momentary warmth of sunlight, nephele offered him a true smile.

"goodbye, dutch." and with that she turned to make her exit, focus set on the sprawling plains in the distance.
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Ha!" said Dutch, as if to disagree even with the possibility of liking her — but he did, he thought. There was something to be admired in her utilitarian will to succeed.

"Go in peace," he replied. And then, when she was already in the distance, he called out one last instruction: "And seek me in Moontide!"

His tail swished. The path before him was suddenly very clear.