Two Eyes Cenote cholla
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
All Welcome 
While his siblings perfected the art of escapism, Kheti was exploring the limits of his own ambulation under the careful eye of @Inji. With great difficulty, he navigated the rolling hills of their fur-lined sleeping place until his paws met solid stone. It was infinitely easier to put one paw in front of the other without the fleece getting in the way, although he soon decided he did not like how cold it felt.

Nevertheless, he continued his circumnavigation of the chamber until his gaze fell on a stray feather. His newfound sense of sight was as much a blessing as it was a curse; with each new object discovered, there came a wave of interest followed by a ripple of uncertainty. Tentatively, the boy shuffled closer to his downy target and began to investigate it with his (also) newfound needle-sharp teeth.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Too large paws. Semi straight ears and bobble head she walked around. Her brother who was a little more fearful than her was exploring.  She was timid and quiet, but nothing scared her. Where he saw curiosity and a little unsurety she saw only something new to learn about.

She walked towards him quietly and stared at him with wide eyes. Head canted. Watching what he was doing. She lifted a paw as if to say hello. But didn't make a noise
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
The approach of his sister was met with a happy bark - now this was something he knew! His gaze flickered between her gargoyle stare and the feather, watching with intrigue as it fluttered away at his breath. Curiously, he yipped again, albeit quieter this time. And again, the feather danced across the stone until it settled beneath Safiya's raised paw.

Now that he had determined the object to be no threat, all his attention now rounded on his sibling. A whine at the loss of his plaything - would she give it back? The ball was in her court.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya's face of stone cracked with a small smile at her brother. She returned his bark though much quieter.

She dropped her paw upon it to keep it from fluttering away. She was surprised at the feel of it. Running her paw over it again.

Then she lifted her paw and yapped at it. Watching as it fluttered back to Kheti though it fell short of completely reaching him. But she wagged her tail.
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
her siblings were playing! but.. without her.

tiye stomps over to the sound of kheti's whine and to the ruddied figure of her thief sister safiya where something pretty lies between her feet. she flits it away, which was perfect for opportunistic tiye.

the tiniest cub snaps her jaws onto the feather and attempts to run off with it.

sorry for raiding
music will tie what's left of me
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
His tail beats a steady rhythm between his hocks as Safiya returns the greeting, beady eyes watching her every move. Unlike the other young fellahin, she was quiet and easy to be around - the opposite was true for his rambunctious thief of a sister. 

A great, wailing sound emits from somewhere deep within Kheti's lungs as their playtime is interrupted. This wasn't Tiye's game! In his upset, he gives chase and in an attempt to snatch the feather right back, his toothy gums instead begin to close around Tiye's fleeing tail.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A snarl of rage left Safiya. How dare Tiye take something that belonged to Kheti. She reached out with overly large paws and aimed for whatever she could reach of her sister. Followed with snapping teeth and bristled fur.

She was quick to follow behind Kheti and aim for the youngest. Tiye had been playing at this for too long. Safiya found she was tired of the injustice of Tiye.
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
kheti clamps on her tail, and with a yelp she lets go of the feather. the pretty thing flutters onto the sand, only to be pushed further by the gusts her scampering siblings make as they gave chase. but before she could even fight back, safiya's paws violently and viciously grazes her nose. this isn't fair!

instead of fighting back against her bigger littermates, tiye breaks into a wail for mama or baba.
music will tie what's left of me
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
Safiya's snarl takes him by surprise - Tiye's yelp even more so - and almost immediately the clamp of his small jaws falls slack. Was she okay? He hadn't meant to hurt her! While his run slowed to an amble, he watched the sisters as they began to wrestle. Another whine, this one more concerned, as he contemplated ratting both his siblings out to his mother.

Instead, his gaze falls on the feather that now lay abandoned on the sand and he quickly scurries to retrieve his prize. Tiye's wails fall on deaf ears as he makes a beeline away from the duo, promptly deciding that neither sister had earned a spot in his game. Perhaps @Kiyya would make a better... less violent playmate.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As soon as the feather was dropped, Safiya backed off. But she glared at her sister woth irritation. And she watched Kheti leave with sadness. She emitted a soft whine. And then rambled away.

She didn't want to play with them anyway she supposed.
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
as safiya turns her back on tiye, an impish snarl twists a pretty face. how dare she! this was injustice!
tiye bounds up to her sister, cheeks still wet from the blobs of tears over the loss of her feather. she'll get kheti after this. safiya just happened to be closest. she snaps at her sister's tail, ting growls rumbling her equally small pudge.

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952k6hyn92trgryb1817t...=giphy.gif]
music will tie what's left of me
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
permission to skip kheti. He has peaced out lol

Safiya lets out a small gasp at the first bite. She tugged at her tail from her sisters mouth. Blood falling from the chunk her sister hadctorn out with her sharp milk teeth.

 Turning her own flashing teeth towards her sisters face and ears. A growl in her chest.

I don't imagine there would be much force behind her bite. More a warning shot and i am guessing about a dime width edge size nick in her own tail
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
crimson. an irony taste fills tiye's tongue, and no matter how much she spits out, it clings. but worst is, it came from her sister's tail. but tiye has little time to remain shocked at her own violence as safiya hurdles towards her for revenge.

the cub now is forced to defend herself from her own, little snarls giving her own warning. you've seen what i can do! momentarily she stands on her hindlegs before plopping back onto her fat belly, snapping at safiya in between high-pitched growls, yelps and more.
she'd forgotten all about the feather.
music will tie what's left of me
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya eyes grew a darker glint. The pain a sting. But she was not afraid of her sister.

She growled and snapped and used her overly lsrge paws to try and wrestle her sister to the ground.

It was an uncoordinated mess of too long limbs and bobble head. But she tried.
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
but safiya's large paws were enough to smack tiye around. while her sister had paws, tiye had teeth, and soon she nibbled at her sister's ankles whenever they threatened to get too close to tiye than her liking.

but the little fellahin was getting tired. whenever there was a gap between the fighting sisters, tiye would use the opportunity to scamper back to her mother or to one of her brothers, hoping one of them would shield her from safiya as she continues to bare her burgeoning milk teeth.
music will tie what's left of me
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya gnashed her teeth back at her sister.

TI!!! she screams in fury. Her sister was a pest a mean nasty pest. She ruined eveything. Ahe was so angry tears sprang at her eyes.

Regardless of who her sister hid behind and that she was flagging as well. She continued to chase and snap and bite. How dare Tiye do this.
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
jumping back in w permission

His search for a better playmate was interrupted by a flurry of paws as a restless Tiye flung herself behind his slightly larger pudgy body. Safiya's furious roars soon followed and she appeared in front of him too. There was a wild look in her eye, one he had not seen from anyone before. His eyes widened, feather falling to the sand where it was soon crushed beneath one of them.

The tip of Safiya's tail was tinged red - the same clung to the pale furs of Tiye's muzzle. Though far too young to have any knowledge of blood, their snaps and growls were telling enough. This wasn't playing anymore!

Kheti soon felt his own eyes sting with tears as he stepped in front of his littlest sister to block Safiya's approach with a loud bark. Enough!
experimental character, may sound clunky!
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
SA! tiye responds with a hiss before bounding onto her hindlegs to give safiya a hearty slap. when that fails, she results to a pitiful lunge.

her first word was not of love for her parents or even her brothers, it was contempt for stubborn safiya. and for that, she must pay.

but before anything, kheti returns. with his body alone, he commands safiya to stop, and tiye hides behind him. suddenly, he's her favorite littermate.
music will tie what's left of me
There is always unintended consequences
202 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She stares at Kheti with barely concealed hurt and betrayal. Tiye had started all of this and yet he still takes her side.

A soft noise of reproach and she walks away from both. And firther into the hall. She doesn't even want to see their ugly faces right now.

She would hold that betrayal and rage closely and perhaps someday she may get her revenge maybe.
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
Safiya's eyes bore deep into his skull - he challenged her back with a glassy glare of his own, lips quivering. Would she try and hurt him too?

But before long, she turned her back and left. Amidst the obvious sigh of relief, something tightened in his chest. Shaking off the uncomfortable feeling, he turned to little Tiye with a scolding growl followed by a reassuring lick to her ear. While it was clear he did not approve of her antics, his littlest sister was very quickly forgiven.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
behind safiya's back, tiye sticks out her tongue — its fine to be unladylike sometimes.

though kheti's gaze gets her to slouch into herself, apprehensive when he leans forward. bracing for a big-brother ear pulling, she's surprised to feel a lick instead. her little eyes linger on him, unsure of what more to do, and so she turns in the opposite direction of safiya and him, retreating to the safety of the nursery,
music will tie what's left of me