Morningside Cuesta do you see what i see?
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@Lavender @Easy @Dauntless -- let's take a look at what lies beyond the den.

Once they'd made it onto their feet, the pups were surprisingly skilled at this whole walking thing. It just so happened that they'd begun moving around more at the same time their eyes blinked open, so Momma Khoe and Daddy Gray had their hands full, to say the least. Khoe had been thinking about taking them outside, just for a moment or two, so they could all see the lavender patch together (oh, how she had missed her sprouts). 

Good morning, she whispered, knowing that even though many advancements had been made, hearing wasn't really one of them. @Grayday was still asleep in his designated area just outside of the den, but she knew that one peep from inside would have him alert in just a moment's time. I want to take them outside, just for a minute. What do you think?
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
A whole new world had been opened to Lavender and with the blink of an eye. First off, she was no longer dragging herself around like a newly evolved fish. She was now walking, on strong but unsteady little legs. But even more importantly, she was seeing things! Real things, the bright sun, the golden plains, the boringness of her den, and the flowers. Oh the flowers were the best part. She loved them so much. She would look at them from the entrance of the den, and admire them. She watched a bee buzz into one, and she wished she could do the same.

She was watching the flowers right then, as her mom walked by her. She hadn't heard her coming, so she turned he head in surprise and looked up at the curly dark fur. Her mom was sooo pretty! She opened her mouth and barked at her mom, just because she could. Plus she didn't know how high pitched and annoying it was, she couldn't hear it.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Day's ears flickered in irritation at being woken, but he blinked open his eyes and lumbered gamely to his paws. "N-no problem," he yawned, stretching out his back with a few satisfying crackles and pops. He wet his nose and glanced into the den, his tail wagging at the three sets of bright little eyes that looked out at him.

"I'll go with you," he said, leaving no room for argument. The pups were still small enough to be carried off by birds of prey, and there was nothing wrong with an extra set of eyes - even ones as bad as his.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
While Easy didn't quite understand the words that were being spoken, she felt a change shimmer through her body like electricity. She looked between her parents, eyes wide and calculating, and then back at her brother and sister. Something was happening, but what? Once again, she lamented her parents' lack of communication skills.

Not being a 'wait and see' kind of girl, Easy decided to make something happen. She'd learned since her first escapade that going outside the den was a big no-no, but there were good things out there! She still remembered meeting the nice Big Wolf that'd looked sorta like Daddy. That'd been great!

This in mind, the tiny girl burst forth into the sun for the second time in her life. However, unlike last time, when her body had been a flat black, there were now gunmetal guard hairs smattered throughout her coat. Easy didn't notice this, but her father sure did.

"Wooshi!" she called, beckoning to her sister. "Wawass!" She looked entreatingly toward her brother. Weren't they going to come and play?
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
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Khoe nodded her head at Grayday's affirmation, then stood and began to herd the pups outside. Well, the two pups who remained; Easy's speedy exit had come as no surprise. She'd been a trouble maker since the day she was born, and Momma Khoe didn't see that changing anytime soon. On the way out, she nosed at Grayday's cheek as a kind greeting, before realizing that Dauntless was a bit more reluctant to exit the den than his sisters. C'mon sweetie, Khoe cooed, then turning to Day she whispered, You sure Dauntless was the right name?
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While Lavender was a bit of a late bloomer in the hearing department, she could definitely see now. She was only hearing muffled sounds, but she saw her mom's mouth moving, so she assumed something was happening. She enough, Easy darted past her, her mouth opening and closing as well. Lavender's tail began to wag and she leaped to her feet. Forgetting the bee and the flowers, she ran up to Easy and grabbed onto her leg. She glanced out the corner of her eye look at her parents to make sure everything was fine, then returned to gnawing on her sister's leg.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Grayday quickly corralled his daughter, thinking that Easy was the one that had been poorly named. Dauntless, however, seemed perfectly fitting. "Actually, the Dauntless from my mother's story was kinda a mama's boy," he said to Khoe, giving a playful bow in his son's direction to try and encourage him to venture out of the den. Soon enough, the boy was bounding toward his father, tiny tail whipping back and forth.

"You're gonna miss it when they start growing up," he said confidently, giving his son a kiss on the cheek and beginning to shepherd the three of them toward the lavender patch. He'd experienced children in both their terribly clingy and completely independant phases, and he had to admit - he preferred the former.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy paid very little attention to what her parents were saying. Instead, she muscled her was in between her father and brother, attempting to claim his affection for herself. When he focused instead on communicating with her mother, Easy darted over to the dark woman and hopped up and down before her, trying to lick at the insides of her cheeks.

Pay attention to me! she demanded, running in circles between them and making a general nusiance of herself.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
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Ishara, Khoe growled, though the sound wasn't meant to pose a serious threat. When she was a child, if any of her siblings acted out, her mother would bark her commands and they would all fall to the ground, obedient to whatever she wished. Maybe it wasn't the best way to go about parenting, but it surely worked. Khoe didn't know if she could ever be that harsh, at least not with Grayday around. Parenting styles hadn't been something they'd talked about, and she didn't want to stir up another argument over some harmless discipline. 

He's supposed to be a valiant warrior, protecting his sisters, Khoe whispered, hoping Mirza wouldn't hear. He's afraid to even walk out of the den. Khoe hoped that he would grow out of it, though she knew she was obligated to love him either way. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't try to toughen him up with the help of his father, of course.
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Lavender had been very excited to play with her sister, but her game was short lived. Easy just ran away, caring much more about their parents that Arushi. This made Lavender very sad, and her ears drooped. Fortunately, as puppy emotions often were, her sadness was as short as her game with her sister, and she darted over to her father's side. She now walked beside him, not biting or nipping, just walking. She occasionally would turn to look up at him, a big smile of admiration on her face.

When they made it to the lavender patch, the one that Lavender had watched from inside the den, Lavender broke from her father's side and flopped into it. She rolled around in the flowers, feeling them weave around her small painted body. She looked up and jerked her head toward the patch, beckoning her sibling to join her.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
When Easy came around again, Grayday snapped out a paw and caught her, pinning her lightly to the ground. "Be good," he said sternly, holding her there as he turned back to Khoe. "Dawn hated when Sunny would look after him. I think he thought thay, because he was the boy, it was his job to be his sister's keeper," said Day, his ears falling back at the sad memory. Easy, who had previously been wiggling uncomfortably under his paw, paused to look up with inquisitive eyes at the sound of her father's distress.

Day lifted his paw, but swept the girl into his shadow, where she had the sense to stay. "I'm sure he'll grow out of it. Dawn used to be my little shadow, and look at her now!" He chuckled to himself as they arrived at the lavender patch, where his calmest child was already investigating the flowers. "In the meantime, I think Easy-girl can look out for herself, and Mir and Lav will have to take care of each other."
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy was disturbed when her father pinned her down. She whined in irritation and discomfort, wishing her father would let her up. He seemed to give her more space when she stopped struggling, but every time she tried to get away, he would bear down on her again. The whole experience was jarring and unpleasant, but Easy was more perturbed than frightened. When her father finally let her up, she remained nearby, not sure she was allowed to wander away just yet. And, when they set off for the lavender patch, she walked in her father's shadow, doing her best not to attract attention again.

Her exuberance was back the second she got to the lavender patch. Her lesson out of mind (though not forgotten), she bounded into the flowers and tackled Arushi, tiny rope-tail wagging in joy. Dauntless ran around them, nipping and woofing as he tried to decide which side to take.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
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Ishara seemed fazed, though only for a moment, as she was quick to bound over to the lavender patch as soon as she was released. Khoe sighed and laughed under her breath, shaking her head while the three pups galloped around the stalks. I hope so. She sighed and watched as the two girls tackled each other; their personalities were beginning to show much more than they previously had.

I think Easy knows she came first, she joked, She's kinda like you, I think. Grayday and Ishara were identical in a few ways, so it always made Khoe laugh when she saw them interact. Lavender, she's gonna kinda quiet. Like Dauntless. What do you think?
178 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Hi guys! I'll be jumping in to play Dauntless from now on. Yay! -Sarah

Dauntless had not wanted to leave the warm, cozy den. He was content to lay with his mother and sisters and have his basic needs tended to. However, when the rest of the pack ventured further and further from the den (really, it was only a few feet, but it felt like too much distance for young Dauntless), he struggled to his feet and followed the party toward the lavender patch at a hasty pace. The bright sun hurt his eyes when he emerged, and he squinted them, looking for the black mass that was his mother. Finally honing in on her familiar bulk with his puppy eyes that were not yet fully developed, he started off at a run and quickly tripped right over himself. He got to his feet again and set off at a frantic run, tripping again and landing on his squishy haunches. Not to be deterred, he got back up and trotted to the others at a more careful pace. He ran right up to Khoe and started jumping at her, wanting her warmth and attention. When he realized that she was not going to lay down to cuddle and nurse him, he looked over to where his sisters were and decided to join them. He trotted over and yipped excited as he watched them play. This looked like a fun game! He started bounding about, yipping and wagging his small tail frantically as he watched them. He knew they were having fun, but he wasn't sure how to be included in this game. He extended a paw and batted at Easy when she got close enough for him to reach.
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
woot woot! Welcome to the fam Sarah <3

Lavender waited in the lavender patch for her siblings to join her. She hopped up onto her feet, done rolling and now ready to play. Easy started dashing towards her, and before she had time to jump out of the way, her darker furred sister body slammed her, right into the ground. She yelped a little, and began to beat Easy as much as she could with her feet, trying to get her sister off. She opened her mouth wide and closed it right on her sisters dark nose, chewing not too hard but still enough to hopefully send Ishara packing.

She couldn't see past the big dark mass that was Easy, but behind her sister, Dauntless was helping Lavender out. This was much appreciated.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Grayday chuckled to himself, not sure whether or not he should be insulted by Khoe's observation. In the end, he decided that he liked the idea of Easy taking after him, even if it made her a nightmare to deal with, sometimes.

"I think kids can change a whole lot before they're grown," he replied, thinking about how shy Dawn had been, at first. Sunny had remained fairly even-keel throughout his childhood, but that didn't mean there hadn't been surprises there as well.

Still, watching the kids play, it was hard to imagine them any different than they were.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours