Sun Mote Copse Triple Nuclear Awesomeness
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona

Wraen reminded him of many laughs and banter, his chest almost hurt from all the times he laughed out loud and he kept beaming a smile. So far his introduction with the Firebirds had been nothing but a blast; Wildfire had looked beyond the pauper-like appearance and gave him a chance to join the pack and Wraen had been his friend from the start. After biding her a goodwell and taking some time to explore on his own, Epic then thought to seek out Rennie's sister and found out what she was like.

Was she a wild and free spirit like Wraen? A storyteller by heart? Following her scent back to the heart of the Firebirds-home, the lean male stood close by (respectfully) near their denning site. "Hey, hey Maia are you there?" Epic gently spoke, his voice meant for Maia-only. "I-I'm Epic; the greenbie, newly-accepted Firebird. Your sister -- and my friend Wraen -- told me a lot about you and it's time we meet!"
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh heck was someone calling for her? That happened.... never! Well, unless it was Wraen.  But this definitely didn't sound like her sister.

Maia was halfway through a rabbit when he did, and her mouth was stuffed.  Hmmf mmf It was unintelligible when she tried to say hold on, so she just grinned and gulped down her bite.  Had to eat up for the trip she was planning!

Sorry! What's up? She left lunch to poke out, and definitely didn't recognize this guy, but the fact that he was here meant he was probably definitely pack yeah?  Hi! You know Wraen?  It probably shouldn't surprise her, seemed like her sis knew about everyone!
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
After some nom-nom-nom rabbit Maia appeared and Epic made sure to greet her with the widest smile possible. He hoped some of this boyish charm would help him along the way; when he was undergoing the strict Awesomeness Test that Wraen had told him about. 

"Hey, hey pleasure to meet you!" The yearling male said with a lingering enthousiasm. Maia -- he discovered -- didn't have those applegreen eyes but hers were a nice shade of silver. "Yeah, Wraen -- or Rennie as I'd like to call her, turned out to be my first friend around these parts. We share lots of silly stories and jokes together." He chuckled lightly while thinking back to the Ravine where they first met. The territory was rather spooky, though their laughter brought light to the scenery.

"You're her sister, right?" Epic inquired then chuckled lightly before adding. "Wraen spoke very fondly of you -- though she did have me wondering: A strict Awesomeness Test? Whatisthat?" Very, very curiously he looked into Maia's direction.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wait... Renny? What?  The nickname was one Maia had neither heard before nor would ever have thought to call her sister, and it threw her for a good minute.  Where did he get Renny?

Oh, right, manners!  It's nice to meet you too. she replied, talking past the distraction.  Yeah, I'm her sister! And travel partner, and all around awesome best friend! She added for good measure, because sister didn't even begin to cover it did it?

A strict awesomeness test.. hmmm.  Obviously Wraen wanted her to do something here, but Maia had to think on the spot.  Oh, righht, the awesomeness test.  And the strict one too!  Wow are you in for it!  She waved her tail, buying time to think.  You have.... to.... make up a game!  And I have to make one up.  And then you have to try and beat me. She finished, smiling at the idea.  Heck yes she loved games this was gonna be good!  That's how you audition to join the Strictly Secret Super Awesome Club.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Oh boy, although Maia looked completely different than Wraen; her personality was outgoing, fun and playful. Qualities he really enjoyed and although the first minutes of their meeting just passed, he already could tell that this was going to be much fun. "Woah sister is more like a cover-up for partner in crime, huh?" He couldn't even start to imagine how awesome their bond must be!

"I really want to join the Super-duper-awesome club." Epic explained with a waver of enthousiasm as his mind began to think about the options that he had: a game of cunning, physical speed and endurance or a play fight? No way, he had to come up with something entirely different. And, just two seconds later he did. "My game is called GUESS WHAT." He muttered, then added. "I have to guess what or who you are. But you can only act, show but not tell what you have in mind. And the other have to guess until they either fail or guess it right." Laughs and clown acts were both guaranteed.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Psssht, of course.  Sisters are just people you're born with.  Takes more than that to be awesome.  She thought of her other siblings.  She loved them all and they were all great, but she definitely had never connected with Cass the way she had with Wraen.  Sarah was probably the closest second, but that had been more admiration than friendship.

Oh wow his game idea was good!! Okay.  Challenge accepted!  She said, grinning at him with eyes slightly narrowed.  She wasn't super competitive to the point where she'd be mad if he won, but there was no fun if there wasn't some kinda pressure to win.  Hmmm. What could she be?

Alright, I have one! Guess what? She lifted her tail and began to walk in slow, stately strides, nosing the ground and twisting her ears around.  Then her head shot up and she turned (as gracefully as she could) to look at him, trying and failing to contain a smile.  Definitely a passable impression she felt like.  Now to see if he got it!
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Epic wasn't the sort of competitive wolf when it came to games, unless it was about something that gave him thrill, adrenaline and excitement such as hunting. In any other situation he was probably laid-back. There was a single problem though; he began to forget all about the world around him, instead he was entirely absorbed in the game while not paying much attention to anything else.

His golden eyes squinted as he solely focused upon the impression that Maia made, something with a high-tail, stately strides, nose to the ground and ears twisting around. Tough cookie. He thought, and he thought ..and he thought some more. Epic was taking his time, trying to grasp a sense of what she was impersonating but it was rather difficult. Then, suddenly like a light bulb being switched on, he smiled and wanted to scream his thoughts from the top of the mountain.

"Oh, I know. I know!" He suddenly said with a huge tsunami of enthousiasm. "It's a rabbit, right? Or a h-hare! A hare with rabies. Yes, that must be IT." Epic was super-duper certain of it. There was no way in the world he could be wrong, or could he?
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She'd wondered if maybe she made it too obvious, but then he guessed so wrong!! She ruined it for a minute to laugh pretty hard at his guess of a rabbit with rabies, then shook her head emphatically.  Nope!! Not even close!! Okay well kinda close, he was in the right category at least.  

Hmm, what else could she do?  She got back into character, looked slowly left, and then walked in as stately a way as she could over to a tree, where she started to paw in an exaggerated way at the roots.  That was kinda a thing they did in winter right? 

In reality Maia's 'stately' walk was kinda a straight slow motion... her legs didn't always cooperate with the whole graceful thing, but she tried to mimic the stride she'd definitely seen often enough.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
"Oh?" Epic bit his leathery lips as a moment of failure settled in; he had been so sure of his case when he shouted raging, rabbit with rabies. But he was wrong and that moment slowly settled in. Okay, one second for disappointed, two seconds to recollect himself and three seconds to fire up and make another attempt!

Ohhh, ooohhh! While Maia did a golden globe award-winning case of role playing as a squirrel, his golden eyes began to light up once more, enthousiasm quickly hoovered over him and Epic gave a wag of his tail. 

"You're a lady squirrel?" Epic guessed for a second time. This time he wasn't entirely sure but it was his last chance to guess and he just blurted out an answer. While lacking a tidbit of patience he awaited an answer. He had to be right this time, or so he hoped.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He was seriously endearing himself to her, to the point where her competitiveness was falling aside and she actually really wanted him to get it this time!  Buuuut no such luck.  He guessed squirrel, and she opened her mouth, only to look down at the scuff she'd made in the snow.  Oh wow yeah she could see it.

No, she replied, laughing,  but I guess I looked like one huh?  I was supposed to be a deer!  But that might not have been the best one to pick.  She smiled a little sheepishly.  There was definitely nothing deerlike about her.  Now your turn!!  Technically he'd lost, but little did he know, she'd kinda been lying.  Winning wasn't the only way to get into the Strictly Secret Super Awesome Club.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Epic blinked with his eyes suspiciously into her direction as she explained he was pulling at the wrong end of the answer yet again. "What? No way!" He protested for a moment, then decided a second later it was time for a little jest. "Gee-golly, oh dear me."

Well, it was his turn now to make something up and his mind had already considered a few options. Waiting not a second longer, Epic suddenly lied down in the snow. It was all part of the show, people. His eyes closed for a second as he pretended to sleep and snore. Then he suddenly, slowly stood up, trying to puff up his whole body. This creature he was acting out on was all tough, hairy and huge (in the eyes of a wolf). Confidently he slooooowly placed a few steps foward while boldly looking around the area. Hmm, maybe there was some trout or salmon he could fish out of the river (had he been this creature).
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It took a minute for his pun to sink in, but when it did she laughed.  Really hard.  Oh gosh she couldn't stop. She tried to contain it though, and it faded into giggling as he dropped into trying out his own round.

Okay, time to get back in the zone! There were, like, six things he could be.  Whatever it was was big and bulky, from the way he walked.  Which was funny because probably he shoulda been the deer and she whatever this was?  Sleepy and slow.

An old badger!! She exclaimed, not sure but definitely guessing that first!! She already knew what she'd guess if it was wrong.  She couldn't tell what size he was.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
It was really difficult to stay in his role when she laughed so bubbly and carefree; the first cracks already began to show and his bear-facade broke down as he laughed out loud. Chest puffing back and forth, tongue lolling out to show a 'silly face'. Maia's laugh sure was very infectious, without a doubt.

Then she guessed old badger and Epic shook his head wildly. "No, no, no. Wrong! Try again, this time watch closely." With one eyebrow raised he looked at her, as if stating 'Are you ready again?'.

This time he made the same bear-like motions while puffing himself up as much as she could. What more did bears do? They slept, already showed that part. Hmm. Suddenly after a few steps he stood up, trying to balance upon two paws while balancing up in the air. Of course things never went as smoothly as he would like them to be; after a light "oof" he fell to the ground ..much less smoothly. Like a bear making a crash landing into the snow.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She thought this couldn't get any better, but then he went ahead and made that face.  This guy was a certifiable goofball and she hadn't had this much fun with anyone outside of Wraen in a long time!  Okay okay okay.  Super serious guess time.

She tried to contain the gigglesnorts and managed to, only just.  Ready,  She said, trying her darndest not to bust out again. 

He stood up, which she was definitely not expecting, but it did the trick!! That had been her second guess actually but porcupine was also in the running.  A BEAR!! She hollered, jumping at him and skidding in an attempt to send a nice wash of snow over where he'd fallen.  Yep! She was laughing again!
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Like with Wraen -- their meeting contained of laughter, giggles and lots of fun. It didn't matter what exactly they were doing as time passed on quickly, it flew right out of the window as moments turned into minutes and minutes turned into weeful hours. Would this be enough to end up in the Super-Duper-Awesomeness Club? He certainly hoped so.

With a slight 'oof' he landed full-on in the snow, half-covered and snow flying around. If he stood up, it would have looked like a snow angel gone wrong. But before he had a chance to uncover the snow from his body, he felt another wave coming from Maia. "Nooo!" He protested but it was all too late.

Muttering in protest -- some curse words even he knew not the meaning of anymore -- Epic turned to her gleefully while this time standing up and wiggling like a worm to get rid of all the cold, clingy snow. "Wrong again. It was a POLAR BEAR. And only because you turned the bear into a polar bear!" Not waiting on her reaction he scuffed and threw some snow into her direction with a kick of his front paws.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh hey now!! You chea- She started, but was interrupted by a muzzlefull of snow that made her close her eyes and wrinkle her nose.  Immediately she was reminded of her snow fight with Charon (the one that had actually inspired her previous move) and her ears pushed forward eagerly.  Oh it's on!  C'mon polar bear, bring it!  

She took off running, glancing back just to see if he was following.  Would he be able to catch her? (Probably, Maia wasn't really built for speed). They didn't really have polar bears in the club but she guessed he was making the cut.  Plus, he was pretty darn cute when he laughed... and Maia didnt intend to make him stop anytime soon!
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
A hit, right in her face and it stopped her from saying he cheated. Well, technically he did but if she had asked about it, it was to show his craftiness to get into the Super-Duper-Awesome-club. Well, duh, of course. His facial features turned into a playful, challenging one as she spoke about bringing it on. Right, the challenge was on, double time!

Maia took off running and it only took him a slow moment or two later on, to star the chase. Quickly his paws began to move through the snow as he zig-zagged all the way, trying to catch up as if she were a prey. Sometimes he playfully nipped at her flank, though definitely not to hit her as he caught only the air. It was part of the chase.

Then, while making a wild guess and turning left-right-left he nearly closed his eyes as he made the jump forward, trying to catch her between his lanky paws as he half-pounced. He wasn't entirely certain where he would land though....oooohhh..
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He was quick and she was not, so the outcome was pretty inevitable from the get go.  The head start helped at least!!  

 She wasn't the most graceful of runners either, so when he did jump to tackle, she got her paws tangled and hit the snow with a 'ooomph'.  Luckily it was a soft landing! She immediately started laughing, though she was definitely aware of the fact that he probably ended up falling on top of her, and he was warm, and.... yeah this was nice.

No Maia.  

You win!!! I guess that means you can join.  BUT! You gotta learn the pledge.  She controller her giggles for the last part, and it came out solemn as she could make it.  Pledge... what should the pledge be.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
...Ohh, luckily wolves didn't learn how to fly because CLUMPSY BIRD just flew by, well, almost. Already he could feel grafity pulling him back towards planet Earth and this time he caught a wolf between his paws. But, but it wasn't only very clumpsy, when he caught his prey his hind legs wobbled so much that he lost control of his balance and he partly touched Maia's nose before rolling off her, right next to her in the snow.

"Oh, oh. That was so-NOT how I had planned it." Epic proclaimed, his tongue sticking out while he was trying to catch his breath. Just a second later Maia began her musings as she talked about a pledge. Pledge? What pledge? "PLEDGE?" Epic copied, still trying to catch his breath. "Brrr you can't go easy on a new member..for once."
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Nose touch.  If her fur wasn't so thick, he'd have seen her go scarlet. Thankfully, she was saved that embarrassment, and recovered quickly.  Stop being such a dork, Maia, c'mon.

Don't worry, it's an easy one!!  She sat up and put up a paw, then began reciting the words she was making up on the fly in as solemn a voice as she could manage.  Which wasn't very. I swear to always be super awesome and to help my fellow club mates also achieve their optimum awesomeness levels.  If I don't, then let me never be awesome again.  There we go! Heck, that was pretty good if she did say so herself.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Epic stared at her in disbelief when she said that this would be an easy vouch. Especially as she suddenly said up and began to recite the words one-for-one. He tried to remember everything and for once he paid attention, however, his mind could sometimes be like a sponge and today was no different.

"I swear to always be... super duper-PAWESOME and to help my fellow club mates also... achieve their EPIC awesomeness levels.  If I don't, then.... let me never be EPIC again." Words spilled from his leathery lips kind of like mumbo-jumbo; not everything made sense but maybe that was the point of this pledge and this club. Nonetheless once he was finished he tried to catch his breath as he looked at Maia with a sincere pride suddenly beaming from all over his body.

..He..he had joined, right? Finally?
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He didn't match, but seeing as even she couldn't remember exactly what she had said, what he did was close enough!!  And he tossed his name in a lot which was a nice touch.

Maia'd crushed on a lot of boys in her time so far, and she was highly familiar with the fluttering feeling in her stomach.  It warmed her up and made her feel lighter than air, and just that feeling made all of this that much better!

You're in!! She announced, loudly and enthusiastically!  He was in the club, and while she and Wraen still had their own sisterhood of cool, he was awesome enough to join another circle of sorts, above and beyond the normal pack.  

We should tell @Wraen! She added, tail waving furiously.  Her sister was probably around and would be thrilled.

wanna wrap? :D I love this a lot, thanks for an amazingly fun thread!  We should have another sometime soon!