Moonsong Glacier and he's asleep in the bed he made the night before
Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Dutch didn't know how to build a lodge. He'd examined the seal hunters' during his visit, but, admittedly, his focus had been elsewhere. He'd started, though, by finding a good spot for it. A ledge not far from their common place seemed ideal, and Dutch had stood for a long time measuring it with his eyes. The mountain looked like a staircase made for giants in this area, and this particular tier was plenty large enough to fit a lodge, nestled into the mountainside. There would still be space out front as well — to lie out in the sun, or for children to play.

The next stage seemed to be gathering large branches; Dutch had plenty to choose from in the nearby forest. And this was the stage that he could be found in today, swearing heartily to himself as he hauled the long, forked branch up the incline. It was caught on a rock down below, and so he stood playing tug-o-war against nature, growling around the branch in his jaws.
let the song of ice and fire begin...
92 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Coming to speak with Dutch about his father, she'd been almost too lost in thought before her gaze fell upon the man.

But, when she did look... she was certain that this was not how she'd expected to find him.

A foot or two away, she failed to contain a laugh, eyeing the chief as he toyed with the low hanging branches.
33 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Hototo was constantly on the prowl for something to do, and tasks that needed help with. Today, he was scanning around the perimeter, deciphering where the packs territory lies. He heard the distant growls of Dutch along with the sound of bark and branches being ripped off. Wanting to investigate and possibly even help out, he sprinted off towards him.

Coming to a small clearing, Hototo saw Dutch trying to rip a huge branch off of a tree. Hototo rushed toward him, grabbing the other side of the branch with his mouth, and starting pulling at the branch together. He could feel bits of bark digging into his mouth with each pull. A couple of synchronous tugs later and the huge branch gave a snap! as the branch broke off, sending the two wolves flying back.

Bruised up, Hototo got up and shook off the dust and dirt on him right onto Dutch. "Phew! That branch was more stuck than a fly in a spider-web covered in honey and tree sap!" Hototo said exhausted. "What are you gonna use this for anyways? You need a good beatin' stick?"

He looked over at Eira. "What were you doing, all standing around, not doing anything?" Hototo said chuckling.

Sword of the Morning
555 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch was too lost in his task to notice Eira's laugh — but he certainly noticed when Hototo flew out of the woods to aid him. They hauled together on the branch, eventually scraping it past the rock it'd been caught on. Dutch licked his chapped lips and tasted blood, but his concern was for the piece that'd snapped off of the branch. He'd chosen it specifically for the fork, and now he had to mourn the loss of said fork.

Later, though. He had an audience, today.

"Eira has much more important tasks," said Dutch, coming forward to knock his shoulder against the other man's in greeting. He passed him to sniff noses with Eira, and his tail wheeled in hyperdrive at the healthy scent of her. It was easy to miss the fast-fading aroma of her heat — but it was impossible to disguise the heavy scent of Fallen Sun she carried with her.

He looked back at Hototo, wondering if he had missed the woman's season entirely. It was probably for the best, but he sought now to lay down the order of things:

"She must keep herself fed, and we must help," he said, his voice firm. But his mood was vastly improved since the two had shown up, and he now saw fit to say, "Thank you for the help. A more stubborn or possessive rock I have never met."