Duck Lake Fearsome fishes
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Ink found herself closer to the lake than normal. Being that she stuck around Kvarsheim when they needed her.

Content to be near her daughters. Today though she longed to stretch her fishing muscles.

It hadbeen far too long since she had attempted to fish. So with a small furrow in her brow and a determined glint in her eye. Paws stepped into cold water. A soft chattering gasp at the cold. But she adjusted.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Daughter in law!!! Yay!! xD

Arlette decided to venture out into the world. Since her heat was over and scent fully out of her fur she felt that she could taste a little bit more of the outside world. Not that she truly needed it but now spring had started a wild rush of plants would start to grow. Arlette was always keep to scout and explore for any new patches.

She had wandered towards the lake and found that she wasn't the only one there. Arlette made sure to make herself known, but then realized she might interrupt the girl. She seemed to be fishing or going to anyway. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you," Arlette sounded.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Keri wandered if Merry was searching for herbs. It was spring and she was certain he'd be looking.

A soft noise behind her and she turned. A little wary, but her face broke into a amile when she saw a wolf nearby that didn't look harmful. Her face shape was familiar but she couldn't place it.

Hello. Hello. she dipped her head.

A small laugh. You didn't disturb me. Me.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette returned the smile when she was greeted with one. Her tail started to wag a little faster and was glad for the friendly interaction. "I'm glad, can I help perhaps?," she offered right away, coming up to the water line.

She couldn't help but sniff the female. She recognized her scent of that from Kvarsheim. A pack she had been visiting as well, since her son lived there. She hadn't seen much of him at Swiftcurrent. But she figured he was far too busy with his own life. As he should.

"I'm Arlette," she introduced. Her scent would probably tell her that she was from Swiftcurrent.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri blinked wide sea green eyes. A small sense of wariness as always with strangers. But she nodded gently.


Inkeri smelled a pack she knew but couldn't place, but that was alright. There was a shape to this womans face that teminded Inkeri of Merry and their children, but she didn't as of yet know why. Had merry ever told her his familys name?

I am Inkeri. Inkeri.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled when the female seemed to agree? Wait, maybe she didn't Arlette hesitated now but decided to keep where she was. Not come closer yet. The female also introduced her. That name though! She knew it, she thought. Arlette scratched her brain where she had heard it. She then blinked. Then it came to her. Turmeric said something about Inkeri!

"Do you know Turmeric?," she asked then, sounding happy. She was pretty sure he mentioned a wolf with that name. Maybe this was the Inkeri he had been romantically involved with. "I'm his mother," she smiled. She knew she didn't look like him color-wise, but she liked to think she gave him a few features. He had looked a lot like Derg in coloring.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri motion3d for Arlette to come closer. A small smile.

Strangers make this wolf nervous. Nervous. But you are nice. Nice.

She didn't want her to go maybe she could make a new friend or.

The next name brought a smile to her face. Yes i know Merry. Merry. He be my boyfriend. Daughters father.

A small frown on her face.
We left for a time. Time. The girls stayed here. Here. But I missed them. Them. So I came back. Back. Merry is here, but we haven't met up yet. Yet. But is okay. Okay. Merry always finds me. Me.::

A small little happy smile.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette slowly stepped closer to the female when she showed a signal of consent. Her tail wagged to show her kind disposition. "I sometimes feel the same way," she hummed. She noticed that the female sometimes repeated words. She didn't know why but she decided not to question it. It didn't limit her understanding her perfectly.

"Oh so then you are my daughter in law then! So then you really don't have to be afraid because you are then family," Arlette instantly decided with a happy smile. It was really nice to meet the girl Turmeric loved. "Daughters?! Oh how wonderful!" Another of her children having pups. She felt old until she reminded herself that she most likely had pups of her own this year again.

"I'm sorry he left. But it is nice to hear that you know he will always come back. I think so too," she smiled. It did worry her a little that he had gone but it was a relief to hear that he had returned. "Well you and Turmeric, and the girls of course, are always welcome to visit at Swiftcurrent."
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had begun to repeat words as a child. The abuses she suffered were great. But she would keep this to herself for now.

Inkeri's smile grew. Nice to meet you. You. You are like Merry. Merry. Nice. Nice.

Lilja and Fjola. But Lilja uses nickname Lemmikki. Lemmikki. Fjola has left. Left. I will tell Merry to bring her. Her.

Inkeri chuckled. Merry has a wanderers heart. Heart. I will not take this from him. Him. He always comes back so. So.

Inkeri wagged her tail. Do you like to fish? Fish?

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled at that, no she beamed. Because that was the best compliment that Turmeric had been kind. One always hoped to raise their children 'right' and hearing that Turmeric was kind was just music to her ears. 'Nice to meet you too," she smiled.

"That sounds wonderful. I'd love to meet Lemmikki,' she hummed. It seemed he got that wandering heart from his father. Derg was also always out exploring and bringing messages to others and whatnot. "Yes, he got that from his father." Though his father hadn't returned one day, but she wouldn't tell Inkeri that yet, unless asked. She knew with 100% certainty that Derg wouldn't have left her either by choice.

"I do! I've been taught recently!," she smiled and then stepped slowly into the water. "I'm still practicing so don't expect too much!," she told the other.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri wagged her tail in delight. Glad she could offer his beloveds mother a compliment for her beautiful son.

Ink smiled. I always liked to wander too. Too. But i think. Think. I am ready to settle. Settle.

Inkeri laughed. No. All i ask is you try. Try. That be good enough. Enough.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled. Some wolves had that need to get out there and explore. She was more than happy to have that stable home. She was never that bored in Swiftcurrent. Well, I don't think it is something bad to want to wonder. But easier for when you have family, she agreed.

Arlette had to smile at that. I will try my best!, she assured the female. Arlette got into the water and tried to stand as still as possible so the fish would come closer. Now she would need to wait, and then try and strike at the right moment.

Can you tell me some more about your daughters? she asked. Wanting to hear all about her two granddaughters.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had always liked to wander. But now she was excited for this new chapter. For this new life where she didn't go anymore. She could stay with her daughter and Merry. Though she wasn't sure if Merry would ever get rid of that wander gene. And that was okay. As long as he returned to them.

Inkeri looked over the water. I always go for shadows.Shadows. But coyote taught me once to use meat. Meat. I don't like that though. Though. Seems mm wasteful. Wasteful.

A sad smile. I have not seen FJola in long time. Time. Not even sure if she still lives. Lives. And that is my failing. Failing.

A curl of her tail. But Lemmikki likes to garden. Garden. And flowers. Flowers. She is quiet and shy. SHy. But always cheerful. Cheerful. More forgiving than she should be. Be.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette instantly nodded. She knew about the shadows. She had been taught that way as well. It seemed she got the basics. However, Inkeri did tell her something new. Meat? What?? Fish ate meat? No way! Oh I didn't know that! But perhaps that works here since the water is rather calm? We have flowing rivers that would take the meat away, which would be very wasteful, she agreed.

Arlette turned her focus away from the water and onto the woman. She didn't condemn her, in fact she almost felt a bit of the same. I know how you feel. I also haven't located or found Turmeric's brother. His name is Thyme. I hope Fjola shows up one day, Arlette returned kindly. She had to smile at her next words though. If she ever wants lessons in medicinal plants or come to look at my garden she is always welcome! That would be exciting, teaching a grandchild of her.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri nodded. She looked down at the fish and whispered.

Fish are cold blooded in all ways. Ways. If they were big enough they would even eat wilves. Wolves.

Inkeri had seen pups taken beneath rivers by monsters in their depths.

Inkeri shivered in delight. I will tell her of her grandmother as soon as I return today. Today. Perhaps I can bring her to visit soon. Soon.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette never thought of that way of fish. But it did make sense, suddenly she almost felt a little fearful of the fish, or the idea of it. If there were massive fish they might eat wolves indeed. Luckily for them they didn't have the size to eat them, so the roles would be reversed. Arlette tried to focus on the fish coming closer to inspect them.

"Wonderful," she smiled. That just warmed her heart. A thought made her chuckle mentally, should she tell Arric he was a grandpa then? She doubted he would like that, then again, he usually was a good sport. Arlette focused and then lashed forward to catch one. However she missed and came back with a wet face and an empty muzzle. She shook the water off. She would try again. She hoped they would return.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had learned young to fear the world. And those closest to you often hurt you the worst. It was taking her years to unteach herself these things. Hence why she loved to fish but also was scared to death.

Inkeri smiled. Almosy had it. It! This happens. Happens. I still miss even now.

She eyed the eater looking for any. They were stirred up so she would need to wait a few moments before trying again.

She saw one and shifted to catch it, but her paw slipped on a rock, dunking her instead. She came up with laughter on her face.

see. See.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded, feeling encouraged. She didn't feel embarrassed as she might have felt before. No, she knew this was part of fishing and that even the most skilled wolves might miss. Some fish were extremely fast. She stayed frozen as Inkeri seemed to lock onto one. Alas, she missed as well. So close!

Arlette wondered if the fish would come closer now, since they already had two tries. She focused on the water, but didn't see any shadows appear. She tried to look closer and then saw a small one dash off. Keeping one's focus was difficult. I don't see any close to me, she admitted to the female. She didn't know how smart fish were, but she knew deer would run far when startled.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri knew that fishing was a matter of chance and luck in equal measures. And sometimes they worked against each other.

A peal of gentle laughter. Despite the miss she was having fun. Yes i agree.Agree.

A small laugh. Yes me either. Either. We can wait or just swim? Swim?

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette chuckled as well. Now they both had wet faces and a fail under their belt. It was okay though, she was with good company. Let's wait. I fel like swimming might make them go even more to the bottom, she admitted.

I really hope you and Turmeric visit one day. It will be good to see him. How are things in Kvarsheim?

-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri smiled and nodded. She had patience. And she liked to fish. And the company was grand.

We will come. Come.

She looked sad. Kvarsheim has been quiet and hard since Gunnar passed. Passed. I do not know it all. All. Was not here. Here. But the young ones lead. Lead. They need guidance. Guidance.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette shot her a compassionate look as Inkeri looked sad. She hadn't been aware that Gunnar died, maybe she had. Though she felt a sadness as well since the man had been kind to her that time she came to their borders. I'm sorry. She spoke about his death. They will learn by doing, but I assume some of the mistakes are at the cost of its members?

She wasn't really against young leadership, but she had never really experienced it. Her mother had been Matriarch of Easthollow for so long, but she had started young as well she believed. I guess it all depends if they got that natural leadership. She paused, not wanting to take Inkeri away from Kvarsheim. But she would love it if she and Turmeric joined Swiftcurrent. Maybe not during their first meeting...

-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri appreciated the motherly wolf more than she could say. And would tell Merry to visit his mother. He was lucky to have auch a sweet she wolf as mother. Compared to Inkeri's own.

She nodded. They are yes and rifts sometimes draw between families. Families.

She worried after the siblings that their relationship with each other would suffer.

They are young, but not foolish. Just mm. Unsure. Unsure.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded slowly. She knew all too well about rifts and their family. I know all too well. Sometimes it is hard to run a pack and be part of a family, she stated. Her mother was the matriarch of Easthollow and as a pack leader she had not condoned any pups except her own. When her daughter fell pregnant she had to choose which role she had to take. Arlette had realized now that she had chosen the Matriarch role instead of the motherly one. Arlette hoped she never had to make such choices.

Well, that sounds promising. I have all the hope they will work it out. Arlette looked at the lake. Shall we try another round of fishing?

-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
352 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri shifted. Me too. Too.

Another shift, the scars on her skin always present, the ones underneath not so much. Except when she spoke. Her repeated words and her shifting eyes. Then you could see them. But had it been a rrift or a woman so in love with a man she couldn't have that it had turned to hate.


Inkeri would easily step in and spend as much time as Arlette wanted fishing.
