Redhawk Caldera fever dream high in the quiet of the night
right where you left me
84 Posts
Ooc — Chan
All Welcome 
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Sylvie had been mostly solitary since coming back from her journey with @Ceridwen, apart from spending time with her parents @Maia and @Eljay and occasionally dropping by to see @Chickadee and her family. It was good to have her sister back, and the caldera felt more alive with the pitter-patter of puppy paws. 

It was a pleasant day, and feeling motivated by the weather, she embraced this feeling a moved through the territory with purpose. While she didn't exactly know how to funnel this newfound motivation, she was open to ideas, and she looked about as she walked, trying to find something to do.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay loved how alive the Caldera felt, how alive the Blackthorn den felt; how alive he felt. He had tried not to pressure his children too much, having experienced how it had crushed Weejay with responsibility, and how it had driven Elfie away; but it made his heart sing to see his daughter have a family of her own, children of her own, and for himself to be able to experience being a grandfather at — what felt like — last. Though his movements were stiff and slower with each passing day, it seemed, there was a spring to the caretaker's step ever since he had first laid eyes on these beautiful little blobs that were his grandchildren. Now they grew rapidly, and soon they would be their own person more and more; and Eljay was here for each and every step in the process.

As he made his way through the territory, looking for something that the pups could play with, Eljay noticed Sylvie not too far off. He was glad to see her back from journeying with Ceridwen; it warmed his heart to have Sylvie nearby, right here in Redhawk Caldera. He could not help but hope that she would find love some day, like he had (he knew she had inherited some of his less desirable traits in that sense, and wished he could show her just how wonderful and deserving she was) and he hoped he would be around to see the day she would welcome her first children, like he was there for Chickadee.

All those wistful and sentimental thoughts were pushed aside as Eljay closed in on Sylvie and asked, Hey sweetie, do you want to help me look for something fun for the pups to play with? She looked a little searchingly, so he added: Or were you on your way to do something else that you could use an old man's help with?
right where you left me
84 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eeek! Thanks for joining!

Suddenly, a very familiar voice cut the silence in the air, and Sylvie whirled around to face Eljay with a large grin. Daddy!!! she greeted with great enthusiasm, as though it had been years, not hours, since she last saw him. Despite this, she embraced him tightly in a bear hug if he allowed, showing consideration for his condition with a fraction of restraint.

Oh, I would love that! she said regrading his suggestion. I wasn't doing anything important—but this? This is important business! She laughed, her eyes gleaming like gemstones. Did you have any idea what you wanted to look for?
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay chuckled with fondness to his voice as Sylvie wrapped herself around him. He grunted slightly as she squeezed his aching body (and appreciating her restraint), and wrapped a paw around her while he nuzzled his face against the side of hers. It's good to see you, he murmured, his voice laced with fatherly affection. Suddenly he wondered, as he realised that he had not yet asked her about her travels since her return: Did you have fun travelling with Ceridwen? Though travel had never enticed Eljay as such, he knew it meant a lot to some of his children. He wondered if Sylvie would ever be one of them, though, since she seemed to be so much like him.

It was good to see Sylvie smile and get excited about something. Eljay's tail waved a few involuntary wags as he watched his daughter's happiness, and then he said, I'm not quite sure yet what I'm looking for. That's part of the excitement. Some explored, and some searched for unusual things in their own home. Maybe some fur for them to play with and sniff in, or maybe an exceptionally large pinecone they can chew on?
right where you left me
84 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sylvie nodded eagerly in response to Eljay's question as she pulled away. I did! I had a really good time in Moontide, too. Their leader was super nice and we hung out and he taught me about the history of their pack, she said, feeling her face grow hot as she mentioned Rodyn. She had thought of him a lot, and she wondered if she'd crossed him mind at all—probably not. But, it's good to be home, too. I think I prefer being here, she added, shrugging. She'd seen enough of the world for one lifetime, she felt. 

Eljay mentioned some items they could potentially hunt down, and her expression brightened at the mention of the pine cone. Oh, a big pine cone could be fun! she exclaimed. Let's do that—they have enough furs!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Moontide, huh? That sounds great, Eljay said with a soft smile, though it was clear from his tone he did not entirely know the pack — or at least did not remember it in the moment. Eljay was happy to hear Sylvie making friends, though; he knew it could be tough to do so being on the shy side, and he knew Sylvie wasn't always the most confident. She was one of his children he related to the most, and he wanted to help her out where he could. And nice to hear you've been making friends in other packs. Is Moontide nearby? He was forced to give away that he didn't know precisely where Moontide was, but he could feel his worry gene creeping on as he thought of Sylvie frequently leaving to visit her new friend.

Sylvie latched onto the idea of a pine cone, and Eljay smiled. It's settled, then — We're going to find the biggest pine cone ever known to the Caldera. There would be a lot to chew on and discover on a pine cone, and hopefully they wouldn't demolish it before all of them got a chew on it, at least.