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Given to Meerkat by RIP Toad Amelia on November 09, 2020
Firefly Glen · I shiver
She so thoughtful and present for a yearling I love her <3
Given to Leigh by Cheeto on November 09, 2020
Hideaway Strath · my name means meadow but i'm no flower
Given to Benry by Cheeto on November 09, 2020
Northstar Vale · who put the Halo novels here?
"Fluff boy hours" I lovE HIM SO MUCH!?
Given to Daighre by Zephyr on November 09, 2020
Otter Creek · This Was No Accident, This Was a Therapeutic Chain of Events
phenomenal post, and also i lol'ed at "nature’s shittiest raft"
Given to Aibreann by Hermes1 on November 09, 2020
Neverwinter Forest · glitter
Given to Hydra by RIP Desdemona on November 09, 2020
Moonspear · a cursed bloodline.
Given to Arcturus by Osiris’s Ghost on November 09, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
:( :( :(
Given to Valmúa by Keres on November 08, 2020
Silver Moraine · v manik
We stand a lady that waves a large phallic object around. WAVE THAT PHALLUS VAL-BBY
Given to Rosalyn by Wylla on November 08, 2020
Dragoncrest Cliffs · No to your letters love
Roz is the best
Given to Liliana by Miriam on November 08, 2020
Neverwinter Forest · The Scars on My Mind Are on Replay, R-Replay; continued.
she really knows how to break her moms heart
Given to Rosalyn by Klaus on November 08, 2020
Dragoncrest Cliffs · No to your letters love
Given to Zephyr by Stjornuati on November 07, 2020
Permafrost Hollows · I want to see what happened if I don’t give up
I love how you included the bit about Kratos coming back for a hot minute and how, instead of just writing it off, you portrayed it as Zephyr hallucinating.
Given to Arcturus by Merrick on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
oh my god
Given to Arcturus by Keres on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
This post is GORGEOUSLY written. You have such a way with words <3
Given to Arcturus by Cyprin on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
:( get your happiness
Given to Arcturus by Wraen on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
For this - "he could love unequivocally and exclusively, and that love was only sullied when he selfishly expected it unconditionally in return. and that was not love -- that was a projection of his selfish pathos. moment it entered his relationship with wraen was the moment his love was sacrificed and replaced by an emotion that was cold and impure." - I love Arcturus and Wraen does too! :)
Given to Arcturus by Klaus on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
Given to Wraen by Lunaria on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
Given to Arcturus by Huā on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart
Given to Arcturus by Lunaria on November 07, 2020
Blacktail Deer Plateau · this world is only gonna break your heart