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Given to Raven by Coelacanth on May 11, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · awaiting your mistake
Ugh, your writing is beautiful -- poignant and humorous by turns, and always so engaging I am disappointed when I reach the end of every post. I love the way you write Raven, and I have loved following this development of her character. How is it that you are so gifted, my friend? You have the ability to create beauty with fabric, ink, /and/ the written word. I know Raven will be a wonderful mother and alpha. I am so excited to see where her story goes from here!
Given to Phocion by Cortland on May 11, 2018
Gilded Bay · deserted, my organs can go on without me
sobbing bc I love Phocion and I love ur writing !!!!
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Raven on May 10, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · awaiting your mistake
I love your crazy plot wrenches and awesome ideas. Writing with you is always a wild ride and I really enjoy it! :)
Given to Towhee by Raven on May 10, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · she's tore up plenty, but she'll fly true
Just want to give you a lil' kudos for the crazy plot twists you always come up with. You keep things interesting around here for sure! <3
Given to Skraeling by Coelacanth on April 28, 2018
Dawnlark Plains · I'm gone for a week and this happens!
Holy guacamole, it's letting me leave kudos today. Rae is so whimsical and funny! I love to read every post you make with her, but this one is probably one of my favorites. Thanks for brightening my days with your silly Skraeling; her avatar and her antics crack me the heck up.
Given to Pema by Coelacanth on April 28, 2018
Dawnlark Plains · I'm gone for a week and this happens!
This thread is hilarious -- poor Pema! I've been eagerly following her journey and her tumultuous relationship with Shale, and Raven, I'm so impressed with how much your writing has improved and how Pema has evolved and developed over time. I miss Rouge sometimes; Szymon and Doe were so lucky that she stuck around when so many others ditched the bay, and Lotte was so happy to have her as a scouting buddy for the short time we had that plot going. I wish I had more characters near you so we could play together more! Maybe in the future things'll work out that way. Pema is a great character and you're a great player. ^^
Given to Rian by Coelacanth on April 28, 2018
Moonspear · can you try me (try me)
Siro! Rian's return to the Teekons makes me so, so happy. I'm so grateful for you. Our many years of friendship [we really ARE ancient, crusty creatures, aren't we?] and the bond Rian and Cypress shared are so incredibly important to me. I definitely feel like Rian was Cypress' ride-or-die and I know without you and without Rian, I would have given up on my flawed and fragmented raven long ago. Thanks for pulling me out of my museless funk and jumping on board with me with our little "bachelor gang" -- I actually tried to give you Rian kudos long ago in the dominance challenge thread but I wasn't able to. I've got to fit everything in here in case it breaks again, hahaha. Thanks for helping to bring my dream for Cypress to life; others may not see it so, but I truly consider what we did with Northstar Vale one of my most meaningful RP accomplishments. He's my first in game puppy from a long-standing family and it was beautiful to be able to play him with you. Your writing blows me away and I hope that we can play again together sometime, if not with Ripress / Cyrian, then with someone else. Welcome back, lovely, and I can't believe you don't have any kudos on your amazing, troubled boy. I love you so much!
Given to Reigi by Vaati on April 25, 2018
SO. MANY. EMOTIONS. Everything about this is legit perfect. Its so emotional and well written and so dramatically on-point. I feel so bad for her *sob*. I'm so heartbroken that she has to leave but this was just EVERYTHING to read! I hope I get to read more about this in the future <3
Given to Raven by Coelacanth on April 24, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · Troy, this is Midsomer
fiane ass pascakge bulignz mscls hahahahahahaahandjmsfk
Given to Grayday Sr. by Kasatka on April 22, 2018
Dawnlark Plains · isbjørn
Your writing is enchanting. Thank you for allowing me to become part of this family. I can't wait.
Given to Piper by Reigi on April 18, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · seal the clouds with grey lining
idk why this resonated with me so much, but it did. :)
Given to Coelacanth by Dawn on April 18, 2018
Wheeling Gull Isle · amongst the whales and the waves
your writing is beautiful, i adore coelacanth, and you're an absolutely amazing and kind person! love reading your threads <3
Given to Blixen by Ingram Sr on April 14, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · i am a rich pie filled with knowledge, i will not be eaten
100% deserves a shout-out for the vivid writing and emotional response. My feels :( Blixen is one of my favorites to read because you always portray this feisty lady so well.
Given to Ariel by Alarian on April 11, 2018
Emberwood · am i bleeding from the storm?
Take this kudos I've been wanting to give u forever because I love Del and the way u write him omg <3 he will always be one of my favorite wolf characters
Given to Rhakios by Raleska on April 07, 2018
Ankyra Sound · oh, green world -- don't deserve me now
Sorry, I know you hate kudos but this post deserves to be immortalized. :)
Given to Mahler by Kierkegaard on April 05, 2018
Ankyra Sound · lieder und gesänge
I have this feeling that you'll be getting kudos across the board on each of your characters but only because each one of them is so outstandingly different from the next. I adore Mahler; he's interesting, unique, sharp as a whip, and quiet. He is the darkest of horses I've ever seen on this site. I can't even wait to see what kind of magic you weave with him in the future. <3
Given to Rannoch’s Ghost by Smokestep on April 05, 2018
The Sunspire · BWP: kim, there's people that are dying
I was hoping to save this for a Rannoch and Lucy reunion, but I don't think I can wait much longer without giving you everything you could ever deserve in as few words as I can manage. I adore you, in the plainest expression of the word. I have always loved each and every thread I've had with you, and I cannot thank you enough for how much you have put into Rannoch as a character. It's been astounding to see him grow through every trial and error that has been thrown his way. You have played him with such grace and poise that it shakes me to my core and inspires me to invest more time and energy into my own characters. This is not something I can say for everyone, but something I can easily say with you. Chan, I love you with all of my heart. I cannot wait to be your sibling. I cannot wait to have a Lucy and Rannoch reunion thread. I am simply so astounded that I get the opportunity to write with someone as incredible as you, that it makes my heart feel crinkly. <3 Thank you for being such an outstanding individual and for being one of my best RP friends in the world.
Given to Raptor by Smokestep on April 05, 2018
Cerulean Cape · Cause for hate and a cause for ending, it sounds so easy
Raptor has easily become one of my favorite characters on this site. I love him in more ways than I can even explain, and never grow tired of his threads or his constant growth as a character. I am thrilled - beyond thrilled - that you would bring someone so outstanding to Ironsea. I cannot wait to see what more happens with him and Wylla, and I look forward to any/all of our future threads together. Here's to a long life with one of the best pirates I've ever laid eyes on!
Given to Rosalyn by Smokestep on April 05, 2018
Stavanger Bay · And as you get back into line, a mob jumps to their feet
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being such an incredible thread partner and addition to Ironsea. I love Rosalyn and everything that comes with her. I cannot wait to see how things unfold for her and Smokestep. No matter what happens, I will always adore her and you, and I cannot thank you enough for what you have brought to the table.