Hideaway Strath Itchy and scratchy show
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
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It was cooler today, and the clouds were overhead. But Phox had a problem.

He was itchy. Like, beyond itchy.

Phox rolled around on the ground, trying to use it to scratch his back, but it wasn't working particularly well. Flipping up onto his feet, he sought out the nearest tree and began using it to scratch the spots he just couldn't quite get with his own teeth or claws. And boy howdy did that feel good.
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She had agreed to comply with Towhee's terms. The first being to seek out her brother who led alongside her. A wolf by the name of Phox. The tundra mix had only glimpsed the shadowy male in passing. With the pack newly formed and now solidly established, everyone was understandably busy.

Herself included. She was on the hunt for an ideal spot all to herself. A private nook where she could retreat to, when she felt it necessary to meditate. She was hopeful the site, when she found it, could also serve as the beginning of a medicinal den as she worked on expanding her knowledge on herbs. 

Her pale form littered with grays, creams and soft wisps of sandy hues, flitted through a semi open patch of trees. Through the leafy canopy the sunlight filtered down, creating a dappled effect. She smiled faintly, jade eyes bright. This just might do nicely. But before she could consider investigating, a dark form caught her eye. Phox. And he appeared to be enjoying himself immensely, using a tree as a scratching post. She cleared her throat, taking a single step, a soft brow raised. "Everything alright? This summer heat can be quite the nuisance."
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Yay for mispronouncing names, lol.

A voice spoke up, and Phox paused mid-scratch to turn and look at... Kenyi, right? They'd met briefly when Towhee had welcomed her to the pack, but they hadn't had any one-on-one time. Or even two-on-one time. It was rare for Phox to get a moment to himself, but he certainly enjoyed the company of others, so that wasn't a bother to him. I'm itchy all over today. As if to prove a point, his left ear started bothering him, and he lifted his hind leg to scratch at it.

He stopped after a few swipes at it, then sniffed the foot. It didn't smell particularly interesting, but he was still suspicious of whatever was going on. Think I might go take a dip in the river later, he mused aloud.
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He was quick to take notice of her, and his initial greeting seemed friendly enough. She nodded with a modest smile. "That's right. I'm sure Towhee mentioned me, has she not?" A pause along with a gentle flick of her tail. "I have her to thank for being welcomed into Asterism Grove. She requested that I seek you out." A smile of amusement threatened to break over her lips.

"Although I see I may have caught you at an awkward time." She held back a chuckle, though she truly did feel sorry for him, suffering from such relentless itching. "A cool dip would help, yes." The gears in her head started to wind, and it showed. She took a step closer. "Mind if I take a look? It could be a simple heat rash. I do have some basic medical knowledge."
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
As much as he tried to concentrate on what Kenyi was saying, the itchiness was through da roof. He squinted at her, clearly distracted by his own physical discomfort, and pretty soon he was back on the ground, rolling around in the dirt and trying to find some relief. Phox managed to catch the last bit about being a medic, and he stopped mid-roll to look up at her. Why hadn't she said so sooner?

That would be fantastic, he said. Besides, it would give her a chance to prove her medic chops in a real-world (non-life-threatening) situation.
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She couldn't blame him for being distracted. That itching had to be driving him insane. But he agreed to her proposal and with that, she stepped closer. Clearing her throat, she began. "Alright, I'll start by taking a look at that foot, if you would." She nodded towards said paw, gesturing him to hold it out to her. It was a safe place to begin; Keyni did not want to get too close to a wolf she had met only seconds prior.

When he complied, her brows pinched together in scrutiny. The skin below his dark hairs was inflamed with an ever so faint pinkish tint. That wasn't nearly enough to go on alone. Inching her black nose closer, she sniffed, as he had done. After a long pause of what had to be contemplation, she spoke up. "Well the good news is there is no odor. That would indicate the start of a bacterial infection, below the surface." She said pointedly, calmly. "It is either a persistent heat rash...this heat with your dark fur will do that...or allergies." Reclining back and allowing him room to breathe, she offered her final bit of advice. "It's difficult, but try not to scratch, if you can help it. That will make it worse. These things usually clear up on their own." She looked around with a trained eye, as if looking for something in particular. "If I can find any Blue Elderberry, that should help relieve the itch, temporarily." She looked at him directly, completely professional. "How are your medicinal stores?"
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Unlike his mother, Phox had grown up with a capable healer in the form of Raven, so he was used to being poked and prodded while she fixed whatever problems he had. Having Raven here right about now would have been nice, but he tossed that thought into the wind. He was here now, for the sake of his children and for his own sanity. Kenyi rambled off a bunch of things he only half paid attention to.

My what? he asked, probably answering the question right then and there. Not heeding her advice in the least, he squirmed a few inches back, then began to chew and nibble on his feet where the sensation was the worst. If he could *just* scratch it enough, he was sure it would feel better. Right?
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
If it was one thing the tundra mix was known for, it was her near infinite patience. Phox only seemed to be half listening to what she had said the entire time, to distracted by the itching that cursed him. Other wolves would have gotten aggravated by this point, especially when giving out medical advice. But not her. She didn't even blink. Just switched tactics.

Her snout swept in to gently brush his own aside, hoping to get him to pay attention for just a moment. She was quick in the motion, drawing her muzzle swiftly and safely out of reach should he take offense and try to snap. She meant well, believing she knew what was best. But if he wanted to ignore the advice he had asked for, then that was his choice. "Medical plants and herbs in case of an emergency. Every pack has a stock, usually." She explained. There was the chance that Asterism Grove had no such supplies, given their newness and lack of a healer she was aware of. To bolster him further, she threw in a new suggestion. "C'mon. Why don't we go down to the river right now to soak your paws?" She said as she got up to walk.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She pushed him away from his gnawing at his own feet, and he didn't lash out at her, uncomfortable as he was. Phox had always been pretty level-headed, and he had no reason to think she was doing anything just to piss him off. Oh yeah, he recalled, Raven had something like that, but she didn't come with us. Nor had she made one for them here. Actually, that would be a good thing to ask of her, now that he thought about it. Maybe she and Kenyi could collaborate and swap... medic stories? Yeah, something like that.

Kenyi suggested they go down to the river now, rather than later, and Phox nodded along eagerly. A cool dip in the water does sound awfully nice, he admitted. He followed her lead, eventually stepping up to walk side-by-side with her. Hoping to take his mind off the enraging ITCH that seemed to engulf him, he coughed up some small talk. So, Kenyi, what brings you to us, anyway? I don't think Towhee mentioned that.
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Even if he had lashed out, Keyni wouldn't have lost her cool. But she would stand firm. After all, she had initiated the move. Acknowledging her, he mentioned a new name. Raven. "Raven..." She repeated, licking her lips. "I don't believe I know her." There was a hint of desire for more info about this wolf, possibly. In her minds eye, by the simple name alone, she envisioned a pure jet black wolf. She had said after all, to Towhee, that she fully intended on visiting their neighboring allies.

Her charcoal tipped ears flipped back, taking notice of his mispronunciation of her name for a second time. It was her own fault for not correcting him. She let out a soft, unoffended chuckle. "It's Keyni. Kenyi just doesn't suit me." She said with a wink and a curl at the corner of her lips, just to show she was not all business and seriousness. With a light spring in her step, she navigated her way towards the stream, side by side with her new leader. If she was being honest, she was looking forward to soaking her own legs as well. "She didn't. It was by chance...I was passing through and I had begun considering swapping my nomadic life for one within a pack. Not to brag by any means, but I do feel that I have a lot to give. I want to pass on what I know to others."
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Of course Kenyi wouldn't know Raven, nor had Phox expected her to, but that wasn't really the point he was trying to make. She lives on the platea–er, the glade, just beyond the cedar forest. He nearly forgot about their move, but saying it out loud reminded him. She's my older sister, actually. Raven's been a medic since before I was born. At least, that was how he remembered it.

She corrected his pronunciation of the name, and Phox blinked, wondering why she hadn't corrected him the first time. Probably trying to be polite, he decided, and he shrugged it off easily. Well, Keyni,, your knowledge will certainly be helpful around here, he said, pausing to paw at his face, which was now just as itchy as the rest of him. His eyes were watering, too. Whatever it was, he wanted to get to that water as quickly as possible.
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