Moonspear Clawing my way back to life
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
@Sialuk, but anyone is welcome to intercept her. <3

She had waited long enough. A few weeks had passed with her first meeting with Sialuk. During that time she had met a handful of wolves, all with ties to Moonspear. The days were growing longer, colder. More lonely. She was not made a wolf for solitude. She was a social creature, a pack wolf at heart. Often, she found herself thinking of Sialuk and Alaric, the later of the two, she wondered if he had made it to Moonspear.

At times, she would catch herself staring up and admiring the great summit. Rekindling memories of homes of her past. And she wondered what great stories those peaks held, waiting to be told. Her timing was such that her recent travels had taken her in the opposite direction, away from the ring of mountains that Moonglow called home. Back tracking, in her opinion, would be a waste of time when her mind was already made up. While she would have loved to meet the Moonwoman, mother of Sialuk, she would settle, first. After becoming established, the Archer would focus on resuming her education.

Newly arrived at the first gentle slopes of the summit, the scent of numerous wolves both surprised and impressed her. Sialuk had done well to build a pack, with the support of so many, in such short a time. Elentari looked forward to seeing her again. Hoped her invitation still stood. Still, out of her good manners, she kept a respectable distance from the borders. She took a breath, then called out, announcing herself.
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Argent was a consistent presence along the border. Stark silver against the blanket of glistening snow and the ash and grit of dirt and rock. He did so to keep himself busy, for if he remained in constant motion, his mind seemed more at ease.

It considered less the guilt he felt at once more being away from his natal family’s side—of determining whether Mahler still lived, and of looking inward to himself… how best to compound what a path to success and happiness might be.

So when a call echoed across starwoman’s claim, it was the silver Sandraudiga that was first upon the caller. Tall and striding, it was with icy eyes of grey and storm blue that took in the darkened she-wolf, giving pause to see if she would introduce herself or he would inject a simple greeting to ease her presence at their borders.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
sia will arrive in the next round!

Many names and faces came to Sialuk's sleeping spirit. The faces of her suitors, of taataa and braataa, long gone from this world. She writhed in her sleep, twisting herself out of slumber until she saw the waking world once more. Bleary-eyed, she got to her feet and exited the ulaq, stepping into the chill of the mountain air. The starwoman made her way to the nearest stream, and it was mid-sip that she heard Elentari's voice.

Still a good distance away, the raindrop thought it likely she would not be the first to greet the apprentice of medicine. It would be good to see her face again, and so Sialuk started toward the call.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her wait was not a long one. Answered promptly, confirming her inkling that these borders were well tended to. At first, the gleam of their pale silver-ish fur made her think it was Sialuk coming to greet her. A double take said otherwise. His stature was larger, more masculine. His eyes like ice.

Seeing no one else coming, she dipped her head, once. "This is Moonspear, is it not?" She paused, for they both knew the grounds on which they stood. She did not doubt she was in the right place. "I am Elentari Archer." She provided. "An acquaintance of Sialuk, whom I had the pleasure of meeting once before. If her offer still stands, I would like to very much become part of what she has built here."
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Her question drew an incline of his muzzle, if only slightly. It is, he confirmed, his tone a quiet rumble as his eyes traced over the depth of her ebony fur. 

Given the woman before him claimed to know Sialuk, he found little need to question her further on what it was she could offer their home—he was adapting to the culture and ways of the wolves nestled in these mountains and he felt a curled smile trace the corner of his lips. The starwoman will likely come as quick as she is able—but her duties are many. And so, for now, he would keep her company. 

I’m Argent Sandraudiga. He gave a pause, his form relaxing slightly in the moment of simple conversation. Archer seems a strong name. Can I ask where you’re from?
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She relaxed enough to recline on her haunches, her shoulders loose and free of tension. The man was not overbearing, but attentive. Welcoming, even, as she caught the smile at his lips. She appraised him again, lingering on the steel blue of his eyes. "Oh, I imagine so, with a new pack and the connections to Moonglow, I have heard of." She agreed. Elentari had yet to meet a wolf from the sister village, though.

"Nice to meet you, Argent." She thought his name strong. Peeking up at him, her cheeks warmed at his compliment towards her surname, Archer. "You would not be wrong. We are many. Widespread. My place of birth, the distant northern land of Torbine. I remember little of it. More, of my second home, Northfall, along a rugged mountain coast." She had traveled much in her young life.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Argent and Njord were fine guardians of the spear. Whenever Sialuk did not meet newcomers first, they were quick to greet and entertain them while she made her way to them. She thought these good qualities, and she was not surprised to find the Sandraudiga speaking pleasantly with Elentari when she arrived.

Elentari! she beamed, brushing past Argent with a thankful glance. She greeted the woman with a flagging tail and a smile that showed her pleasure in seeing her again. Do your bones still ache? she asked, trying to note whether or not her friend showed signs of distress in her joints.
Atkan Aleut
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
skippable unless addressed!

He was about to comment on her home further—more so, her experiences in life when a jovial Sialuk came upon them. The mention of aching bones had the man cast a quick once over of the she-wolf, though assumed it was nothing serious. 

As such, he gave a welcoming nod to the starwoman, allowing her the forefront of the conversation—silent for now, unless addressed.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Elentari quickly found herself at risk of becoming deeply engaged in conversation with Argent. Which, she wouldn't mind in the least. As a potential future pack mate, she relished the opportunity to get each individual on a personal level.

But then, Sialuk appeared. Beaming and with a bounce in her step. Her dark face grew a little brighter. "Sialuk, it is good to see you again." She yearned to move forward in earnest, but her sense of composure held her back. She shook her head, not surprised that the rain drop still remembered her slight ailment when they met. "No, not since we gathered the Ragwort. The...flare ups come and go." She admitted, eyes darting over to Argent briefly.

"You have been busy, I have heard. Your is impressive." Her gaze flitted up towards the grand heights, lingering in admiration. "It...has called to me." She said more softly, if not a little bashfully. "I would be honored if your home would be mine, too..." She breathed, anxious.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Argent made room for the two women to reacquaint themselves with one another, and Sialuk took notice. And Elentari! She wished to make her home in this village, and the raindrop's heart sang. Aya! she replied, her tail beating quickly back and forth. Moonspear will be happy to have you on her slopes. You will be a student of healing? she asked. Sialuk would teach her much of what she knew, and here too Elentari could travel quickly to Moonglow and learn more from Kukutux.

She thought of Bridget, too. The one with three legs who had offered retainer. Perhaps they could collaborate and swap knowledge among all of the healers that lived in this region.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
For reasons she could not explain, her heart hammered in her chest. She felt warm under her skin. A sense of bubbling elation that felt out of place for the usually more conservative Archer female. But here, in this moment, this time and place before these ancient slopes, the Star Queen felt no need for such reservation. Not in the midst of such forthright wolves, of one with such a bright spirit as Sialuk's.

"I will. Here, I will resume my studies and expand knowledge to help others." Healing, was not her only passion, though. "I would also like to lend my hunting skills to Moonspear. Knowing that I play a role in providing makes me proud."

She thought of Alaric, whose interests were so close with her own. Had he made it to Moonspear? She would find out in due time. She came close. Daringly so, in a move to brush the contrasting fur of coal against rain. The connection she felt, she could not control. "The faces I must meet...are they many?" She grinned with life.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A healer and a hunter. A woman of many talents. Sialuk was honored to have her among her people. The raindrop buzzed with excitement at Elentari's enthusiasm and touch, pressing her own shoulder against the other woman's. But she did not wish to leave Argent out of their conversation forever. @Argent is hunter, too. You will have many companions to help provide, she said, flashing a grin to the silver man.

Sialuk counted the villagers in her mind, looking upward as she did so and silently repeating their names. There are six more you will meet. Njord and Alaric are strong hunters. Stingray, their son. Keen, one who gathers stories. Tullik will teach you to ascend the spear!
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Argent was far from forgotten. Her eyes flickered towards him, her smile still remaining. "I see already that I am good company with those of the mountain." Archers were naturally diverse wolves. Their multi talent was not uncommon. From healing and hunting. To scouting, advising and battle.

Six others. Six wolves she was so eager to meet and get to know. Her brows shot up in delighted surprise at Alaric's name. "I know Alaric. We have met once. I am glad he has joined you, here." She filed away the other names for later. "I am familiar with mountain slopes, but all are different. I look forward to getting to know the Spear and it's wolves on a deeper level."
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The she-wolves were aflutter with their reunion—something that preened a cheeky smirk of his own, to the corner of his lips, his eyes stealing glances to them both every so often—a friendship previously kindled, and perhaps something that could grow and be nurtured.

Still, while the two were eager for one another’s company, he was unwilling to draw himself into their companionship for now, allowing them to catch up with one another. As such, Argent rose, his towering form prowling closer to brush in familiarity to Sialuk—and, soon, dipping forward to brush against Elentari, should she allow the companionable gesture. “Hunt soon?” The question to the blue-eyed shadow, though his gleaming eyes also cast upon Sialuk, taking this moment as his leave.

They could catch up with each other and he would simply continue his rounds of the border—the ever-growing pack well marked and hopefully well guarded.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her skin buzzed warmly. So new to the Spear, and yet already, so welcomed by not one, but two crystalline coated companions. While she clung close to Sialuk, Argent was welcomed to her side warmly. She resisted the urge to let her eyelids droop in bliss. Oh how she had missed the sense of unity of being immersed in a pack. Of solid, thick furred bodies pressed close for warmth and comfort. 

Days long past with her sire and dam and siblings. New, equally fond memories could be built here. She hoped the others were just as receptive as her pale counter parts. To Argent, she rumbled in a soft voice. "I would love to. Three days time, of the waning crescent." Was her suggestion, while she found Sialuk to see if she was agreeable. 

If the raindrop had nothing more to add, Elentari would be on her way. Not before placing a gentle nibble of small teeth on a pale cheek. "Thank you, again. It is an honor to walk among Moonspear." She drifted away, to explore the reaches of her new home.