Sunspire Mountains ah, but I'm singing like a bird, 'bout it now
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
their existence on the mountains is simple, as was her shallow life at the Hollow, but far better because @Aditya is in it. she does not know strictly what they are to each other, but she is content in the ease of not knowing, for now. she knows that he is all of her family that is left. there is Sunny, yes, but he has made his own happiness, his own family, and she will not insert herself into his life unless prompted. and so that leaves him - never has she doubted her love for him, but his forgiveness, and hers, has severed ties between them bound into place by emotions and debts unrealized. 

perhaps, in some other story, it would be now that the lovers part. forgiven and come to truce, the air between them untainted. not this one, though. not yet. 

Dawn faces the coming morn from the top of a gently sloping cliff, and the cold settles even in her thick mantle. the sky is bathed in all those soft colours, the gentle prelude to another day of hunting and climbing. and yet—there is a sharpness to that morning, a heat that gathers and pushes up against her skin, an instinctual yearning for something she can not immediately name. the huntress shifts her weight, breath billowing out in twin spires of mist.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he roused early, for whatever reason, tugged from sleep. maybe it was the sudden lack of heat nearby, as he'd soon come to find out. for now, he rose and yawned and stretched, and trotted after dawn's scent; she must be on an early hunt. there was something different, whether in the smell or the air itself. magnetic, almost.

but it didn't really hit him until he came within a few tail-lengths of her atop the rise and drew in a deep breath.

suddenly, he was on a hunt of his own—and the quarry wasn't deer. aditya felt a sudden twitch between his legs, a tightening of his belly, and his heartbeat quickened. he trotted up the hill without any sound of greeting, body low, like he was stalking. instead of pouncing, though, he raced up just behind her and ran his muzzle up one of her hind legs, from hock to the base of her tail, and drowned in the sweetness he found there.

adi pressed up alongside her as he moved to pass her, pivoting away then with a cheeky smile. a fine chase it was. his eyes were burning like the midday sun. do you want to play a game? he asked, voice a little husky, laughter in it all the same.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
her mind wanders and sways, and it seems difficult, impossible, to have it still at any one thought. it is why, she supposes, the touch of Aditya sends ten thousand tiny lightning bolts arching up her spine. her muzzle flashes around to nip playfully at the fur of his cheek, and as he presses against her side so does she press against his. they part suddenly and she twists to face him, the grin splayed across her muzzle infused with something similar to his own. 

her gaze contained within it all it's old fierce hawkishness, and as he spoke she draw near, pushing against her shoulder, angling her muzzle close to his ear. whispered, carefully; "catch me." she spun away and bound down the incline with all the agility of a mountain goat, infused with a new kind of recklessness she'd thought she'd long lost. her paws thudded against earth as she twisted neatly to land on level ground, pausing only to peer back at him. should he follow, she'd resume her easy lope, growing near only to bound further away.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he let out a groan, wry but unmistakably frustrated, especially since she'd gotten so close to the tender skin near his ear. you know you're too fast for me, yaar, he complained, but took after her nonetheless. he aimed a nip at her flank, teeth clicking on empty air. he launched himself into a sprint—only to lose her as she dashed away once more.

you're in for it, chikni fuck, no, why? why that name?! why now?! though oddly enough, something that should have been a total boner-killer only, well, helped it along. his pace increased and he bore down on her, her heat-scent trailing behind her like the tail from a jet.

now he was ravenous, and the game was half-over. he pounced, hoping to bowl her over. even if he missed, he'd get right back up and try again, and damn her if she continued to elude his pursuit. damn her.

her seemed to have taken on a vague, nebulous meaning. she was no longer dawn, or coelacanth, or vidya, she was just her, wreathed in heady fragrance, something to conquer and possess.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
his pounce met empty air as she spun away, fleet and quick. but she was growing bored of this, and thus, when he sprung again, let herself be bowled over, landing heavily in the dirt. small exclaim left her jaws, but she twisted back to face him all the same, mud streaked into the fur of her muzzle. "it seems you've won." she mused, words casual, teasing. 

her brow cocked, clear question - what do you want to do with your victory?  her gaze rests on his, challenging, and she nips at his muzzle impatiently.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
a try, and a fail. another try—damned if he wasn't dogged—and they landed in the dirt, rolling, a surprised laugh escaping his muzzle. he looked up at the spring sky, and then over to her when she spoke, wryness curving his mouth into a wide arc. it seems i have, he shot back, lashing his tail.

he let out a whine as she nipped at him, and lifted his chin, wanting desperately for her to preen at his throat. he was submission and dominance all at once; the latter turned on him quickly, and he rose to his paws, sinking his teeth into her scruff and tugging upward. get up, he mumbled against her flesh.

aditya at once wanted to fuck her and make love to her; he couldn't decide which. it went back and forth with each moment that ticked by, but the undeniable fact was that he needed her and needed her quickly. he was sure he'd die having to go without any second longer.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
she wasn't in the mood for teasing much longer, and preened at the underside of his throat, his chest. his teeth tugged at her scruff and her preening turned to a sharp nip at the underside of his chin, though ultimately she rose. she did not stay still for long, moving to press alongside him, nipping at the fur along his spine as she went. her own tail was curled high in pseudo-dominance, and as she moved alongside him, her teasing nips became sharper, more wanting.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: sexy times start here

he pressed against her with a longing sigh, enjoying the length of her body along his. he bore each nip with quivering skin and followed with his eyes the steady rise of her tail, even as his lids drooped. he dipped his muzzle to cover her in kisses, pressing along her spine, preening at her neck. he once more seized her nape and then, without hesitation, lifted himself atop her with a breathy groan.

it wasn't the usual frantic coupling of breeding season, brought on by sudden heat (although that was the instigator of this). he took his time, pressed up against her, grinding steadily without any penetration. all the while, he skimmed up the arc of her throat, brought his lips to her ear.

is this okay? he murmured gently, words barely audible in the thunder of blood in his own ears. is this what you want? his words were half-inquiry, half-tease. he could have her easily, whatever she thought—but he respected her too much to proceed without the knowledge that she wanted him, too.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
he swung atop her, and how easy was it to forget past transgressions and be here only in this moment. she crooned her happiness in lilting tones, pressing back against him and this, certain she desired nothing else. had logic and reason the chance to catch up with her racing mind, she surely would have been more hesitant, but now she was anything but.

she twisted her muzzle back, confident, sure. "I want more," she offered in return, soft voice turning to instigating growl. in this, she was sure.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the growl stoked a new fire in his belly, even hotter and wilder than the one before. i've always wanted more, he groaned, before seizing her nape and plunging hard inside her. she was so taut, so warm, and he struggled to not lose himself completely within the first few frenzied thrusts.

instead, he grasped her tight against him, adrift in mindless pleasure. all he could think was her name—dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn. . . he couldn't believe this was happening. he couldn't believe this was finally his reality, to hold her, to have her and all of her.

he'd wanted it for so long.

oh, god, dawn, he burst out, the release taking him by surprise and blooming out in ripples from his core. he pumped through it, gasping, shuddering, running his lips along her neck. dawn. . .god. . .i love you— his breath hitched and he began to sink atop her, still knotted tight, infinitesimal shivers running through his body.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
his movements were fuel to the fire, but the sudden push of his body was gasoline - and how dearly she wanted to burn. she moved with him, pushing back against his every move. for a moment they moved in unison, and then their actions devolved as reality felt further and further removed and blind pleasure overtook her senses. when suddenly she became aware of his weight lowering, it was like being pushed back to earth, and once more she became aware of the rock underfoot. she gasped without realizing she'd been holding in the astonished sound, and then his name; "aditya - adi, adi, I love you too." it was clear and vivid in that instant, and her breath came quickly, trembling.
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
her words punctured through his post-coital haze, sharp as fangs. not in a terrible way, mind—but they definitely brought gravity to a situation which was, a moment ago, so dreamlike. he shifted to pull away and found himself connected still, then twisted with a small groan, letting anatomy do its job.

once the knot had loosened, he retreated, taking several shaky steps away before turning back.

aditya drew up alongside dawn, his eyes fixed on the side of her face. if permitted, he pressed his muzzle to her cheekbone, drawing it down along her neck, thrusting his nose into her ruff. drinking in the sweet, heady smell of her. trying to grasp onto the words she'd given, whether truthful or merely driven by lust.

it would be some time before he realized that this could become a problem.

fade out w/ your next?
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
they fell together and came apart, and for a stretched-out moment she tried to grasp the complete depth of all she'd just felt. breath was shaky, uneven, though gradually did her heart slow and grow even. she hummed a note at his familar touch, returning the gentle movements with ease. for now, consequence did not prick at her chest.