Swiftcurrent Creek I'm at a party I don't wanna be at
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All Welcome 
Almost as soon as he left them behind, Lucas regretted his decision. Laurel had begged him not to go and Indra had tried to reason with him, but all he was thinking about at the time was his aunt's crestfallen expression when Terance revealed that Merrick was gone. Laurel knew he was well, she knew where Piper was and she knew that Wyatt was gone for good; surely she didn't need him as badly as Indra needed him to find Merrick.

Of course, he didn't know the trauma his mother was dealing with. So while she and Marten were off visiting a resident pack to seek entry, Lucas left quietly to search for Merrick. But in leaving, he had overlooked the immensity of searching for one wolf in as massive a land as the Teekon Wilds, and he didn't make it very far before the enormity of the task he set himself began to get the better of him. A few days later saw Lucas rationalizing that he could stay with his mom and search for Merrick on the side, and he turned right around and went back.

By then his family had moved on, but since he wasn't aware of it—it was ludicrous to him that another pack could turn them away, so they had to be here—he stopped outside of the Swiftcurrent pack's claim and crooned a low note for the leaders.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya wasn't a leader, but he had been tasked with recruiting new members to the ranks of this pack. their place here was still tenuous, dependent on their duty, and he would see it through. they would make this creek their home, and leave the shadows of the past behind. and yet, the voice that called seemed so familiar. . .

lucas? he called out upon seeing the youth, almost not believing his eyes. not a shadow, but real flesh and blood, right there. a wolf associated with a better part of his life—well, a wolf he had not screwed over, at least not to the extent he'd screwed others. the storm had driven them apart, but that was nature's bluff, not his.

a smile broke over his face as he trotted toward the border. i was worried for you, when i couldn't find you during the sea storm, aditya said fervently, sucking in a breath. how are you, bhai? for he was no longer baccha; young as he was, lucas was pretty much a man now, not the kid adi—govinda—had once met on the cliffs.
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Lucas never forgot a face. It was something he prided himself on, but for once he had to really think about who was approaching him. The man knew his name, so they'd obviously met before, and yet for a few long seconds Lucas couldn't think of who this was. It came to him just as Aditya mentioned the storm that split the wolves of Parivaar apart and he picked his tail up into a jovial wag. Govinda!

He was lacking the salt in his fur. That was it. Lucas had once mistaken it for white markings, which explained why he didn't recognize Adi sooner. I'm well, he answered, beaming. I thought you left! He said it without accusation, retaining instead a glad twinkle in his eye to see the man again. He'd very nearly called Govinda his leader, and perhaps things would have turned out quite differently if he remained on the shore. Alas, though he found commitment tedious and was eerily alike his grandfather in that respect, right now his selfish wants aligned with his family's.

I'm glad you're all right, he said. I went to a nearby island after the storm, then reunited with my family. They were trying to join here, I think. I went looking for someone but I'm back now. The rest was all just boring detail. Instead, Lucas asked, what brought you here?
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the old name sent an unexpected jolt of pain through him; he felt himself wince, if only slightly, and definitely unconsciously at that. adi recovered after a beat, though, giving lucas a sheepish smile. i'm glad you're well, he murmured in between the young man's sentences, ears turned forward to catch every word. he was happy that lucas had been able to find family.

i did leave, he explained. i went south and found some extended family. i stayed with them for a while, then eventually made my way back, though far mainland from where i was, he added, voice playful. he swallowed, then, remembering the final query. i had amends to make, here. old friends to visit. and i needed a place to settle.

his gaze drifted away, face kind but troubled. they call me aditya, here, adi said softly. govinda was given to me in a dream but. . .aditya—'adi,' for short—is the name my mother gave me. he couldn't ever abandon it fully. not even with all the weight of the world it carried.

which wolves are your family? he asked, tone growing stronger, face warmer, as he switched the topic of conversation (and feeling very relieved for it). perhaps they're here, and i know them.
200 Posts
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Lucas listened politely to all that Aditya had to tell him, and at the end, was somewhat relieved himself. He had only ever lived as himself in spite of the nasty little mental voice that sometimes needled him and tried to bring him down. His relief was for Govinda, who was now wholly himself as well.

I'm glad for you, he said, that you can make amends and see your friends. Truth be told, he had amends to make as well, but Lucas believed his family needed him more than Undersea did. Whether it was his scattered, missing family or the one that had been right in front of him that needed him most was hard to say. He could only make the choices he believed were right and deal with whatever came after, he supposed.

My mom's name is Laurel, and she's with my auntie Indra and Marten. You said you know her, remember? They came here to join a little while ago. Maybe Aditya didn't remember, thought Lucas. He had no idea that his memory was something of a rare gift.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
sweet lucas. adi shot the young man a smile which turned sheepish as the gaps in his memory were addressed. laurel. . . he murmured, then the proverbial lightbulb went off over his head. ah! indra. . .laurel. that's right. i met indra once or twice. sorry, aditya added, grimacing slightly.

as if to add insult to injury, he shook his head, looking contrite. they're not here, he said apologetically. not since i arrived, anyway. i could ask around for you, see if i could point you in the right direction. . .?

he glanced over his shoulder, brow furrowing. lucas had called for the leaders and no one had addressed him. aditya let out another howl for @Kavik and @Alessia, hoping one or both would heed it soon.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
sorry for the wait!

He had been outside the borders when the first call rang out over the creek and so he had not heard it. He was protective of his family, as well as the creek and it's members, so he never liked to leave strangers unattended at the borders for very long. Unfortunately, his protectiveness was what pulled him from the creek today as he continued his search for ways to keep everyone fed in the coming months. 

As he reentered the territory, Aditya's howl reached his ears, and Kavik turned and headed towards the call. He came to stand next to his new packmate, dipping his head in greeting to the man before resting his gaze on the young stranger. I'm Kavik, one of the alphas here, he started. What brings you to my borders?
I'm no good without you
200 Posts
Ooc —
They're not here. That was troubling news, but it wasn't all that long ago that Lucas had left them here. He was willing to bet they just hadn't crossed paths yet. Oh, they haven't been here very long, he said with a quick side-to-side flick of his tail. You probably just haven't seen 'em yet! That seemed far more likely than them not being here. How often was it, he wondered, that packs turned away those in need?

He was naive enough to think it was a rare occurrence.

The arrival of Kavik signalled a shift in the conversation. Lucas rivaled the man in size, but there was a plush softness to the boy that the Alpha lacked. He lowered his head and shoulders in deference as he said, I've come to join your pack if you'll have me. I'm a good counselor and a better dancer. My mom Laurel and my aunt Indra would have joined you less than a week or so ago with Marten.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
hmmm, adi murmured, thinking. he hadn't remembered seeing or even smelling indra around lately, but perhaps he really had missed them. at any rate, he was spared having to hash that out with lucas when kavik arrived; his shoulders sank imperceptibly in relief. the alpha would have the answers.

he gave the dark man a nod and a smile before turning to lucas once more, face aglow as the young man made his introduction. he was very fond of lucas—shame that their little family within the coconut grove hadn't been meant to be. they could, though, create something here. something new.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
He remembered the wolves he mentioned, well except for the wolf he called Indra; she had bot been there that day when he had to make the hard decision to turn away a mother in need. They were here, but-- he paused, feeling bad that he would have to tell him that they weren't here because he had turned them away. They aren't here now; my pack couldn't accommodate any more pups, unfortunately. It was not the decision he would have liked to make, but he didn't feel that he had much of a choice when so many pups depended on or would depend on the pack already. I'm sorry, I don't know where they went when they left here.
I'm no good without you
200 Posts
Ooc —
The last thing Lucas expected was to hear that another pack turned his family away from their borders. He'd thought it was weird when it happened at Lost Creek Hollow, seeing as they were supposedly friends, but he hadn't been as angry as Laurel about it. Likewise, he wasn't as angry and upset as Laurel had been when Swiftcurrent Creek turned her away, but there was a little spark of indignation that lit in his breast when Kavik broke the news. It showed on his face for a split second as a flicker of a frown, but then his shoulders collapsed downward and he exhaled heavily.

I get it, Lucas sighed, even though he really didn't. Sorry, Gov— Adi. I need to be with my family now. It didn't feel right to leave the former Parivaar leader after just finding him again, but what else was he to do? He'd decided to return to Laurel and Indra. He couldn't just stay here, much as he wanted to catch up with Govinda. He licked his lips, which felt drier all of a sudden, and asked, do you know of any other packs in the area? It was somewhere to start.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya hated to be right, especially upon seeing the look on lucas's face. his lips pulled tight in a grimace, twisting into contemplation as the question was asked. there's elysium, in the willows to the northwest, he said slowly, mentally drawing a map. easthollow is nearby—they live near a ring of tall stones; you can't miss it. both of those packs i can vouch for, or at least the wolves within them.

he gave lucas a sympathetic frown, eyes warm. i'm sorry, yaar, he murmured. i hope you find them, soon. he hoped all was well, too, with indra and her family. adi had liked the woman when they'd crossed paths in the maplewood. he didn't wish ill on most anyone, but especially not those he was fond of.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Kavik didn't miss the frown, and it only added to the guilt he felt regarding the situation. The stranger then looked somewhat defeated as he spoke again, stating that he understood, but Kavik wasn't sure anyone could understand the position he had been in unless they, too, had to make that decision...at least not fully. But, he wouldn't try to defend his choice; that wasn't what the boy needed, nor would help they way he must be feeling right now. Kavik wanted to say something, but he couldnt think of anything that seemed right. Luckily Aditya spoke up, offering kind words and the names of some of the nearby packs. 

Kavik took a step back then. Again, I am very sorry. Feel free to take something from our caches for your journey. He offered his packmate a dip of his head and then turned to head back into the territory; there wasn't much else he could do here.
I'm no good without you