Dragoncrest Cliffs koute
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
all allowed near the den!

mireille stared down at the pillbug which had made its way from some mossy underworld out under the clumsy paws of little ones. and into a den no less. "oui!" she hissed, a correct syllable said by someone with no inkling of its meaning.
the armored thing rolled itself protectively.
that word, somewhat more familiar.
80 Posts
Ooc — twin
her sister's hiss drew the elfin sea-sprite from hiding, a mixture of concern and curiosity tinging autumn-kissed features as coraline drifted up alongside mireille in the sluggish manner of gentle low tide with an owlish expression to match. bright eyes turned first to her sister, then to the tiny balled up intruder, then back, blinking. what was mireille doing? why did she seem so perturbed by such a small thing? seeking to understand, coraline pawed at the unknown little visitor, touch featherlight and oozing wariness. but this offered no more explanation than she'd found before, so she turned back to mireille once again, voice soft and shaky with disuse (for she'd always been a quiet girl, even as she learned to imitate her siblings in the vocalizations of infanthood) as she questioningly parroted her sister's earlier exclamation: no?
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
coraline, alongside her. mireille spouted a mixture of french and creole, and her own secret language, of course, pushing the little pillbug along the floor of the den toward her sister's paws. "no!" she sputtered again, frustrated.
she put down her muzzle upon her paws and whined at the primordial creature.
first there was no movement, and then the carapace slid open a crack to expose a waving feeler, followed by the revelation of many legs! 
it rolled to its several feet and tried again to circumvent the small paws, valiantly exploring around the edge of coraline's own now.
80 Posts
Ooc — twin
mireille's outburst startled the girl a little, drawing a wary side-eye with an expression that spoke to coraline's poor impression of her sister's stability. the pebble edged away from the ticking time bomb that had shared a womb with her, even as her sister lowered herself with a whine toward the tiny foreign creature. belatedly it occurred to coraline that perhaps the whine signalled some sort of change, and her gaze drifted back to the bug, now unfurling in a swarm of legs that set her heart racing and her stomach clenching sickly. she started to step back, then froze as the tiny thing flipped itself to show a gleaming ribbed topside and made for her delicate toes. a shriek tore itself from her throat even before she knew her own horror, and she scrambled back in a panicked tangle of limbs, fearblind to whether such an action would drag mireille down with her.
sorry for the wait!
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
no worries! <3

drag mireille along she did, the wailing pair of girls who had just discovered quite the envoy into their sanctuary! the girl oofed audibly, rolling in a clumsy manner to try and disentangle herself and her pudgy limbs from that of coraline.
she found, however, that this proximity to her sister supported the response of her own teeth, and so trapped, began to try them upon coraline, growling lowly as she urged the other into a wrestling match.
the pillbug scurried off into the shadows on the other side of the den.