Ocean's Breath Plateau salt fleck
First Warrior
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Ooc — ebony
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"you know that among our people, a boy kills a seal to become a man. you know that your older brother raiyuk is a man, for he has done this."
chakliux balanced just above the surface of the ocean, encouraging @Sirmiq to swim in small circles around his head, practice for when he might strike a seal from above.
31 Posts
Ooc — metic
a man. he would need to become a man one day. he enjoyed the virtues of being a boy, of having no responsibilities and playing as much as he liked. but each day he aged closer to the time when he would need to hunt his own seal, and each day became a reminder to that looming expectation. 

he paddled around his father's head, the encouragement being reciprocated in small whoops from the boy as he kept his circles steady. splashed water stun his eyes a bright red, but sirmiq continued to practice with the occasional glance to his father for instruction.
First Warrior
1,004 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"seal are very fast," chakliux continued, closing his eyes as sirmiq's concentrated swimming sent water lapping along his jawline. "faster than you know. the water is where they live. it is where they will be hardest to catch, and that is why you must show your skill in killing one there."
"the first lesson, always, is how to go beneath the water and hold your eyes open. this will hurt for days until you are used to it, sirmiq," the seal hunter explained without coddle. "you cannot catch a seal if you cannot see it. go now. go under. when the pain begins, try not to gasp and breathe in water. come up quickly; keep your breath held."
31 Posts
Ooc — metic
was it not a son's greatest joy but to please his father? sirmiq continued to paddle as instructions were given, a chatter of his teeth given as he drew out the key motions. beneath the water, eyes open, breath held.

he sucked in the air to fill his lungs before he plunged beneath the lapping waves. sea and salt stung his eyes as he did his best to fight the urge to squeeze them shut. he remained beneath the water for a many seconds before he emerged with a sputtering cough and a few disoriented splashes.
First Warrior
1,004 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sirmiq was strong for this, and soon chakliux's strong body came to support his son against the surface. "we will swim back to the shore now," he called above the lap of the waves. "once more we will go under. i will show you when. and i will be with you."
enough for today, he decided. "your mothers will be pleased to know of how you accepted this lesson, sirmiq!" he promised, arms powerful in the swimming back.