Hideaway Strath Oh, Fortune
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
With permission from the intimidating but fair alpha, Oryx had been escorted to the Strath, where the pack's boundaries lay. Feeling somewhat tiny in his shadow, she followed into his claim without saying much, like a timid, but willing lamb. Perhaps oblivious, perhaps ignorant, but for some reason, she wanted to see @Arlette, in spite of the fact that she had abandoned not only the wounded, grieving woman, but the pack which had shown her mercy as well. She'd run, hoping never to cross their paths again so that she might save herself the guilt and suffering she might have earned herself. Their disappointment wasn't something she felt strong enough to face. But when she'd caught Arlette's scent...Somehow, she wondered...For her to have been this far South- had she run too?

She was led to where Arlette's tracks were fresh, and permitted to follow along them by herself. She had made no commitments to the pack, but she felt it went without saying that if she decided to leave after speaking to Arlette then she could- but if she wished to say, then she would have to seek out the brindled leader again. She would not wear out her welcome, or betray the alpha for his kindness. So she carried on, following the soft pattern of Arlette's pawprints in the soft earth until she caught sight of her friend's pale fur in the distance- and called out with a timid bark to try and catch her attention.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,159 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was busying herself in gathering lavender. She knew it had a calming effect. She loved the lavender fields in their territory. She loved to stroll between them and sniff them. It had a calming effect on her too. The pale female started to pluck some of the bushes from the earth, wanting to gather some for her own birth and that of Simmik. Arlette herself still had two weeks to go. But she liked that her sides were rounding and that it was clear she was carrying.

The female looked up when she heard a timid bark. Her eyes scanned for the wolf that made that sound. Her eyes then settled on someone she never expected to see again. Arlette frowned almost like she was hallucinating. She stepped closer, and realized that Oryx was definitely real, and standing before her, standing in the Saints territory. Was she a trespasser?! Would Don even allow her in, or did she decide to join the Saints as well.

Arlette's upper lip wiggled, not yet baring her teeth. Clearly she wasn't very pleased to she the dark petite female. She lifted her tail a bit. "What are you doing here?" she questioned.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Oryx paused hesitantly when she saw Arlette turn and clap her eyes upon her. Her ears lifted for a moment- as it was good to see a familiar face, so pretty even with patches of fur and skin uneven from scratches and healed bite marks. The wolf she tracked was unmistakably Arlette but the twitch of her lips and the posture she held were not familiar- and caused Oryx to sink back against the ground in submission. She felt her throat tighten as she saw the roundness of Arlette's belly, and felt an ache in her heart. Once before she had seen Arlette with child, and she could still remember the scent of those little bodies, to which she had clutched so fervently following their miscarriage. It was with familiarity stripped of all warmth that Arlette spoke and Oryx knew, then- or thought she knew- how disappointed Arlette was with her. She shouldn't have come. 

She had abandoned the pack in its hour of need, in the wake of the attack, and she'd been so hopeful when she'd first caught Arlette's scent that perhaps she had been naive to think she would be welcomed. She'd not stayed to help the family out. She had not stayed to fight off the intruders or protect her packmates. She had been a coward, and had run. Out of all the wolves, she had thought that Arlette might be the most forgiving- but now...She sincerely doubted that, and she could feel the heavy weight of disappointment settling between her shoulderblades like a hot brand. 

"I am sorry...I caught your scent, I...Was curious, and I was met by Ky...Kynareth, he said you lived here, I..." Now she wasn't so sure why she had decided to track Arlette down. Perhaps because some foolish part of her heart still hoped that they could be friends, or that some shred of that fondness still existed. She fell silent, then, thinking herself stupid for ever having thought that Arlette might overlook her cowardice and remember the friendship they had shared.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,159 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette stepped forward when the female lowered herself to the ground. In a way, Arlette should be thankful fo the female leaving. Since she was the perfect excuse to leave Easthollow for good. She had been shocked that no one had come to find her. Perhaps they didn't care about her after all, something she kind of knew. Though it had hurt that her only friend left. "The least you could say is that you are sorry for leaving me without a word. I thought you were my friend. You just left me there with my terrible mother," she told her.

The pregnant lady did want to keep her cool though. She calmed her breath. "But though it hurt it did give me a good reason to leave Easthollow. So because you were awful to me I did end up here," she told her. Her red eyes on Oryx for a moment. "So you joined this pack?," she asked then. Mostly curious about it.