Swiftcurrent Creek Now their bodies are dancing always
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel had decided to hunt before he returned, ultimately; he could never seem to stop himself from acting on his best intentions, even when what he really wanted was to be an asshole. It was just another piece of his past that would never really leave him. Maybe they'd known that, at Willowspire, and that was why they'd been so reluctant to retire him. What would he even do, if he couldn't help people?
@Lestan was there when he showed up, but thankfully he seemed unperturbed by Reverie's changed behavior. Kel hadn't been sure how he would take to it. He was busy with his daughter just then, so Kel moved to check on Reverie. She greeted him with a nervous look and a soft hello. He set the squirrel he'd brought in front of her. Hungry? Kel inquired, watching her carefully. He wasn't entirely sure this was going as he'd intended...
She only shook her head and turned away, seemingly lost in thought. Kel noticed belatedly that her paws were trembling; just slightly, hardly enough to notice, but he recognized it. Thinking that perhaps it would fade with time, as it sometimes did, he turned to approach Lestan and his child. What's her name? Kel asked quietly; if anyone had said it in his presence thus far, he had immediately forgotten.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
unfortunately, lestan mayfair had been too preoccupied with his new role as doting, fussing father that he quite overlooked reverie's changed mien, thinking her quite exhausted. she had been frantic before birth, trialed during it, and stressed after. it made a good deal of sense why she should at last find silence and rest.
missing the look shared between them, lestan looked toward kel. "blossom. rose blossom mayfair, in full." he looked down again at her precious and perfect face. "reverie named her."
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Lestan seemed far more stable now that he'd made it home at last — but Kel was still uncertain about him. He'd figured out by now that he'd been wrong in his initial assumptions; at first, he'd worried for Reverie and about Lestan. Now he knew better. It was the other way around. Either way, there was plenty of reason to worry.
Pretty name, Kel commented, thinking that it sounded like something from The Evergarden. Why'd Reverie decide to move dens? He went for casual and innocuous, and hoped Lestan would respond more readily — and coherently — than his partner had.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"blood," lestan said, gently bouncing blossom in the crook of his arm. "it no longer felt like home. i t-think the change has been good for us. for one, there's much more space. i-i fear sometimes when she leaves — well, in the past she has left but it's been a while — but when she wakes and leaves and runs, i think it is because the walls are too close, perhaps."
the mouth of this den was quite wide, activity inside visible from a distance.
the cornflower eyes climbed kelsier's cheekbones. "i want akavir to know we are well," lestan said meaningfully.
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It was interesting, Kel thought, the way he received more insight into Reverie's feelings by talking to Lestan than by talking to her. He didn't give much more information about their reason for leaving their last den, but said quite a bit else. Almost a shame to leave this behind, but he had other things in mind for this conversation. He didn't get a chance to ask his next question, however.
Kel looked at him carefully for a moment. Are you well? Voice gentle but firm, gaze unwavering. Reverie had said she was fine too, but then she was not. Lestan didn't seem fine to him. Not quite unhinged anymore, but... off. Decidedly unwell.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i am." this time lestan held kel's eyes. "i know you and my cousin are concerned, but i am home. i have spent many years of my life being f-fearful, and what i — what i saw out there has all but cured me of that hesitance."
blossom was sleeping now.
"i returned home to a purpose i did not expect. she, i did not expect. but she's here now, and i love reverie. and now i feel settled, for once."
a low sigh.
"there are forces beyond our understanding beyond these borders."
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
For a few seconds there, Kel almost believed him. He kept his expression mild but solemn through it all, listening intently, assessing Lestan in the quiet of his own mind. What forces? Kel decided to ask, as if curious, nothing more. There was nothing doubtful in his tone or his eyes, and he found this masking an easier task than it had been with Reverie.
Lestan's particular brand of illness was just easier to deal with, for Kel. He could handle delusions. Even knew a bit more about medicating for that than whatever else Reverie was afflicted with. Kel just hoped he would be receptive; he didn't think Lestan would be as easy to subdue.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"the deer." it was not easily see, but he had tangled the bone into the fur along his neck. now he showed it to kel. "something happened long ago to the mayfair family. bloodshed against many of my kin. golden deer did it."
he sighed. "i know it sounds quite mad but i come from a far different place than this, and so did reverie. it was a doe who saved me from that bloodshed and it was a doe i sought that night i went away, and found. but what i found after was a monstrous cat who spoke of princes and gods, spoke the words of my very heart in words i could comprehend."
"and then i was not myself for many days. when i awoke, i was changed. i knew that i had known reverie all my life. i knew that the cat and the witch who threatens swiftcurrent are of the same evil. i know now why she cries in her sleep."
his voice was low, but zealous.
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
So maybe he'd been wrong, about Lestan being improved. Kel nodded as he spoke, trying to make sense of it all. Some of it was true, based on what he knew and had inferred from his time here. Barely true, but the basis in reality made things difficult. And it would only get worse if left alone.
You'll need your strength then, to look after your family, Kel began carefully. Lestan, I believe you haven't completely recovered from your fever. I want to give you something to help. He wasn't lying. There was the matter of ethics in all of this — but breaking a few rules was nothing to Kel if it meant saving a life.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"oh, but i feel wonderful!" lestan exclaimed softly. "i am eating better and sleeping at last." but his brow furrowed, and he looked contemplatively over at reverie. "she's quieter also."
in his continued contemplation of blossom's sleeping features, lestan forgot to ask why kel thought him not quite recovered. he thought only of the days to come, the months, the hours.
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel didn't miss the look sent Reverie's way. He followed the glance, and hesitated. Reverie has accepted my help, He said finally, voice still soft. It took everything in him to resist holding his breath. Would this convince him? He didn't dare wonder if the man would react badly to the news. I believe you could benefit from it too. If he could get Lestan to agree, he thought, everything would be so much easier.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan felt a warning flicker and looked again at reverie, truly taking her in for a moment. there was a lengthy silence and then he said: "what did you give her?"
her words rose in his mind, even as his gut clenched. his eyes were upon kel, cooling with each passing second.
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Silence. Kel was aware of the way the air chilled between them after he spoke, and for the first time considered that one or both of them might have — objections to being medicated. It had never made much sense to him. No one rejected help when they were bleeding out; why should this be any different?
But he wasn't oblivious. Instead he was wary. Just something to calm her, Kel said, trying to reassure him. To make her well again. He didn't look at Reverie again; there was a creeping sense of guilt in him, because while she was calmer, she didn't seem very happy so far. But that would come with time, wouldn't it?
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
if the situation perturbed lestan, the evasion angered him.
he stood up and away. 
"what did you give her?" and his voice was grating, starting to tremble again. he cleared his throat. "you need to tell me and then you need to leave."
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141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel began to feel unsafe, and took his own retreating step back. It was time to end this visit, at least for now. He hoped that, given some time with Reverie, Lestan might come around. That's between Reverie and me, He said calmly. I'll give you some time. His tone suggested he would return.
With company, Kel decided, turning to leave now and find Akavir. He was past due for an update on the situation, and was besides that the person to ask for the protection Kel would need. He didn't trust these two — especially now.
578 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"don't come back!" called lestan. he set blossom aside into her downy cradle and crossed the wide room to reverie. "what did he do! what did he give you?!"
and now he blamed @Akavir for ever sending the man, for mistrusting lestan so very much. and he blamed himself for letting this come to reverie when he had promised! had said it would not!
the vow rose quick and hot in his throat.
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