Phoenix Maplewood flowers feat
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin

She moved without thinking, like a machine that has been coded for a job. She continued to walk away from that hell she worked so hard for, the bastard child wanted to get as far from that place as possible. She no longer felt the warmth of her heart, Desdemona felt like something died inside her months prior to entering these woods. She felt dead without a purpose driving her forward, she did not know where to turn to, or who she could turn to. The family she had was no more and scattered, she was far too scared to even face them for what she has done. The thought alone crushed her chest as she could not even face her family... But she felt she didn't deserve them anymore.

Tired and panting, her sore limbs kept going onward until she could find something, find anyone. Drowsy green jades kept glancing around, and nose pressed against the ground. She tried her hardest to catch a wiff of anything fresh, any wolf whome came by. The days of hard work toward hunting and tracking seemingly paid off, but she felt cold using these skills. They were hardened to be served for another, but he still did not care of her hardwork in the end. She only hoped, someone else will.

Desdemona picked up the familiar scent of other wolves, wolves who seemed to came in pairs to run somewhere. She couldn't tell how long the tracks have been sitting there- but it was a sign. The amount of wolves with similar scents could not be that far ahead, perhaps finally... Paradise was near.

She was tired, and weak, but the wolf pulled forward in a desperation to find what she has been looking for. Desdemona lifted her dark head into the air and took a deep breathe. She gave a long howl, a call toward the wolves she yet known; Morningside.

She hoped the leaderships could hear her.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
hope it's okay to throw him in!

Whatever Chaiyya had done to help his burns was working as he began to pep up without the pain to hold him back. The fact that a lot of them were still missing kept him from being himself, mainly the fact that Aliac hadn't returned home to him yet. Every day he rested, drank water, attempted to hunt, and patrolled like he normally would except more so because to lay still was to risk nightmares and all the thoughts he hated rushing back.

As he patrolled the surrounding wood a call came up, a call for leadership and he gave a curious glance in that direction. This was sort of their new home so it wasn't entirely surprising that someone would smell them and think they lived here. Not seeing why he shouldn't he headed in that direction and spotted the female standing there, waiting for Adi or Dawn. "Hello Ma'am! How can I help you?" he asked in a polite tone, hoping that his burned and patchy fur wouldn't put her off too much.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
since sebastian's return, he had lived each day in the hope that howls that rang out at the edge of the forest belonged to one of his own. this one did not. the sound of it was foreign, musical and searching. with a small sigh, he rose to his paws from where he sat, near the muddy pond, and headed that way, wondering who had come knocking--and why.

sunny had greeted her already, and aditya drew to a halt next to the silver male, giving him a smile before turning his gaze upon the girl. "yes?" he asked politely, assuming sunny had already given her a more substantive answer. "what can we do for you?"

she was a pretty young thing, with a lithe, muscled body cloaked in a dark brown pelt. her eyes were strikingly green; they cut through him like sunlight through the maplewood canopy, dappling the ground. his face was calm and inviting as he stood silently, waiting for her response.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She waited patiently, her gaze watching the terrian ahead for any sillhoute, and large ears perked to the sounds of steps. There was a feeling of unease, and she was not used to it. Her emotions were kept still and serious, but her heart thumped with a worry. Where they not around? Desdemona kept her ground, taking long breathes to calm her tense nerves.

Very slowly did her gaze drift over to the arrival, and for a second she looked surprised. He was a burned lad, patches of fur were gone from his gray body, but he still came out despite the injuries. She felt he was a strong lad, and her face regained her usual plain demenour of a serious manner. It was not her business to know of his injuries and simply ignored the matter to continue on more pressing issues. Was he the Alpha? Or a high rank? He smelled of a Pack, that was all she knew. When another arrived alongside the wolf, he smelled the same, and assumed these two were from the same place. Desdemona was calm, as she stood before the two.

"I beseech thee." She sank, her body dipped forward into a bow as she placed one paw forward and bent the other. The actions have been ingrained into her very roots, her movements were with ease as she naturally did so, "Alpha's of this land, I foolishly ask a request." Her voice was filled with the upmost seriousness as she respectfully spoke to them. Her eyes dare not draw upward as she set her gaze toward their paws, "I seek a place amongst your ranks, and hope for this acceptance into your pack."
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
They studied one another for a moment before Aditya arrived and he gave the male a warm smile, stepping back just slightly. Aditya echoed his question and he turned a curious and warm gaze back toward the pretty female. He waited for a few seconds before she silently dropped into a bow and began to speak. Wait. Alpha? Sunny blanched and stared at her as she grovelled to him and Aditya, ears slooooowly sliding back as he winced and turned to give Adi a uncomfortable look. "He's the alpha miss. Alongside my sister. I'm just below them" was all he said in a soft voice before he shuffled awkwardly and fell silent.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his brows rose to his ears as she gave a bow and spoke in flowery words--he'd never seen anything quite like this, while running morningside. still, he heard her out, smiling at the request. once you dug past the language, the question was simple. adi was flattered that there were still wolves who wanted to join up despite the plains--and the pack--being in shambles.

sunny's response sent his head swiveling, and he regarded the young man for a long moment before turning back to the newcomer. "what is your name?" he asked warmly. "where do you come from, and what skills can you offer us?" she seemed able enough; this should be a no-brainer. one never did know, though. . .her answers would paint a better picture.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She dare not move from her position, despite one not being an alpha. Surely he was a beta then, mentioning that he was a rank below the one beside him. He still was a respectable wolf then of a higher ranking, her bow would remain. Even her dark head stayed close to the ground, not meeting their gaze as she opened her maw to answer questions, "I am Desdemona." There was no surname she could bare worthy to, and she was never granted a middle name. She has always been, and will be, Desdemona.

She fell silence, as the dame held reluctance to where she came from. It was not that she held dark secrets, but the memories of such a place brought an unease. She did not like remembering that place... "I came from a place far away, as so I've been travelling for many cycles." Desdemona wanted to relinquish as little as possible to spare herself the bitter memories. She could only hope they do not find it suspicious. What she said so far has been truthful; she has been travelling for quite some time. She felt, oh so tired.. If her determination to join was not strong, she'd surely would be shaking in her weakened state that held a bow. However her spirit was strong and she held her ground in shortend breaths.

"My liege," she had to take a deep breather before going into her own assets, "I trained to be a warrior at a very young age. However I was not graced with such a body nor' worthiness to call myself a warrior... I gained, " She paused, "enlightenment on potential for a hunter, and trained to track and hunt." She felt nauseous thinking of who 'enlightened' her for such a task. Desdemona did find herself enjoying the hunts, but her way on getting to the skillset was not a pleasant experience. She found herself skilled at it as well, as the slimness from her body made her run with ease, emaking her able to gain a rather fast momentum when dashibg. The lass's dark pelt helped as well on later nights, where she could simply blend into the darkness.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Even when he corrected her she stayed in the position of a lowly wolf and he stared, unsure how to feel. It made him feel good to be considered high enough and respectable enough to have her maintain her position but at the same time he never wanted to be bowed to or even looked at as authority. He was a hunter of Morningside, a friend to all, but not a leader. He remained silent as Aditya and Desdemona spoke paying attention but making no comments until she mentioned hunting and he perked up. He studied her in a new light and nodded "She looks like she'd be a good runner and herder for taking down deer. We could really use some more hunters" he gave his opinion, not directly stating but hinting at his approval as he looked to Aditya. 

Sorry for the crappy response
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
my liege. now that was a name he'd never been called before. if he were a bird, he would have preened; as it was, aditya merely stared at her, warm golden eyes blinking softly as she spoke. he gave an impressed nod to her stated qualifications, and turned to sunny when the young man began to speak in her favor.

"yes, we do," adi concurred, looking back at desdemona. "well, desdemona, it's nice to meet you. and welcome to morningside. i don't see any reason why this can't be your new home. however," he continued, his tone cooling a bit, "this is a place where you will have to pull your weight. now more than ever, we need wolves that contribute, not ones that take and leave."

he thought of alya's words on loyalty, how different their cultures were. yet perhaps, in this time of need, now was the time to start pressing new recruits for their fealty. "will you stay true to us?" adi asked, the words feeling slightly wrong in his mouth. like holding a child to a standard too high for them. this was not his way.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She felt a relief, and a hope, when one mentioned they were in need of hunters. Perhaps then she could be of use, and gain acceptance toward... Morningside. It held a nice rang to it, and for her, it truly felt like the morning of a new side to her, as the more dark days were behind. Finally did she lift her head but remained in a bow, jade eyes looked toward them in determination.

"I understand," she was prepared to work to the bone to prove herself of use. No meal was free, "I will, my liege. I will uphold the Pack to my bitter death if so be it." And she was serious on her words, Desdemona was true to her promises. The words came out smoothly, there was no hesitation or reluctance, because she felt that strongly about staying loyal, and finding a place she could be loyal to. She knew nothing of this Pack or their ways, but there was time to learn. The dark wolf simply wanted to find a use for herself again, so she could feel fulfilled. Would this place give her what she desires?

There was a strong hope within that they were.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny looked between Aditya and Desdemona, still weirded out before he began to just assume this was how she was raised to act and it wasn't a random act of throwing herself at their paws. Aditya welcomed her to Morningside and Sunny thought that was the end of it when Aditya added a question that surprised Sunny. He gave Aditya a look of approval, his own opinion being that that should be a question now asked. How many members of his own family had just walked away for whatever reason? Skraeling had been someone he personally vouched for and helped out and she left them suddenly and without word as well. He turned back to the dark furred female and awaited her answer.

Her answer was one while still seeming dramatic and over subservient to Sunny, was one he was pleased to hear and he gave her a warm smile "Welcome to the Morningside family. I would like to hunt with you Sometime, maybe the two of us can bring home a good meal" he said before he could stop himself. He gave Aditya an apologetic glance  "My bad...Im gonna go check in on everyone else. See y'all around!" he said quickly and then headed off.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
pretty words they might be, but they were simply words. adi had lived long enough, and spun many such tales himself, to know that only time would tell if they were true. still, it was better to have asked then not, and he was about to open his mouth when sunny did so instead. his face contorted in confusion as the silver male apologized to him and then scurried off, then flitted to mild annoyance as he realized sunny wouldn't be around for when he needed him.

"well, echoing his sentiments, welcome to the family," he said warmly, grinning. "you'll be a joiner for a while and will need a mentor to show you around, and how we do things here. i was thinking of giving sunny, who just left, that assignment--can you find him later, and tell him? i think he'd be more than happy to help you out."

adi stepped aside, letting her come into the territory at her own pace. "i'm aditya," he introduced himself, realizing with a start that he hadn't done so already. he canted his head to one side, regarding her with some curiosity. "would you like a tour of the place, first, or would you rather rest for now and explore tomorrow?"
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Her jade eyes drifted toward Sunny, "thank you, sir," she said formally, and tried to say before he rushed off, "it'd be my honor." She did not know if he caught her words, as Desdemona bobbed her head downward toward him, but when she looked up he was already gone. They seemed busy, but someone who is with that amount of injuries yet still working? He looked determined, and didn't seem forced to do the tasks. She had a positive outlook on him by that alone.

Slowly did her gaze then drift back to the Alpha, she dare not to get up without command, "I understand." Her bow remained while giving a nod of understanding toward what was said. She requested to join, and did not mind following their ways or rules at all. Desdemona did find it peculiar, the 'Joiner' was quite new to her vocab on ranks. She was used to either you were an omega, or you were not. There was no beginner rank.

"I'm prepared to start on tasks whenever it is requested, my liege." While tired, she was prepared to start whatever she needed to do for the pack; hunting or border patrol, she was prepared to go in a split second. Her own opinion didn't even surface within her thoughts, she was far too used to orders being given. Which also included why Desdemona still dare not get up from her bowing position. He gave way for her to move forward, but she showed clear confusion and reluctance on what to do. There was no command to get up..? Is she supposed to? 

Her mind didn't even process his name, the dark dame would never dare call the Alpha by anything other then titles superiors held.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
she was a serious one, this desdemona. aditya wondered what kind of culture she had exited for her to be so deferential. he wasn't used to the treatment, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable as she continued to bow, not stepping into the territory. no decision on rest or a tour, either--was she waiting for him to boss her around?

she was out of luck; that wasn't his management style.

"you don't. . .have to keep bowing to me," adi said gingerly, flashing her a slightly nervous smile. "you don't have to bow at all, actually. i might be a leader, but i'm a friend, too. we're equals, as far as i'm concerned. i just try to keep everyone safe and happy," he added, lips broadening to a grin.

he took a long inhale, considering her promise. "but all right," he murmured, hoping she would rise to her feet. "if you're up for it, i could use a partner on this border patrol. would you like to join me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, even as he knew she would--she felt compelled--to say yes.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She hesitated. It took a few moments before Desdemona reluctantly got up, her face contorted to a noticable confused frown. He seemed like a friendly fellow, far from the authority figures she was used to. It brought a comfort to know she won't be mauled for a mistake, but it also brought an unusual uncomfortable feeling within her. She wasn't used to having... A free will, one could say. Friends were an unknown word in her dictionary. Her muscles quietly seemed to tense, she felt the urge it was better to bow then to stand... Though he somewhat gave a command? Not a formal one but... This internal battle caused her to stay in silence while locking her eyes on the ground.

Desdemona broke contact with the ground when he asked her about this patrol. The storm subsided, and she of course, regained her usual emotionless face while looking toward him. "As you wish my liege." The dark wolf dipped her head toward him; in her own way it meant a 'yes.'
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
her confusion made him laugh, gently; she was cute in her own way, trying to keep everything so. . .rigid. adi lifted his chin, beckoning her closer. "arrey, chalo," he chuckled, dimpling as he smiled. "let's go, then. a lot to see, and even more to do."

he padded off, keeping slow so she could catch up. would she stay behind him, or walk by his side? he guessed the former, but he very much hoped for the latter. this wasn't a game of follow-the-leader, no matter what his title might imply. she reminded him somewhat of raid--perhaps it was the coloring--but more stilted, formal. raid was just shy, scared; this girl had the fear of god in her.

who had put it there?

"we just moved to the maplewood after a fire destroyed our old home," he admitted, looking over his shoulder at her. "we're doing all we can to make our claim here stronger. mark every bit of the border that smells weak." as if to illustrate, adi paused and lifted his leg, spraying a relatively stale bush of thorns at the edge of the forest.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
When he chuckled, she managed to stay with a pokerface, but on the inside there was clear worry. She was not aware laughter could be something other then mocking, and amusement of someone's misfortune. It was all she knew, and she worried if she had done something wrong, or unusual to cause the chuckle to appear. His smile along it confused her even more. A misunderstanding appeared from her limited emotions, but she dare not to voice any of it, nor' let it appear on her face. Desdemona silently followed with a nod, as she made sure to stay right behind him. She would never dare to walk beside.

She nodded again as the puzzle pieces started to slowly fall into place. It explained why Sunny was injured, yet still wondering about. She of course, had to follow example at his dutiful ways and pull her own weight.

"Understand." Surely it caused an awkward communication with the two, as Desdemona barely communicated back. She felt it was not her place to be able to speak casually toward the Alpha- though not as if she had to anyone. In fact even if it was someone of the same rank, the wolf would still be as awkward and rigid as she was at the moment. She did not know how to act otherwise.

Like a doll or a machine, Desdemona followed after his demonstration and did her own marking by a few trees by lifting her leg. She made sure to sniff that they were once marked before re-marking to make the stale scent fresh once more.
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
wanna fade this out? we can have another thread soon :D

it would take time to adjust to her different mannerisms, her serious way of doing things. or, perhaps, she would bend with the winds here--become more relaxed, in the style of the morningsiders. either way, he wasn't overly concerned. more than anything, they needed hunters that would stick around for a while, and this ultra-loyal girl fit the mold to a tee. how she interacted with others, especially since it was not malicious, was secondary at this juncture.

"good," he remarked as she added her scent to the border, giving her a gentle nod. "you're one of us, now. glad you're here." his eyes were soft, his smile open and warm, hoping to melt whatever ice her previous masters had set around her heart.

but again. . .with time.

"here, follow me," adi said, jerking his chin toward the path ahead of them. "i want to show you where we used to live, and then perhaps we can take a trip to the pond." he carried on at a slow trot, not worried about this tour taking up too much of his day. it was his job, after all--right?
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
sounds good!

She did not know how to smile, the unknown facial feature could never touch upon her face... But her heart felt warm despite the seriousness she displayed, feeling touched by his words. Desdemona has never heard someone say they were glad she was here, she was far too used to being shunned. It felt odd, but she didn't dislike it, "thank you, my liege." Perhaps it sounded awkward as she softly muttered a replied. The dame felt relieved she picked a place that will treat her differently then she was before.

She nodded rather seriously, "yes my liege."  Desdemona didn't know if he used another title, and only kept using 'my liege,' as she was used to addressing toward leadership. It was second-nature for her to produce the word in every sentence, otherwise she would worry about punishment. Though she felt he was respectable enough to deserve this, and followed him without hesitation. She was curious on what their barracks looked like.

It was the right choice