Duck Lake Rosemary & Thyme
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@Arlette I made some assumptions - PM me, if you wish anything changed.

The encounter with Arlette a little over a month ago had proved to be life-changing for Nunataq. She paid it no notice right away, her days full of dealing with the practical matters all young and independent lone wolves encounters. On the evenings moments before she fell asleep or on those rare breaks during the day, her thoughts returned to her albino friend and Easthollow, and her heart swelled with inexplainable joy and giddiness.

There hadn't been many particularly noteworthy and truly remarkable moments during her 13 month long life, but even then this was different. It was a little well of happiness inside her and she could draw a cup full any time she needed it. Something new, which she both did not understand, but did not detest either.

Though both girls lived right next door, their paths rarely crossed, unless one or the other called specifically. As mentioned before - Nuna was busy surviving and Arlette had her paws full with, whatever Easthollow wolves did. It did not concern the mute girl too much, except the fact that she saw far less of her friend than she should have. Therefore on the day, when she happened to catch the girl on the borders and challenge her with a - let's disappear and do something fun - she pounced at the opportunity.

And this had led them here by a roundish lake one forest away from Easthollow, because Arlette had been a little reluctant to go too far and Nunataq left the journey to the end of the world for another time. With the same high-power energy Nunataq lived, she barged into the water, splashing it everywhere and enjoying the cool against her skin. She drank, she blew bubbles in the water and finally she lifted her head and turned to face her friend. Eyes smiling, tail wagging, she wanted to see, if her friend was going to enjoy this just as much as she did now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
All is good!!!

Arlette felt so rebellious when she left Easthollow to hang out with her friend. The female instantly responded to the howl and giddily ran after the darker female. Her tail wagging happily. When they passed fox's glade Arlette held back a little bit. She wanted to say within earshot of her pack. Her mother might need her and she didn't want to think that she left them. Plus she never really traveled further than the meadow, Bearclaw, and the Hollow. She was glad that she was with Nuna. The other female gave her more confidence.

When they reached a lake Arlette was eager to join Nuna in the water as well. She jumped in, making a big splash and giggled when Nuna made bubbles. Arlette was always up for fun and playfully reared back to make another big splash. They didn't have a big body of water like this in Easthollow. So as she pushed forward and her paws couldn't reach the ground the female wildly splashed her body forward until she got the hang of it. She proudly looked at Nuna. "LOOK! I'm SWIMMING!," she let out excitedly. Though she was glad when she was close enough to the shore that she could stand again. She playfully nipped to Nuna's tail with a cheeky grin on her maw.

By now, her mind was far from thinking about Easthollow and her family. Nuna got her full attention.
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Arlette was the good girl and Nunataq was her personal devil. This little adventure was innocent enough and did harm to no-one, but, who knew, what would the future bring for these two. After all you had to give one finger to the lord of the underworld for it to take the whole hand and more.

Swimming was something the mute girl had never truly mastered. She watched Arlette doing it with the skill and speed of a canine submarine, walked towards her friend, until the water reached up to her chest. Was about to take off... but did not. Something restrained her, therefore with a face of "I never considered this being cool in the first place" she walked back to, where the waves Arlette sent her way, barely tickled her belly.

Instead she studied the surface and the visible depths of the water diligently - first, pretending that she had spotted something very important, second, really spotting something interesting. There were dark, oblong forms moving around, quickly appearing there and then showing up somewhere else entirely. And just at the time, when mermaid-to-be caught the bait (Nuna's tail), the fisherwoman herself dove her head under-water in an attempt to catch those odd things. She failed - naturally - and lifted her muzzle, coughing and splurting water.
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
Arlette watched curiously as Nuna seemed to see something in the water. She grew a bit nervous. What if it would eat them. She watched Nuna dunk her head under water. Arlette whined but was relieved to see Nuna came back up with some splutters. She moved next to Nuna and licked her cheek mostly to check if she was alright.

Then she remembered that there were things in this water. The female glanced down to see if she saw what Nuna saw but the water had been stirred by all the movement. Arlette frowned, not really seeing the shapes so she turned her attention to Nuna. She wanted to jump on her and play but then she felt something brush against the back leg. "EEEK!!" she yelped and jumped with four legs up out of the water in shock. She landed again with a big splash and turned to get out of the water, tail between her legs. Seconds after her yelp Arlette stood on the shore dripping wet and looking startled.
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Enter BIG FISH! I read an article on Wels Catfish - - those guys are scary. Let's assume that we have something like this here as well.

Nunataq was busy clearing out her airways and because of this she was not paying close attention to Arlette. What she was made aware of (and with quite a start) was the loud yelp, the mad rush to the shore and then standing there, looking as if she had seen a ghost. Naturally, creatures of spectral or supernatural kind did not come to Nuna's mind, as she scrutinized her friend's face with a furrowed brow. She was taking a more rational approach to the problem. 1. Was it dangerous? 2. Should I be worried?

Nuna did not get those answers from Arlette, but someone else had the manners to reply. Because suddenly she too felt something big and substantial brush against her hind-quarters, a moment later, poke her gently in the chest and then make a huge splash a little distance away. She was too surprised to feel fear right away. She remained, where she was, with her gaze scanning the surface of the water thoroughly.

And there it was - the dark form, which was a massive snake-like fish. Nunataq stared at it with wide eyes, leaned down to have a sniff at it, when all of a sudden it lunged and the mute girl was in a frenzy to get out and away from the place. She managed, but for a long time she said nothing (pun intended), appeared to be just as startled as her albino friend was. Finally, when she had collected herself, she cast a glance at Arlette. Was it crazy or what?!

Up until today the lake had been the last place, where Nunataq had expected danger to come from.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,174 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I think there is an American type of those fish! But yes!!

Arlette looked worriedly at her friend who was still in the water. "Nuna, watch out!!" she warned. She didn't see the creature that tried to get her but it could be ready to pounce on Nuna as well. Still, Nunataq was tough in her eyes because she didn't look fearful. When the dark blob appeared Nuna wanted to sniff it! How brave. Arlette was tense, not wanting anything to happen to her friend. She whined softly in warning and anticipation.

Then the same thing happened for Nuna, the thing attacked. "Nuna!!!," Arlette keened in worry and wanted to go into the water but stopped at the edge. Luckily Nuna made it out of the water and Arlette eagerly sniffed over her for any wounds. Nuna seemed to be surprised as well by the creature, considering the look on her face. "That fish was crazy," she agreed but glad that Nuna seemed okay.

Arlette nudged Nuna, she didn't feel like playing around the water of the lake anymore. She eyed at the water cautiously and decided that this was enough. The female shook out her dripping coat, splattering Nuna only a bit. "We shouldn't go into the water of this lake anymore," she stated, she had a feeling that Nuna was eager to fight this thing or at least would have a crazy idea of trying to kill it.
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Had Nunataq been younger and wilder, she would have tried to get back at the fish. Now, however, she had a list of other cool things to do and fighting a huge lake-monster that had just tried to eat you, was not on it. This, however, did not mean that she was not curious about, what it had been that had scared her. Despite Arlette's warning, she ventured to the water edge again and observed the surface of the water carefully, searching for any signs of the beast.

For a while it seemed as if it had not been here at all, but then a big splash happened in the distance, followed by another and another. The underwater beast was retreating and Nunataq followed it's route, until the splashing ceased and so did the rippling of the water. Strange, huh? No longer bewildered or scared, she cast a glance at Arlette, who - Nunataq noticed - was very keen on being elsewhere.

Where to, partner? She perked her ears up and smiled, ready to go and do something of her friend's choosing.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,174 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette whined when Nunataq stepped closer to the water than she liked. What if that thing would grab her and drag her into the water! Then she wouldn't know what to do. "Nuna," she whined as she followed the creature for a bit. Arlette just didn't want anything to happen to the female. When Nuna looked at her it seemed she understood that Arlette didn't feel like staying much longer.

Arlette turned towards the meadow she knew. The pale female never really took the lead on their trips and adventures but now she was eager to get back to the place she knew. Plus Wapun meadow was full with high grass and wildflowers. As they reached the meadow the girl suddenly jumped to the side into the tall grass. She made sure to make the grass rustle before moving further and deeper into the tall grass. "Try and catch me!," she called out. Hopefully, Nuna was down for some hide and side/cat and mouse game in the tall grass. Arlette realized that she found it rather exciting that Nuna was going to find her. Was this how prey felt? She made sure to make her pattern as unpredictable as possible. Still she hoped Nuna would catch her.
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Nunataq followed Arlette obediently, making sure that she did not look that much committed. As a resident Jalapeno she had a certain stance to hold, even in situations, when the cool idea belonged to someone else. She did note to herself, however, to enlist her albino friend in the ranks of the Pepper Gang. From here on out she would be known as a Bell pepper. It fitted her perfectly.

The Bell was up for a chase, Nunataq, however, was not in a hurry. She found a particularly soft spot of grass in the meadow and dove in, rubbing first one side of her face in it, then burrying in the other, and eventually falling lateral to enjoy a good roll in the grass.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,174 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
While Arlette was running trying to have Nuna catch her she found that the girl had not even been chasing her. The albino instantly felt disappointed and turned to see Nunataq rolling in the high grass. She let out a whine to let the other know she had been expecting for Nuna to chase her, or at least play with her for a bit.

But Arlette wouldn't be Arlette if she wasn't going to be brimming with positivity. If Nunataq wanted to lie down then they would just have to play here. Which meant Arlette did a bold pounce on Nunataq instead. Her tail wagging as she tried to kill Nunataq with giving her all the licks on her face.
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Nunataq felt generous that day and let Arlette have all the fun in killing she wished. She growled and wuffed playfully, here and there she attempted to push against her friend with her feet or engaged in a jawspar.
All in all it was a pleasant and happy afternoon they spent together and at the end of it, they parted from each other in good spirits.

Thanks for the thread!