Haunted Wood [BWP] all i had, i lost in the flood
Wild Fauna
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105 Posts
Ooc —
Random Event 
In the quiet eaves of a conifer forest, a young buck grazing had been startled by the sudden gyration of earth underfoot. He spooked and darted off at a splintering pace, seemingly outrunning the very noise which growled low and ominous from the moss-carpeted forest floor.
The buck was gone, but the discontent under-earth continued – until at last it trailed off in a low rumble. Much the way thunder can be rendered by inordinate distance, these intermittent noises seemed almost too far away to rouse much alarm in the woodland. A flurry of motes swirled in the idyllic slant of sunshine pylons which speared their way through the conifer canopy, and soon the forest resumed its tranquil atmosphere as if no disturbance had ever happened.

by @Indra
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The woman was hunting the buck. Well, following him.
She couldn't take him down, but was about to call for a hunt when the Earth seemed to jolt with some sort of fucking ground thunder.

She barked in alarm, the buck already gone. 
She stood, too petrified to move as the rumbles trailed away. She glanced around then called for her pack: @Vengeance, @Serem, @Alison, and @Wurha. She even called for @Abaddon should he still be sulking about. She needed to know if it was just her, or if it was the end of the motherfuckin' world. 
Then, she was away on lithe paws, searching for them and following the first call back. Something bad was coming, this jolt wasn't the end.

She'd heard stories of the earth opening up with massive cracks and tremours and swallowing whole packs; she was sure they were just stories. But now, she wasn't too sure.
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sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
He had been relaxing. Taking up a spot at the top of a rock, shaded and hidden away from prying eyes. A quick rest from the patrols and recruiting, to soak up the mist of his woods and listen to the silence that would be home for a long time to come - preferably until death comes knocking at his own door to bring him to hell where he belonged. 

It was the tremors that woke the beast. Crimson eyes darting open as the ground beneath his body began to shake and shiver - he could hear Vanity's call in a short distance away and immediately began to rush toward her. It wasn't often the man moved quickly, but this was a special occasion. He was careful with his footing, watchful for any falling trees, rocks or even the ground opening up underneath.

Any damage? Wasting no time, he kept his eyes on the surrounding for any damaged lands, anything that might cause a hazard to the pack he was trying to form. Only after did he give out his own call to call the pack to their attention - this was an impromptu meeting, and his dark musical tones made sure it conveyed that as he demanded their attention and presence.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had felt the uneasiness of the earth as she rested and when she heard Vanity’s call, the raven walked over firstly not knowing if it was something that needed her immediate attention, that was until Vengeance also gave a call was when she hurried up. The forest was disturbed, she could tell by the way the birds flew in the sky. “I saw none as I came over.” She stated.
”Common” "Spanish"
Black Hat Org
270 Posts
Ooc — Sparx

Black Hat had more or less settled into Nightwalkers and became familiar with this haunt. He was a workaholic, always on his feet — especially with how often sleep escaped him. Making himself useful, he patrolled the borders, taking advantage of this time by his lonesone to muse now that he'd learned more about this pack and its residents. Slowly but surely, he would decode their strengths and weaknesses, their ambitions and their fears. Then, it was his time to shine.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden onset of tremors underfoot. Flock upon flock of disquieted birds took to the skies, seeking out greener, less shaky pastures. The disturbance wasn't enough to knock him off-balance, but that wasn't what bothered him. No, it was his ignorance on the cause and whether there was more to come that really rattled him. As quickly as they started, the tremors ceased. He glanced around for a possible explanation to reveal itself. Unsurprisingly, it didn't.

What the— His verbal befuddlement was cut off by Vanity's call, which he was already bolting towards when Vengeance's call sounded. Perhaps they discovered the source of this strange phenomenon. When he arrived on the scene, he expected Vengeance and Vanity, but not... that mad woman whose name he never caught. They'd been avoiding each other up until this point, which was perfectly fine by him. But it was foolish to expect that trend to keep up forever. He decided to ignore her existence.

Since his question wasn't answered upon arriving, he asked, Does anyone know the cause of that quaking? He heard stories about earthquakes, but they'd always been told in tall tales, never experienced by anyone he knew in reality. Thus, the two became mutual in his mind... until now.
Within the dark, he s͎͇̲͎̪͂͒̉͂̐t̤͈͉̱̝̍͒͊̚̚͟͡r̢̧̜̞̔͐͋̅i̛̖̜͎͍̫͍͆͐̈͞͡ǩ̩͉̈́͜͞e̝̭̩̔͂́s̘̘̓̍͗͜
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
The sound was not thunder. He remembered being caught in the storm when he was out playing in Shadewood, this wasn't thunder it had sounded different and the ground had almost seemed to tremble for a few moments beneath his paws. His heart began to race, fear of the growling coming from the earth that seemed so unnatural taking over the usual logical outlook he had. He heard a woman call for Vengeance and then heard the man's familiar voice and raced toward it, eyes wide as in his young mind he imagined a giant earth wolf angry and snarling coming to get them all. When he arrived he looked at the few members gathered, all unfamiliar and begrudgingly sidled up to Vengeance though he did not press himself against the man's fur as he would have with his mother. His fur was ruffled and eyes wild as he stayed silent though he was clearly focused on what was being said. It was even more disconcerting to the child that the adults seemed to have just as little of an idea of what was happening as he did.
3/10 mastery
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"Not that I know of." Anything could have happened. Anyone could be missing.
She knew most of the comings and goings of members, just didn't have the time to get a mood for them. But this male, gangly and covered in branches.

She looked at the assembled gathering.
She wondered if they'd come to her call or Vengeance's.
"The Earth is angry," she murmured quietly. She obviously didn't know the name for an Earthquake, but she knew what was happening. But angry with what? And who? The dead would arrive soon but surely they didn't want offerings and remembrance yet. Not unless something was wrong.
She needed to see.
"Is everyone here?" She had to make sure that she hadn't missed anyone.
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I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
She had been rather separate from the growing group when the ground shook. A surprise to everyone surely, since when, did the ground protest other than large game or storms? From what she had seen around the woods, there were no beasts big enough to cause such a tremor and the sky was too clear for a storm.

A howl sounded, someone from the Nightwalkers. She hadn't directly met them, but she recognized the howl soon accompanied by Vengeance's bolstering voice. Now that, she would answer. By the time she made it a small crowd had already formed. She had nothing to add to the conversation so she lurked, eyes taking in the faces new and old.

You've been busy Vengeance.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
the blood prince
226 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Possible Cameo. May reply again with either Valour or this asshat

It was all a show. How he slunk from the shadows, composure completely calm and fur unruffled. He caught the end of what was said, how the earth was angry. The rumbling had reminded him of thunder but he was certain it hadn't come from the skies, the ground had shaken just a bit and the animals around them seemed to notice something off, birds taking flight and the rustling in the foliage betraying the escape of prey. It was something wrong, something that could be bad for them all and yet....he refused to show the fear that was crawling over his skin like ants. He stayed off to the side, not joining the group but eyeing all who had arrived. He only recognized his father, Vanity and Serem who's neck his eyes fell upon for a short moment as he remembered the tang of her blood upon his tongue. "Whatever it is, it's done. The prey freaked a bit but I'm sure they'll be back" he piped up with his opinion and then settled into silence not really caring what they had to say in return.
New Threads: closed
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
My posts tend to be longer in group threads, I try to acknowledge every post! no post order, I'll just wait for everyone to post unless told to be skipped! Radar PP requested by Alyssa to make sure Radar was around!

Vanity, and Serem who had come rather quickly - were both in agreement that there was no visible damage to their lands (none as of yet that they all knew of). It was a relief to know that nothing of note had been reported, even if the prey had all scattered, for now, they would make due. 

Eventually, the call, or calls, depending which of the two the others had chosen to answer to, had summoned a larger group. Though some faces were still missing, it seemed like their numbers were still strong and that no injuries were sustained by the wrath of the eath's quaking.

The shaking of the earth was cause for alarm, but the giant was relatively unphased. He was calm, that perpetual expression of rage never faltering as he simply seemed more annoyed with the circumstances than scared or uncertain of its cause and possibility of anything following in its wake. The young Valour at his side didn't go unnoticed, but it was ignored. The whelp had much to learn and he was doing what Vengeance would demand from him - to stay quiet, and remain out of the way. 

If he was clever, he would observe and soak in the meeting.

No, and we may never. He answered Black Hat's question in regards to the reason behind the shaking; eyes wandering over to his little friend Radar who always seemed to be tagging along the side of the twig decored man. Still, he did not think she was a fit, but at least she made the effort to hang around. Though he did not know much about earthquakes, the science behind them - he was aware of their existence. In his travels, he had come across talks of those who had experienced such things with no rhyme or reason that they could come up with - but this was the first time he had experienced one himself. Some believe Gods are the cause of such events, but I believe no such thing. 

No, however we will continue regardless of their presence. Wurha didn't make it to the meeting thus far, but it would be her loss for missing out on what would occur in the meeting. Should they be left behind, it was no skin off of his back. he was most glad to see Alison had made it, should she still desire that high rank she had been working so hard in obtaining, this meeting was important for her to be a part of. 

Turning his attention to the once quiet Abaddon who had slid himself into the meeting silently until thus far, he addressed the casual belief that the quaking was over as if it wasn't something that should be investigated any further. With furrowed brows, he turned to give the bastard boy all of his attention. For now it may be, we must be aware that it may happen again, and cause further damage if not injury if it comes back with more fury. For the rests, he turned his gaze onto the small gathering, eyeing down each and every member to acknowledge their presence and give them the task that was to come. 

Because of that, I want everyone to investigate. Search the woods for any damage that had gone unnoticed and report it back. I want some to go to neighboring packs, speak to loners, anyone you can talk to and gather as much information about these quakes as possible. How far did it reach? What lands got affected? Any damage anywhere? Find all you can about these quakes and report it back to me as soon as possible - keep vigilant on the lands and don't get caught in broken grounds or landfalls. I will remain here and watch for damages, it will make it easier to find me. Once finished, he kept quiet, eyes wandering the group as he silently gave them the signal to speak up if there were any questions or concerns that came to mind while they were all together. 

If not, they were all free to go and begin on their investigations. (this can be a very short meeting unless someone has a question and prolongs it! which will totally be okay)