Northstar Vale When Stars Align
57 Posts
Ooc — JB + Ghostwriters
After speaking her piece she anticipated a commendation, or at least some favor to be bestowed upon her by the freshly arisen Emperor; she caught his eye and saw a gleam of distrust that shifted in to something more like pride, and Hime was giddy, knowing she had stroked the correct ego in that moment. However the effect of her speech was minimal at best. Another voice rose up, this time in opposition, and soon there were others. Chaos flared where there had been peace and unity. 

First it was Yuudai who pledged his loyalty to Reiko, and Reiko alone. Had he been the only one to speak out, Hime might have forgiven him. He had chosen the correct path but the incorrect time, an inconvenience to Hime specifically, and drew attention away from her affirmations to make his treasonous debut.

Anxiety spiked through the group, sweeping through them with Yuudai at the epicenter. Hime looked across the wolves gathered, peasants and nobles alike, containing her enjoyment of this spectacle, seeing how each person tensed or averted their eyes, while some stood taller—even voicing their support. Takeshi took Hime's entire focus in the next moment though. He reacted as he was expected to: furious, imperious, and justified.

The demotion was not surprising to Hime, who was known to the Izuka clan for doling out far harsher punishments to those that opposed her own rule; but this was not her kingdom yet, and she held no power here. It gave her a glimpse in to each person's inner workings however, which was a benefit to her. She kept a running tally of those that showed cowardice in the face of tumult, those that spoke out against the ruling class, and those that weren't even present—all while remainingn silent, donning a look of shock as if this was a great offense to the monarchy.

Awenfen, Collision, then — Reiko? The chaos was like a whirlwind spinning everyone out of control, but it was the dull thump of the Empress' body to the dirt that drew Hime away, and she ducked towards her sister with a palpable fear in her heart, the smallest thaw. Reiko—can you hear me? She tried to call to her, laying beside her sister's prone form for a moment as she searched for breath, for life - and yes, Reiko was alive, but... 

Takeshi! Hime snapped over her shoulder, hoping to draw the man's attention to his ailing wife before he could be too far absorbed in to the drama of the meeting; but whether he came to Reiko's aid or not, Hime would be by her sister's side. She turned her icy glare upon those gathered, letting it linger on those that voiced opposition: Look at what your disloyalty has done! Be gone, all of you!
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

Small and ever steadfast, for once her spine lacks its typical curvature. The druid stands tall, diadem of hoarfrost proudly raised as silver burned into sapphire. Her stance only served to iterate her verbal onslaught - I do not accept this. 

Her interference has had the desired effect: Takeshi has all but forgotten about Yuudai. Even as Collision steps forward to shield the sighthound (briefly painting her features with surprise), Awenfen has moved ahead of the samurai herself - as if to protect him. 

"I vill be gone by night-fall," she uttered in the same low tones of spite, gaze never breaking from the newly crowned Emperor's. Her gaze lifted to Reiko - if that's what her Empress desired. 

"Mi'lady!" Fen cried in alarm as Reiko fell, jerking as if she might hurry towards her collapsed friend - only to be drawn up short as Hime's scorn drove them back, away. 

She spared a last glance for a few of them - @Takeshi (a glare of mingled ire and determination), @Yuudai, @Collision, and her patient, @Cordelia

The waif's lips worked as if she might say something, anything, to these familiar faces but with a shake of her canine crown, the halfling hurried away to gather her belongings. 

The whole way back to her groves the Saluki questioned whether or not it had been a huge mistake.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
pp with permission from summer! <3

He had anticipated the anger, and fury that came from his words. The Samurai had braced for the impact he knew was coming, and while he was able to avoid the swipe from Takeshi's initial attempt, hecould do nothing as the man lunged at him. They were evenly matched, and for several moments there was no clear winner. Just a jumble of snapping jaws, and furious growls.

Neither man was truly looking for a kill. Despite his actions, which could be construed as treasonous, Yuu was ultimately loyal to Reiko. And she had said her piece on Takeshi's continued existence. No, Yuudai would not betray Reiko's wishes in such a way. But, When Takeshi reared up, Yuudai was a second too late. The opposing man came down on him with a heavy almost sickening thud, and the Samurai dropped like a rock.

He couldn't help the desperate yelp of pain as he hit the ground. The air was knocked out of his lungs, and he felt his ribs crack and break beneath the weight of the other man. Suddenly, he couldn't breath, a shallow gasp emitting from his lips. His vision grew hazy, black dots spiraling.

He couldn't move, he could barely even breath. His body littered in bruises and superficial scratches. Yuudai relented, his body going slack beneath Takeshi.

Snippets of the conversations reached his ears, but Yuudai wasn't completely with it. Still dazed. He did recognize the weight of Takeshi leave him, and he took a shuddering breath. Agony spiking along his side. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the pain to leave. He could make out Collision, Awenfen, and of course Takeshi. He tried harder to listen to what was happening, but it was Hime's words that stilled his heart.

Struggling to lift his head, Yuudai could see Reiko slouched on the ground. Worry gripped him, and he attempted to get up. He got his elbow beneath him before he could move no more, and collapsed back to the ground.
58 Posts
Ooc — Half Moon.
Celara was panicked. Everything had happened so quickly. The empress had given some news, and made a declaration, and then the meeting collapsed into chaos. There was fighting, fighting at a meeting, and everyone was yelling and was that blood? The empress had collapsed and seemed elsewhere. Celara couldn't blame her, as she was heading elsewhere herself. The she-wolf fled from the others and didn't stop until she couldn't hear them anymore.

After getting away from the chaos, Celara began to think. This pack was kind. For the new emperor to be reacted to this strongly, he had to have done something wrong. And Takeshi's punishment for the two wolves only reinforced this. In her old pack, such a thing would never have happened at a meeting. But even if the meeting-rules were different here, the punishment was given too quickly, too immediately.

Celara hurried after Awenfen. The strange she-wolf would know more about the emperor.
236 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Everything seemed to swarm around him as masculine voices thundered back and forth in protest against one another. Collision's boldness was met with, honestly, a less excruciating consequence than he had thought was due. He expected more. Perhaps the new Emperor was a one hit wonder. Collision wasn't looking to be up in arms perhaps it was for the best.

 It didn't hurt him. 

 He had acted exactly the same as the resident Count as he had as a supposed lowly peasant. There would be no reaction from him for this.

 Until the man decided this place was no longer refuge for Awenfen. How dare he?! Reiko what the hell? Do something! The anger inside him would not quiet. Awenfen spoke her own thoughts and Collision admired her strength and her beauty in a moment of defeat. This would not stand. Would not last. This leader was too quick to make his judgements. He lacked rationality. Why remove the one person that had tended to both Reiko and made sure the children were fed when Reiko was out tending to her duties? Pathetic. 

 Hime's voice broke throught he resonance and Collision's eyes darted to the fallen Empress. His body jerked forward out of pure instinct, but then he stopped. No....She was doing nothing for them and he would do nothing for her. He kept his tongue stilled. He was caught between irrational anger that he was not accustomed to and to the promises he had made to others here. Vespera could need him. Yuudai could need him. There were so many that he still needed to be here for....Not Reiko. If she asked anything of him he would decline. If she needed him he would shrug it all away. 

 But could he? Could he tell her no? Even with the anger that festered in his heart he still cared for her....and harming her, even indirectly, could bring harm, in some fashion, to the children he had silently promised to protect at all costs. In Kaistleoki he promised no harm would ever befall her babies. Was a liar to be made out of him? An example already had been. 

 Rage from the indecisiveness that plagued him curdled against his very soul. Why did he feel so intensely? Betrayal. The word finally understood. Reiko had betrayed them all...hadn't she?

 As she lay there and he stilled he watched as wolves, wolves that were wronged by her decision making, began to crowd around her and grow worrisome. Someone would take care of her. He didn't need to. Would he if he could? Lay there. Suffer. This is done only at your hands. He hated these thoughts. Hated that they didn't seem to stop. Collision had made a decision and was now going to act upon it. He turned his back to the wolves that had gathered and took his leave of them. You deserve this. Do you need me? Look at what you caused. I'm here for you. I hate you. And on and on his thoughts contradicted themselves.

Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
111 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Loving the drama! p.s. not trying to copy @Vespera. Both our girls are just getting triggered. Lol
(Sorry for the late pop in. Also, write this before realizing there was a second page. I think it still works so I'll keep it.)

The beginning of this meeting was something Cordelia was used to. The introduction of council members, news about unions, new beginnings, and promotions. She nodded along and took note of individuals names as a majority of members were new to her. She nodded to Awenfen as she sat beside her and made note of the gentleman that situated himself beside her. As she suspected the words Hime and Reiko spoke separated them from one another. It was also clear to Cordelia that there was something else being said with the addition or omission of certain words. Something she had been taught from youth. The objection from the audience was out of the ordinary though.

The objector voiced his views strongly against the emperor and Awenfen's outburst beside her made Cordelia's heart race. She had not expected it and something about it was eerily familiar. A bit of panic swelled inside of her unaware of where other's feelings were originating from. All the words seemed to mix together as they spoke so quickly after one another. and then... a fight broke out. Causing everyone to stir.

A mass of wolves all looking towards the front of the assembly at the royals. Her parents and newly crowned brother. A commotion from the audiences prompts the guards to deploy. The king and queen are dived on by a group of assailants, causing them to crash to the ground. Cordelia and her siblings are ushered away...

her siblings are ushered away...
Why am I still here?
They're supposed to usher me away to safety. Why am I still here?
Julian and Adelaide where are they?

Her breathing is rushed and she scans the mass of wolves, her mind in a haze. Her eyes latch onto @Vespera as the panicked individual in the crowd. She hustled over to her.

Her siblings they're just sitting there. 
They have to go, we have to go.
"Hi babes. It's OK. I'm here, but we must go. Come. Come, we must."

Her words were calm but also urgent. The way you would speak to a child in a dangerous situation. She beckoned for Vespera to follow, though she couldn't be sure if the female had chosen to follow her. In her state of mind, Cordelia and her siblings were running away and into the foliage, and towards the den she originated from she went, hurriedly. - Exit
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds. 
She is known by all as Corra.

85 Posts
Ooc — lullaby <3
She had heard it all, every single words, every single sound. For a short moment she simply stared at the children that she was keeping safe and warm, her eyes watching her little boy before looking at the others. At least one of them was the have sibling to her own, Sumi, the princess named for her husband's mother. She knew he still loved her, that if it wasn't for the new emperor and possibly herself.. they would be together..

The fighting started and she could only sit there, she had agreed with her husband but she should say with the babies.. right? The fight had ended, her husband fell and she could not be idle any longer. As she moved, then she moved a fur around the children the belonged the Empress and the one that was hers, she gave each a kiss. Oh, it was a good thing they had fallen asleep. This would be more difficult if they were squirming with energy, if they hadn't taken their fill of her milk.

Slowly she moved from the den, quietly she slipped into the meeting. She was behind the empress and the sister, the fallen woman had her attention for a moment before her eyes met with the injured form or her husband. Yuudai, she had to go to.. but their eyes met for a brief second she saw that he was more concerned for Reiko than himself, she nodded to him before her face twisted in anger at the empress twin. Her teeth pulled back as she approached the two, her eyes on the woman that had both her parents and her own killed.

She gave a growl, her small form puffed up with anger. The only time she spoke was to the woman that she loved, her body moving to press against her own. "Rei.. breath.." she spoke softly, she put pressure against her neck, gently. She had to calm herself,"Rei.. wake up.." she did not agree with anything that happened, she did not agree with Hime being here. She did not agree with Takeshi being her emperor, she did not agree with any of it.. but for the sake of her husband, the sake of the two people she loved, she stayed by her Empress's side.