Dragoncrest Cliffs Tell me of stories then of pirates and monsters galore
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
All Welcome but looking for @Quennell

Petite paws of calico colors. Taking dainty steps upon the sand. Head held haughty, proud and high as always. Blue eyes leaning towards the ocean and then back to the cliffs. The scent of others pervaded around her, strong and sure. In her maw she carried medicines from the forests. Many different ones. Father had told her always carry what you know with you, and if someone new you meet, and it is upon the lines of their home. You give them something in return for giving you their time.

She had back tracked towards the bay and then around and around, until she had caught a scent of the young red boy. She had promised him she would say goodbye, but she had left too quickly. So she was here to tell him hello again, and where she was should he come and find her. She doubted he would, but just in case. She did not wish to lead him astray.

So with gentle politeness, she settled to her haunches away from the border, and away from the scents. And she lifted her tiny muzzle in a questioning howl for Quen.

Then she closed her eyes as the cold wind ruffled her fur, and the salty brine curled around her muzzle. The scent comforting and alluring all at once. She could understand why her auntie had settled in the seashore. She would sit this way, eyes closed in quiet enjoyment. Until he came, and if he didn't and she was forced to simply whittle away the day upon these shores. She was okay with that as well.
336 Posts
Ooc —
he came with a bouncing swagger in his step. delighted at being called for, by name no less! it gave him an air of feeling like a true adult.

'ey, ash! he hollered as he began to close the distance between them. it was good to see her again! and this time he made sure to mind her personal space. even as his tail whipped behind him.

you piratin' today?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes opened at the call of her name. The accent of the youth endearing. A gentle smiled curved the plains of her face, and pretty eyes lit up with happiness.

Hello Quen. 

She stood swiftly and ghosted forward, a comfortable space between them to sniff and be sniffed. Her multicolored tail swayed behind her.

Not today. Today I just came to see a friend. You made it home i gather? I didn't take the land of Sacrarium, instead i sailed to new lands and chose those in stead. How are you doing?
336 Posts
Ooc —
it was real good to see her. pirating or not.

so sacrarium be gone? he figured if ash had not taken it, then likely no body had it now. i be good! i been thinkin' i might be a pirate. full-time. he tossed her a wide grin and playful wink. fur ruffled by the seabreeze.

the proper thing to do would be to ask her about herself. yet he felt far too enamored by the idea of catching her up with himself.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded. Yes everyone just vanished. It was quite strange. There one minute, gone the next. But there was no battle, nothing. Just gone and then silence.

Truthfully, it was quite scary to the she wolf, that her packmates were just gone. She couldn't make a thing of it. Caches filled, dens open and then poof all gone. 

She smiled at his roguish charm. He was such a sweetheart. And So full of a zest for life. She enjoyed his presence.

Pirating full time, eh? What would that entail?
336 Posts
Ooc —
oh, well, i be adventurin' more, i think. maybe find a place to hide treasures. he teased, delighted by her company once more. proper woman did not hinder his excitability when he was surrounded by so many already.

maybe i shoulda been de one to take sacrarium, eh?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw listened closely and a small trill of laughter curled from her lips, as she wagged her tail gently. So you will be able to share more stories with me. A regular rogue you are sir. I wish you all the best in your travels. And I will pray to my gods that your travel be full of adventure, but safe.

She chuckled. Perhaps you should. I would like to see you as a pirate captain someday. I think you'd make quite an impressive one. She teased kindly.

 Eyes crinkled in laughter and excitement. She couldn't quite help it. He was infectious with his zest for life, his indominable spirit. He was an excellent pirate rogue. Of the likes she had heard stories of. Those who winked and bowed as they fought and won, the lady's heart. She hoped him all the best in the world.
336 Posts
Ooc —
for a long moment, he wished she could be in sapphique. that she did not have to be anywhere else. they could be pirates together! she even wanted him to be a pirate captain!

do you be wantin' to pirate?

it was an idea!

and his face showed he'd take no harm either way.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She laughed again. Blue eyes shining from mirth. The first time she had laughed like this and this hard in months, perhaps ever. She would pocket this away, in a secret place of her heart and look back upon it when morose moods settled upon her calico shoulders. 

She blinked at him. Well, I wouldn't now how or even how to start? What would I need to do?

She blinked again, tilting downy head to look him over for a moment, wondering at his question. Could seh be a land pirate? It might not be so bad and to share stories with this one, well it wouldn't be a hardship at all.
336 Posts
Ooc —
he laughed, but it was warm and delighted.

pleased that she at least asked! he knew far too many faces who would simply pass along the idea with ease.

whatever you be wantin'! and she seemed like she would like that, no? y'know, you kinda be one already! tellin' tales to strangers and goin' where you be feelin' like.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Ash Paw couldn't quite hide the delighted smile that lit up her azure blue eyes at his laughter. He was such an energetic lively male. She enjoyed his presence.

I have only ever told tales to you, silly Quen!

She laughed a gentle laugh and shook her head, tawny and black ears swiveling in delight. What types of tales do you tell?
336 Posts
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he snorted, rolling his eyes as he plopped back onto his rear.

well, i be tellin' your tale. then i told a tale 'bout a sea beast i saw on de way home!

of course he did not dive into that story outright. he'd rather hear and see her reaction first.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her maw opened into a small O and she stared at him.

Surely you're lying? A sea monster? Really? She lifted tiny paws and set them down, excited to hear what he had to say.

Well, tell me about it!
336 Posts
Ooc —
oi! quen never be a liar!

he huffed dramatically, but remained good nature. more than happy to indulge her with the tale of the sea beast he had witnessed.

he be de color o' bone, yet made o' kelp! stinkin' like de sea. you ever see such a beast?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small giggle hissed past tiny pearly teeth as he huffed with dramatics. She nudged him gently beneath the chin. Momentarily forgetting herself. Laughter in her gaze, then she quickly returned to her spot to listen.

I have never. I bet that was a frightful smell!
336 Posts
Ooc —
maybe a fade and he can come visit sometime? <3

he laughed, loud and hearty.

an' i hope you never do! a lopsided grin plastered across his face. he would be more than happy to hang around her as long as she could stay. telling her all about the coast and how much he had secretly missed her.

it was easy to consider her a friend.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yes please <3

Ash enjoyed his laughter. It was the kind that curled up in your innards and clung to her ribs. Like a warm meal, or family. It was good.

Ash would take the day with him. Learn of the sea and all around. She would have a great friend from him.