Lion Head Mesa I can make your life a livin' hell
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
It's about time these two met :3

As of recent, Khaba was made aware of a new mazoi that had been allowed into the mesa. The shabti Treva had welcomed him herself. There could be no better blessing than that. 

@Bayek, who called himself medjay. As he had shared with Makono, he was not overly fond of the title, nor the purpose. Today, when the two would meet, the jodai would be sure to express this.

Along the halls, he searched for the figure of the newcomer. If found, they would be pulled aside from their works.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
If Khaba was interested in finding the reclusive Bayek, he could be seen worshipping the gods at the same times, each day. As it happened, the Medjay had just finished his faithful journey. He had been searching the halls of the palace for Prince Makono, eager to take steps toward assisting the young wolf. The Pharaoh seemed to have an eye on his wolves.

The man’s earthen legs were swift, hurried as he passed through the halls. Bayek did not move without purpose in his steps. It was a blessing that Khaba was a hulking shadow of a thing. If he had not been so large, the Medjay might have run into him.

Greetings, Jodai, his rough voice was offered. A small dip of his head. Amethyst eyes fixed to the dark man’s chin.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Expectantly, the two would cross paths. Almost in an awkward way, though, as the other nearly barreled into the jodai.

A median, but decent looking wolf Bayek was, he decided. Smaller than his mass, but enough to be a sufficient guardian.

Descending his heavy gaze, Khaba offered a grunt in reply, then spoke. Bayek, His own voice was rough, but slightly deeper and firm. 

You are mazoi now. A clear emphasis was placed upon the title, for it was the only the jodai would acknowledge. Do not forget that I am your head. When not answering to our pharaoh, I expect reports swiftly delivered to me. And he would not let this newcomer forget it. Not while the opportunity to sink a wolf beneath his authority was so open like this.

But you are new. The ways of Akashingo will slowly come to you, if they have not already begun. Have you yet to learn the directions of the corridors? The placements of each quarter? And then there would be the discussion of the borders. All mazoi must watch them closely. This was where Bayek's reports would mainly come from, as Khaba had a heavy enough eye upon the inner palace.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
At once, the dark figure spoke down to Bayek.

The Medjay had met many wolves like this. They were focused on their titles. It was all that they were and when those titles were not respected, they often felt wronged. Bayek felt that he had offered respect in speaking only Khaba’s title. He had even offered the traditional dip of his head – a movement that he had seen other wolves practice to show their respect of authority.

Khaba wished to be the man in charge. Bayek didn’t care to take that from him. He was Medjay as much as he was Mazoi. The pious man had grown beyond the importance of titles that did not represent his spirit, his purpose in the world. Perhaps the dark Jodai was the same.

I am many things, but you are correct to say that Mazoi is one of them.

A small smile found his lips.

I have learned the halls of Akashingo. I have seen the storerooms, the sleeping quarters for both the commoners and the royal members. I have seen pieces of the catacombs. My camp is stationed on the edge of the Serpent Lake. Where the Pharaoh had asked him to stay. Bayek had already visited the borders. He was growing familiar with the landscape and the mesa’s surroundings.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He knew his title. Good. This would give Khaba some sense of ease.

Not only that, but the new mazoi had familiarized himself with many places. Even better! This meant less work for the jodai to tend.

There was a glint of approval in the beast's eyes going forward. I take it, then, that you have explored the mesa and its borders?

Whether the mazoi answered or not, the dark furred jodai moved on.

Aside from you and myself, there is another similar in station. Jakoul, is her name. She has recently been titled yaret — an elite warrior, by definition of Akashingo. Often, she will roam the borders and occasionally the palace, but it is rare you will run into one another. Serve long enough as mazoi and prove your capabilities, and the pharaoh or even shabti may grant you the title she holds as well.

But higher standings did not matter. They were all guardians, soldiers, and spies alike. 

Though you have settled yourself distanced from the palace, you will still attend patrols and training sessions with me. Unless the pharaoh, shabti, or sōzokujin have you busy elsewhere, I expect your attendance when I send for you.

He could have added a "Is that clear?". But even for him, doing so seemed far too brazen. The speech would be left as it was, in hopes that Bayek would agree to the few terms.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The show had pleased Khaba enough that he proceeded to speak on the duties of Mazoi and what would be expected of Bayek while he worked within his role. Another wolf was mentioned – Jakoul – who would not be seen often but played the role of an elite warrior to the wolves of Akashingo. The earthy wolf nodded his head in understanding.

When Khaba mentioned that Bayek might be fortunate enough to be promoted to the same position, the Mazoi shook his head and smiled politely.

I have no intention of becoming Yaret or Jodai, for that matter. I will remain Mazoi until the Pharaoh is in need of a Medjay and then I will fill my rightful place.

Bayek understood that this might never happen. The Pharaoh appeared to be actively involved with the members of his kingdom, but this did not mean that he fulfilled promises or wishes. He was the ruler of those lands, and his matters were of greater importance than what the Medjay would be dealing with.

As Mazoi, I would be pleased to patrol or spar with you. Bayek saw no reason to decline the brutish wolf. The Pharaoh has asked that I teach Prince Makono certain things, however. My time will be divided between you. His duty was to the Pharaoh’s order first, so whatever Khaba had planned would take second seat to that. The Jodai seemed to understand this, though. He had spoken of the Pharaoh’s demands with importance. Bayek merely wanted the dark-furred man to understand what had been assigned to him.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Bayek was not here to attain any particular status. This much was made clearly known.

The jodai need not worry that his newfound authority would not be challenged, nor taken away. Not that he had the intentions to abuse these honorable things; but what man given even the slightest amount of power, especially after having earned it rightfully, would so easily give it up? 

Khaba was no fool, nor would he ever make himself out to look one.

You are dutiful. Much like the soldiers of Mereo. It is good. I know to have relief that these tasks of guardianship no longer rest solely on me. And that was the most of what he truly cared about.

The pharaoh had already given the new mazoi work, it seemed. He would not get in the way of this, but he would not take back his word either.

Lessons for the sōzokujin will come first, as the pharaoh commands. But do not let this task allow you to be forgetful. In your spare hours, I will expect to see you. Perhaps not all the time, but enough to know that he was not patrolling the halls or borders alone at every moment.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The Medjay nodded his head sagely. He understood his role well enough. There would be no question how his time was spent in Akashingo.

Bayek wished to return to his duties, though. Speaking with the Jodai had been fine, but there were tasks that needed to be completed. He felt that he had given the proper attention to the other man. He had played his role respectfully and had echoed his duties. Khaba did not appear to be as threatened by Bayek as he had been at the start. If this meant that he had eased some of the tension…

Is there anything you wish for me to do right now? Bayek asked in a rough voice. His amethyst gaze shifted curiously toward the Jodai, wondering if he would be dismissed.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
His part done, Khaba had no more need for the mazoi.

When asked, the dark mammoth shook his head. That's all. You're free to go.

But Khaba wouldn't stay to watch him leave. The mere moment the dismissal was given, he himself turned to leave and continue with his daily plans.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

74 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Bayek did not speak to the Jodai. He had been dismissed, and Khaba appeared to have dismissed himself along with the Mazoi. There was no pause as the large black beast turned to depart.

The Medjay bowed his head graciously until the other man had gone. When he stood alone, Bayek recounted the things he had been told. A plan was formed in his mind – worship, and then to work.