Dawnlark Plains [ꕥ] Don't you take your time young man,
10 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 
Hoping for a @Lilia appearance? Still, all welcome! ^-^

The world seems so different now – and not only by environment, but by routine. When she was under the care of her pack, Cera didn't have to worry about things like shelter or hunger slowing her down – and now the pangs of not having anything in her stomach were, quite literally, kicking her ass.

As the witch walked through the frosted plains, whitened by it's tips with frozen dew turned frost, she'd pass a melted stream of water and catch a glimpse of her reflection. Her appearance – while not starving or malnourished due to her foraging …..it was quite obvious from her face that she'd lost some weight. The sight only made her stomach growl angrily.

Frustrated at her shameful state, the girl hissed through gritted teeth and trotted onwards.

Only stopping at a flash of white, to pass her seafoam gaze which rounded in surprise. Though eyes could not follow, a canine's nose caught on quickly. Food.

A snow hare.

Without thought, Ceraphina took off.

A cloud of powdered snow skittered from her back paws as she launched forward to give chase. Nothing else mattered in that moment of tunnel vision – Cera was to either catch her prey or miss yet another opportunity for a filling meal. The latter of which she couldn't afford….
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia patrolled the borders of the Rise, noting with growing dismay that her father’s scent had faded away. The only thing reminiscent of him now was the children he’d sired with Avicus, so she visited the young ones often if for no other reason than to try and retain the scent of someone so familiar and beloved.

She river beyond the borders and into the plains with a pout on her face. She was disappointed that Prophet had left, abandoning not only Avicus and their new children, but her as well. Even if he had second thoughts about raising a litter, why was it that she was not enough to make him stay?

Angrily, she decided that she didn’t need him anymore. She decided she would hold a grudge- and that she would not easily forgive him when he came back. 

She scuffed at a small rock, sending it bouncing through the growing grass with a scowl. She followed the path it took, only to see the zig-zagging motion of a wolf chasing down something small- something that streaked through the grasses still bearing its winter colours. 

Lilia wasn’t hungry- but she had an appetite for destruction, and had never taken well to the sight of strangers hunting in the territories adjacent to the pack’s claim. She began to move toward the chase- and once she caught sight of the hare again, she issued a series of barks and yips- hoping to send it fleeing in another direction, and away from the one who pursued it.