Ouroboros Spine BWP: TSS space rocks
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
 An unusual meteor shower has lasted a whole week.

For days the sky had been alight with brightly colored things falling. Ajei couldn't quite keep her eyes off of them. She had hope that an adult could explain it, but mostly she just enjoyed watching it.

It was beautiful and bright and a small smile on her face. Though a part of her wondered if it were dangerous? Where did they land? Was the sky falling?
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk had ran after the falling stars as though he might find where they landed, but they always seemed too far from his grasp and he lost track of them. His father had explained what they were to the best of his abilities and Arrluk had decided to only then watch them instead. 

Trotting along through the open meadows as they shot across the sky, he sees Ajei ahead and woofs happily to her in greeting.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Mama had told her of what they were and some of the beliefs of her family. But Ajei was still trying to figure it all out.

A woof of a greeting and downy head lifted and green eyes lit up. She woofed back. Body wiggling in delight to see one of her dearest.

Hello! Arrluk. 

She leaned up to greet him with a lick along his cheek laughter in her face.

do you see the sacred rocks?
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
His tail waves with a happiness behind him, rubbing his head into her lick of greeting and he turns his own green (mostly) eyes to the skies. Sacred rocks? Where did she hear that from? Dad said they were falling stars.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded her head and followed his gaze. Yes that is what Mama's village believed. But aren't stars sacred in a way? And aren't we lucky to have them come to earth?

She watched them, the lights illuminating the places they moved through. Like little fires in the sky and dancing in eyes. They were both heartbreakingly beautiful and sad.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
I don't know... He pondered, looking to the innocent face of Ajei and then back to the sky. Dad said that they are balls of light and when they strike the earth, the land turns to fire. It didn't sound like they would be lucky to have them here. He guessed they were pretty to look at but could be very destructive just like the great Long Salt.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A frown marred the face of the fiire kissed girl and she looked again.

That doesn't sound good then. But Mama does say that sometimes vegetation after such destruction grows better.

Ajei looked at her pelt and wondered was it bad that she was fire kissed in red. Perhaps she should quit referring to herself as fire kissed.

Are they big? They look so small, but sometimes looks can be deceiving like little weasel who sneaky but cute. Or brother otter who so soft, but can claw good.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Maybe... He pondered. Arrluk really wasn't aware of what happen to Moonpear, to know the destruction of it and how it once again flourished. Still, he didn't think he would quite like seeing his home destroyed even if it meant coming back better in time. 

Hopefully it won't be something we will have to worry about anytime soon. He commented with a sheepish smile, much like his fathers. There was a chuckle then at her analogy as he looked back to the sky.

 Not sure. I was trying to chase them to see if I could find where they landed but, that didn't quite work out. In the sky, they looked like they were right over them but must have still been very far off. In a way it had messed with his head, the vast distance above them but after talking to his dad had decided to just sit and watch them.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei wasn't aware of the traumatic things that had happened before either. They were lucky to be born after everything had settled fresh and new and peaceful.

He smiled sometimes and looked just like his father and other times he looked like his mom. Ajei couldn't quite decide who more so. Yes! I wouldn't like that. They are far enough away i think.

Ajei laughed and shook her head. Sometimes it is better to just watch. Sometimes if you are too busy chasing you miss what is in front. Mmhmm. This girl likes to watch.
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Fade after your post to get this baby added to our BWP lists?

He had to agree with Ajei. When you were always on the go, go, go you could easily miss out what was right in front of you. He wondered if be might ever meet all his older siblings or if their ventures had taken them far, far away. 

Arrluk, personally, enjoyed the comforts of home. He had adapted both the close knit nature of s home body but equally had settled into a reserved, quiet and calm fellow like his father. Sometimes, he feared that he would become a recluse, favoring water over favoring new wolves. He did not want to become the monster his mother spoke of. 

We will watch then. He laid and then pawed the earth to invite her down with him. 

So there they were, the fire-kissed and the killer whale.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Absolutely. As always thank you so much. And i love them.

Ajei didn't mind leaving to visit those close. The sea was fun, but too far. She would like to meet Mojag someday. Maybe he'd come home.

If he had asked Ajei would have told him. That she had no doubt he would never become a monster. He was too good.

She curled to his side and lay her head to her paws. The sky lighting up with fire chased stars. The glow lighting up both their eyes.