Ouroboros Spine Hello Sunshine
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
The early morning began with a crisp bite. Her fur lay heavy against her as the fog settled around her like a mantle of grey. Dew splashed along those dainty paws and green eyes lit up as she moved through the pack lands. A gentle humm deep in her throat. Her mind on the river and fishing, maybe to try and learn some of the flowers.

There was still sadness like a shroud, but she was determined to make today a good day. To celebrate life rather than mourn it. She juat wasn't sure entirely how and to still be respectful.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq let his paws carry him through the now familiar forests. There was a fog that shifted around each movement, swirling around his own frostly pelt. Though it was his first he could feel the oncoming winter and the sting of the autumnal air. It hit his lungs in cool yet pleasant bursts. Through the mist he saw a flash of red and auburn, but larger and more vibrant than the leaves. For a moment it was as if his thoughts of Galana and Sakhmet had summoned them, but quickly he dismissed the idea.  Nonetheless he trotted towards it, for he thought he might know who it was he hurried to catch up.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was glad to be home. Where paths were familiar and she knew where she was going.

A thump was heard behind her and she titled her head and shifted to look behind her. A small smile for her friend.

Hello Raq!

She wagged her tail a small wiggle from it. She looked all around. Green eyes taking in his whiteness against the backdrop of colors.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq grinned, affected by the sudden company, pulling him out of his thoughts. "Ajei!" His own tail swirled around the air, the fog seemed less thick, not fully obscuring either from view anymore.

"What're you up to?"
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her smile brightened. It was nice to see he friend. And he was happy to see her too. All too often it happened that lately everyone was sad.

i was seeing where the day would take me. Fishing or learning flowers or just walking.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq nodded, at least that sounded like more than a plan than wandering aimlessly, something he had been doing often as of late when he could not muster up the motivation to practice tracking. "Mind company?" He would follow at whatever pace he set, no destination in mind for himself.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was indeed good to see her friends face. A smile lighting up her face and eyes. 
I will always take your company. Tell me what you have been doing? What you've seen. I know you've been exploring.

She lay her ears gently to her skull. I do not have an adventurous spirit as others do, but i love to hear of them.

And she didn't, she wasn't one that found it fun to adventure and travel. She did it on rare occasions, but she isually couldn't wait to go back home. 

She felt a failing as a daughter in this aspect. She was not brave as either her mother or her father, not even her brothers. Both have traveled far and wide. Mojag even moved away from them.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
He gave her a gentle bump of shoulders at her flattened ears. "You're a much better hunter than me though. You don't need to go running off if you don't want to. I'll bring you all the stories you want back." A smile found its way onto his face.

Massaraq nodded his head and tried to think of something interesting he could tell Ajei. "I went to the coast where Vaire and Rhaegal are forming the saltshores. I met two pups there, they were friendly but so small, just like us a little while ago!" It was strange to think of how much he and Ajei had grown and yet the world still felt new and full of unknowns.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She smiled though a little self-consciously. Oh I don't know about that. I can fish fair enough, but hunting anything bigger? I find it difficult. I will never be Star Hunter like Mama. That is beyond, my skill set.

Her smile brightened at the mention of stories. How she loved to hear of far away places. She never really liked to visit them, but to hear of them. Well sometimes that made all the difference. I would love to hear of your travels. And it will be as if I traveled them too.

Ajei blinked. It is hard to believe isn't it? That we are near halfway to adults? I don't feel like an adult though Raq. I still feel very much like a scared little girl.

She frowned in thought. I still find it hard to speak with strangers, and I dislike leaving our borders. I am not skilled as you or Arrluk or even Kassuq. I just am not sure.

Ajei knew that he could not give her answers. And a small part of her felt shame for voicing her fears as she did. But she had to say something or she felt as if she would burst.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
At the mention of growing up Massaraq felt it was strange. She was right and yet it felt so odd and stark to put it like that, halfway to an adult. He also did not feel that way. And yet he was starting to see what role he might fill in the future. That was something. But actually filling it felt still a long way off. "I know. I...I don't know if I'm ready." He said, all in a breath, a single exhale, single release. He sighed.

He stepped closer to her, letting their shoulders brush. "You don't have to be sure of anything or be like us. Whether you stay inside our borders and only talk to packmates or decide to go off adventuring meeting hundreds of new wolves we'll be here for you Ajei. Do you want to be able to do those things?" He asked, curious.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei didn't feel like even near an adult. She still felt like a child, and yet she had known more than what most children did know at this age. It was both wonderful and hard at the same time. She blinked as he voiced what she was saying too. And a small smile. 

Me either. But perhaps we can learn together how to be ready for it all, yes? After all, everything is easier with those you care for. Right?

She smiled then and tilted her head, ears forward to catch what he had to say. Always paying attention to those around her. Ajei relished the contact. She was a physical wolf. Always wanting to soothe and show her joy with paws and shoulders and nose touches. His question though and she stopped for a moment. 

Do I want to be able to do that? Well if it helps those I love. And yet.

She dipped her muzzle down. I am content to be the way I am. Though I would like it to be easier for me if there should come a time and I would need to do so for those I care about. I'm not sure how to be those things though. I am content to whittle away my time in the borders. I could search for days and years and still find something new here. And the simple things. There is always something to marvel at, no matter where I am. The way the flowers sway. The river and it's many voices. There are different colors every fall I'd wager, nothing ever the same and yet so familiar it is comforting.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq smiled, she was right. As long as he had his family alongside him, Ajei too, he felt anything was possible. Perhaps the world would open her pathways and sing them songs or perhaps it would whistle in their ears, but he felt sure that the future would bring change like the beauty of autumn. "That is true. I hope when I'm ready I'm better at tracking at least." A joke, and yet worry laced in his words.

"As long as it's what you want. We want you to be happy, and want to care for you too in the ways we can." Each wolf had different strengths to contribute, and yet he too felt doubt. He wanted to be a fine hunter, a fine fighter, a competent tracker, a wanderer, a good friend, and good son, and a good brother. And yet so many of these felt out of reach. Things he could not give even if he were asked. The two truths rumbled against each other like stones in his stomach. "I know, it all feels so new. I hope it feels like this every time, every autumn. When winter comes I wonder if I'll blend in better with the snow." He had heard of the snow of course, had seen the ice on the mountaintops. In summer and even autumn his coat made him stand out, he wondered if he would feel more part of the world blending in to it.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei laughed then a small delicate sound that fit her well.

I am sure you will be wonderful tracker. You should ask sun man to teach you. I bet he'd love time with his son!

Ajei lifted her head and looked around. I am almost always happy here and among those i care about.

A nod. I know what you mean, but i think i quite stick out where ever i happen to be. You cannot hide red. You will probably blend in well.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Masasaraq nodded at her suggestion, he admittedly had not spent much time with his father, why he could not say but now that he was nearly grown he was not sure how to interpret it. He was sure that he loved his family, Aiolos was a part of that, but he ever felt closer with his siblings and his mother, perhaps that was simply the way of the world.

The fact that Ajei was happy at Moonglow eased something and made him smile warmly in turn, it gave him hope that she would not leave forever, that if she did she would find a way to say goodbye or to return at some point. A small laugh rumbled in his chest. "Mmm unless you sat next to the Firemother as her leaves fell." It was true though Ajei's fur was a rich auburn and fire, which even the autumnal leaves did not fully hide. "You'll have to look out for me in snowdrifts then." He joked.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Anei knew that Sun Man was rather aloof, but she liked him all the same. And it was clear he loved all of his children. Raq was simply a little more quiet amd separate in nature too. And there was simply nothing wrong with that.

Ajei had no plans of leaving forever. She knew perhaps someday she would if need be. But for now she was content.

Ajei laughed. I will make sure to check for you Raq! Before I jump in them.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Laughter came more easily when he could follow on the trails of hers and he found himself joining in, responding readily with a nudge of his nose to her shoulder. "We'll both look rather silly then, you poking your nose in every snowdrift and me buried under all that snow!" But his tail wagged thinking about it, thinking of the stories he had heard of ice and snow and the nip of the cold air and he suddenly wished to see it in spite of the dangers winter brought.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei enjoyed the presence of both brothers and she found she often laughed with both.

Nonsense. We won't look ailly at all for we'll be hwving far too much fun. Mama tells me stories it sounds both brutal and lovely winter.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
He nodded his head, happy to be in agreement. For all that he was growing he still had a playful streak about him and the thought of winter, of all the siblings he had left, and Ajei and perhaps Seal too all being able to enjoy the new season brought him some measure of hope. He did not think, for he did not know, that he might be gone that winter.
499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
fade here and updated one when he is back home?

Ajei wiggled her tail and darted over to brush him with a paw.

You're it!

Then raced away but not to fast hoping he was willing to play.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
sounds perfect to me!

Massaraq grinned with a playful growl as he felt her paw brush his side. "I'm going to get you!" He tore after her, both of them larger gamboling about the forest but it brought fond memories up as he let himself get lost in the chase.