Blackfeather Woods I’m not dead I only dress this way.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
She hasn’t been in this territory for a long while and she wished to find her friend. Her children had all gone to start their lives elsewhere but she was glad to know most of them were alive and well.

The woods seems deserted from any pack settling here. It seems her friend was not here anymore either and so her search came to a standstill for the moment.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Lilitu didn't typically wander off from Akashingo, but today she found herself across the plains and into the dark forest, which, frankly, gave her the heebie-jeebies. Why was she so restless? She couldn't parse it.

She was about to turn back and give up when the soft shuffling murmur of pawsteps caught her ear.

Hello? she called into the dim light, bristling, her shoulders hunching up her neck. Who's there? She'd thought this place was deserted. Evidently not; the scent of wolf hit her, and she wondered whether this had been a big old mistake on her part.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Another wolf was here and she walked closer only slightly so not to raise alarm but to make her presence known. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” She lowered herself a little. She didn’t want to scare the wolf off cause maybe they could help her. ”My name is Moonshadow. I’m looking for someone who used to live here.”
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She breathed deep, trying to gather her composure. Moonshadow was dark and blended right into the surroundings here. She stepped back, and nodded fervently, smiling.

Who are you looking for? asked Lilitu. She didn't know anyone who'd spent time here, but maybe Pharaoh did. He knew everyone. And she would know people based on the scuttlebutt.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female gave a small smile and to moon that was very reassuring. She didn’t know who this wolf was and if she was friendly but she decided to just put with it. “Her name is Maegi. We have been friends for a long time.” It had been a long time, she remembered when she was just a young wolf.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
moved forward in time per request so Moonshadow can learn the news

Her smile faded quickly at the name Moonshadow offered, her ears drooping and face growing quite solemn. She felt suddenly as if she had a piece of bone or gristle caught in her throat, and cleared it, eyes watering a little bit. She hated being the bearer of bad news.

I'm so sorry, Lilitu said quietly. Maegi died recently. I think she was sick. She lived with us at Akashingo; there are other wolves there that could tell you more.

She'd never really interacted with the gaunt woman; she'd found her quite spooky, really. But her status as a royal had marked her an undoubtedly important figure, and for someone like Moonshadow to have come looking for her after all this time, it spoke volumes.

The human promises she's not just waxing poetic about her dead character.

I can lead you there? she offered.