Silvertip Mountain i've got red on my ledger; i'd like to wipe it out
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette stood there a bit of a distance away. Once Steady left she felt like she was intruding and looked over the two of them. She was more relaxed with the idea that this was Ezekiel's sister. However she did not want this female to take over her spot as the main hunter and hunt coordinator. Perhaps there was not enough trust in Ezekiel's sister to take over her spot but Valette's ambition was not going to let that happen.

Her hazel eyes were focusses on the other female before turning to Ezekiel. "I'm going to go too, I wouldn't want to intrude on your private moment," she admitted and then smiled at Ezekiel in a kind matter. The smile fell a bit towards Johan, but it was there nevertheless. She nodded goodbye to her too and walked away. She did look over her shoulder at Ezekiel, rather wanting him to be with her , but she knew she couldn't claim all his time.
Messages In This Thread
RE: i've got red on my ledger; i'd like to wipe it out - by RIP Valette - September 05, 2016, 04:25 AM