Emberwood stop being so laissez-faire; we're all scared of the future
All Welcome 
backdated to the 11th
@Cerulean @Marten either/both are welcome, or any healers; i'm assuming @Kavik would've asked someone to take a look at him
He doesn't really like the thought of a stranger getting near him, but every time he thinks about fleeing before his tormenter-to-be a medic can arrive, he remembers the look of concern on his father's face. He hadn't been too worried about it himself until he'd seen that; since Cupid (I'm assuming) tended his wounds, he hasn't really felt them as intensely as he did that first day. Only the occasional dull ache throughout the day reminds him that he's still healing - rather slowly, actually, though he has no way of knowing it.
Overall, he thinks he's fine (he's wrong). But even the thought of upsetting his father so soon after finding out that he hadn't died under the rocks that had taken most of their family makes his stomach churn painfully and his throat tighten with nausea. So he stays where he is, seated but shifting restlessly every few moments. He half-hopes that whoever his father sends to him comes quickly, if only to get the whole thing over with sooner. The other half of him hopes that they somehow trip and fall into a very deep hole before they can reach him.
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stop being so laissez-faire; we're all scared of the future - by Zephyr - December 16, 2019, 07:55 PM