Otter Creek This Was No Accident, This Was a Therapeutic Chain of Events
The insults might have set him off in another situation, short as his temper is — but he's too pleased with the situation to be angry. Instead, he ignores it, moving closer until he's looming over the water and he can feel it lapping at his toes. You'll die in there, He says lightly, as if observing the weather. He might as well be, for all the investment he has in the outcome of this. Maybe you're the crazy one — denying help when you obviously need it. His smirk widens for a moment, then fades as he glances back to the log he'd looked to before. I bet if I pull on this, the debris would break up. Look, it's holding it all together. He gestures with his nose, tone still eerily conversational; likely not helping the crazy bitch case.
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