Mount Apikuni 'cause loving and hating are one and the same
Somehow, the outburst doesn't have the effect Zephyr had intended. Taikon doesn't drop the facade and leave. Instead, suddenly, they're close again, and Zephyr's heart starts to race, unprepared for this turn of events. He sucks in a sharp breath, disarmed by the tenderness in Taikon's voice. Kryptonite, flame against the ice around his heart. He melts, and buries his face into pale fur, still crying. Anger still burns fierce in his veins, raging, but he feels helpless to express it in the face of such soft warmth. This is what he wants, after all. It's all he's ever really wanted from anyone. Silence stretches, and his only response is the touch, full of warmth and desperate desire. He hates himself for it.
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Messages In This Thread
'cause loving and hating are one and the same - by Zephyr - November 30, 2020, 03:07 AM
RE: 'cause loving and hating are one and the same - by Zephyr - November 30, 2020, 03:54 AM