Swiftcurrent Creek running in circles, now look what you've done
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
Arlette's mouth fell open in shock. Bearclaw Valley!? But, they were allies right? Or they had helped Ameline? She slowly closed her mouth as Akavir continued to explain his plan. I hardly think Ameline would be the type to house such a man! I'd rather have a close ally than a close enemy, Arlette commented, ears falling back. She was unsure. Maybe Arric should go, to show off a display. But even if he was part of Bearclaw, would they give him up or protect him? She didn't know they had someone so vile living close to them...

Arlette dipped her muzzle when Akavir asked if she was okay with staying with Muskrat, Mae and Pukei. Yes, I feel safe here. And I would have Muskrat if I truly need protection, she offered. She knew the fierce woman would protect her if asked. Even if she was injured and shouldn't fight. She glanced at her mate. I only meant to tease, Arric. I didn't mean to sow doubt in your mind, she offered to him. Go if you must, as long as you return to me. That was her only demand. Because she couldn't bare to be without a mate and be rearing pups again.

She turned to Akavir. Could you ask Hushed Willows a favor? We helped Reverie quite a bit lately?, she suggested. It might only be to show off more wolf power? Maybe not actual fighters. I'd definitely take Cygnet, but have her under clear command. I feel she would wreck this place if left behind. She is a fighter. But make her listen to your command, Akavir. I do believe she might become a bit feral, Arlette admitted but still it would probably be better to take her than to leave her here. She rather wanted this Glaukos driven away than close to their borders. But what if this all got more of his attention on them. She feared to speak it. She trusted Akavir and Arric.
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RE: running in circles, now look what you've done - by Arlette - May 16, 2024, 03:34 PM