Swiftcurrent Creek running in circles, now look what you've done
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,176 Posts
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Master Medic
Arlette turned to Akavir when he spoke her name. She shot him a grateful smile, but her eyes were a little pained. I appreciate it, but sometimes it isn't up to you to decide that, she commented quietly. After all, especially in a fight one could get a life threatening injury and she wouldn't be there to help. Still, she doubted it would go that far but... she had experience with a mate leaving and never returning home to her.

Arlette was glad that Akavir would deal with Cygnet. After all, he did have a way with the girl, an understanding. She was glad for it. Arric then explained that Bearclaw probably didn't know. Arlette felt a little sympathy for Ameline, because well, she would be trusting as well. She knew she would be. I hope they might help, but if not then you should go Arric. I will be fine, she assured him. She had survived a cougar. They would just be hanging out with the girls then. Girl's day. She wasn't sure if Mae, or Muskrat liked that. Maybe not then. She would be okay.

This had turned into a far more serious meeting than it started but she rather liked the frankness in which things were discussed, even with her. She still had to get used to the title if only she realized how much power she held.
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Nursing Mother
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RE: running in circles, now look what you've done - by Arlette - May 17, 2024, 09:52 AM