Wapun Meadow the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety
Swiftcurrent Creek
297 Posts
Ooc — xynien
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To her relief, Lavender agreed without much fuss. Mae rose with a brisk shake of her coat as if to rid herself of the last of her anxious embarrassment. Come on, then, She beckoned, grinning as she led the girl back toward her home.

As they neared the borders Mae called out for @Arric, both to notify him of their visitor and request his presence. She figured he'd want to get a look at the wolf she'd invited into their home.

Akavir, as far as she knew, was busy. Maybe with the trespasser he'd decided to keep. Whatever.
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RE: the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety - by Mae - June 29, 2024, 12:46 PM