Two Eyes Cenote I do not care to serve you with good tidings on my tongue
335 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the kid had nearly gone unnoticed by him, assuming her a fretting servant, but now gucci presumed her an offspring of the guard. safiya - he noted the name, proper coyote. as should be.

thank ya kindly, guardsman. the neb offered a smile to the large gray man, and moved on to the incoming fellahin with mannerisms of a man shrugging off his travel coat. 

his personal servant followed, wordlessly squabbling with the palace servants over proper treatment of his needy lord.


muat-riya did not want for things. inhabited mostly by the working class, food that would eventually be moved to akashingo could spend up to a week stored here, processed to last longer. for the neb, fresher cuts were picked out ( his servant monotonously explaining the lord liked to be served a portion not quite becoming of his size. ); ribs of a hare encased in meat, skinned rattlesnake on a quill, a proghorn's thigh bone cracked in half to expose the marrow, and as refreshment - a cold infusion of goldenrod sweetened with a drop of precious honey.

his servant took to a corner, gnawing on a leftover bone.

gucci carefully picked his way through the meal, enjoying the taste of civilization - or which would be considered so by a wild creature.

weary! he answered meseba. so many weeks a'this- this prancin' through dirt 'n' dust, pah! sweet sun, if ah never set paw on goat road a'gin this life ah'd be grateful beyond it.

he'd cracked the quill when the hebsut herself came into the dining room, a woman gucci so wished he'd spoken to more. diminutive amongst the wolfish kind, she nevertheless had a presence which spoke of the status she'd established and held as the reaching teeth of pharaoh toula. if he were to name an issue with the efficient coykind, it'd be that she was a smidge younger than he'd have preferred of an authority - the man had grown weary of girl-kings.

hebsut! gucci wiped a speck off his muzzle, grinning at her presence. ah've come returned fram distant lands, sands where many a finer lawd'd been reared! convenience beyond words we now have this checkpoint, and ah would, if it ain't minded none, like tah stay few days more 'fore continuin' onward tah our heartland.

he made sure his smile was as charming as he knew to deliver.

'sides that, ah'd like a private conversation in a bit, once ah've rested - if that don't intrude on your time n responsibilities.

one, will edit any wrongs assumptions i've made abt the workings of muat riya! two, hoping to set up a backdated priv thread with eset! think i can squeeze some more dialogue between gucci/safiya/meseba :eyes:
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]

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