Redhawk Caldera Remember me?
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
*Waves* @Peregrine @Fox @Elwood @Finley Anyone who has time! :3

Sebastian looked at @Aduin once they came closer to the Caldera borders. It had been a long time ago he had walked away from here. It felt good to see it again. Sebastian had missed the family bonds that he created. The young male still felt like he had failed. But he didn't come back empty handed. He had a new recruit for the Caldera wolves and even though Aduin might look like one timid ball of nothing he was more than that. He was a great hunter and to see his loyalty to him being so strong Sebastian had no doubt he would make an excellent pack mate. 

"Well here it is," he spoke to Aduin. "I'm sure you will like it here," he offered. Sebastian was still a bit hesitant, he remember how strict Peregrine and Fox could be. Hopefully they could see the potential in Aduin that Sebastian was seeing. Sebastian felt a bit bad that he hadn't told Aduin about his full plan. Hopefully Fox and Peregrine would be understanding of it too. He would never know unless he called them. Sebastian glanced at Aduin once more, hopefully he would be mad at him for not telling. "Ready?," he spoke before howling.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin eagerly surveyed the land from the border. The place looked nice. His tail wagged excitedly. He just could not sit down. When he caught Seb's eye on him, his eagerness went mad. He started bobbing up and down, his tongue sticking out. Though, he did withdraw it to speak in reply. "It looks perfect...Just wish the others were here to see it." He looked back not only on his sisters, but the rest of his family. Out there, somewhere. They would have loved it here. 

"Yes" he answered eagerly, finally sitting. A bit to Seb's rear flank, just in case. One could never be too careful, especially after that run in at the forest. Some were just very territorial.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
I've been keeping an eye on Seb's threads and I was hoping he would come back to RHC! :D

The howl was strangely familiar, and it was mostly curiosity that drew Elwood to the borders. He was fairly certain that it was Sebastian that had called, but he wanted to see the burly grey wolf with his own eyes. He descended the slopes of the caldera, yellow eyes bright as they fixed on two figures waiting patiently near the outskirts.

Elwood squinted; he had met Sebastian's father once before and had been shocked by the striking similarities in their appearance. As soon as he spotted the curl of Sebastian's long tail, he was assured that this wasn't Burke. His ears pricked and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Sebastian had left Redhawk Caldera on good terms, but he wondered who the second wolf was.

"Sebastian! It's good to see you," the Beta called as he approached. "How have you been? Who is this?" he asked, gliding to a halt a few feet from the pair of travelers.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Aww yeah! He wants to return but he also feels like he failed. So he is a bit hesitant xD

Sebastian looked to the side at Aduin, now they just had to wait. It didn't take long for someone to show up. Sebastian was glad to see Elwood. During his time there Sebastian considered the beta male a very good friend. He was also friendly that would probably help with Aduin and him growing more confident. In fact now he thought about it the Caldera would be perfect for that! "Elwood!," he let out with a genuine cry of happiness. Sebastian wanted to step forward and greet him appropriately but he realized he was not a member of this pack. He lowered his head respectfully but his tail was wagging excitedly. 

"Likewise, Likewise. Still in one piece," Sebastian smiled. "I'm going... Well, I could be better it is a long story. I will tell you later. But I did brought a new recruit I found on my travels. He is a good friend, almost like a little brother to me," he smiled at Aduin. "I was hoping you would have place for him amongst your ranks," he offered, not mentioning himself just yet. He looked at Elwood with his pale eyes, inhaling sharply. "I am planning on rejoining RHC with a 100% commitment. Lady search didn't end well but there is first something I need to do before I can have that 100% commitment. Would it be okay if I use my second chance in joining RHC after I finished my unfinished business?," he asked. Elwood might realize that this unfinished business was the one he had with his father.

Sebastian cleared his throat looking from one male to another. "I hoped in the meanwhile you could become  a family for Aduin. The family you were for me?" Sebastian hoped Elwood would see some potential in Aduin. He was young and had his ambitions but he would let Aduin do the talking himself now, not wanting to do all the talking for Aduin. It might give the wring impression.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin looked over Sebastian to see the one he called Elwood coming over to them. His tail wagged a little less, now feeling the shyness he usually felt around new wolves he met. But with the reassuring smile, and how he spoke to Elwood, he had high hopes of getting it. Almost too high, as he blurted out some things.

"I can h-hunt. Quite well. A-and am loyal." His tail fell a bit, realizing he may have spoken out at the wrong time, not realizing that it may have been okay after all. But soon, his hopes began melting away. What unfinished business did he mean? Was...was he not coming? He glanced at Sebastian with confused eyes. "Are you not coming?" Was he going to be left behind again? Just like everyone else did? His eyes went to the ground, as if he already knew the answer to the question.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Elwood canted his head to the side as Sebastian began to explain himself. He introduced his companion, Aduin, and hinted that he hoped there would be a place for him in the caldera's ranks. But he then went on to say that he had a task to tend to before he settled down -- a piece of news that was concerning to Elwood and seemed to surprise Aduin.

He had been ready to question Aduin and learn a bit more about him, but Elwood put that on hold for the time being. Instead, he focused his attention on Sebastian with a small frown. "What is it that you need to do?" he asked. It was a strange request, and though he trusted his former packmate, he still wanted more information before making a decision one way or the other.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Feel free to skip me, Eljay's just eavesdropping!

Daddy was gone, and so Eljay had followed his scent until he eventually was lead to the borders. The borders were frightening to Eljay, for though he began to look more and more like a grown-up, he was still timid and shy a lot and had never left Redhawk caldera. The great outdoors was enticing, but not enough to make him get over his fears.

Eljay didn't actively recognise the wolf that daddy was greeting at the borders (he'd been too young at the time). He did notice that daddy and the wolf were amicable though, for their expressions and body language betrayed as much. The third wolf looked less comfortable, and Eljay watched him while he came up behind daddy, from a short distance; short enough to be noticed and to hear the conversation, but far enough to clearly not be a part of the meeting himself.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian looked a bit pained when Aduin acted so shocked. On top of that Elwood asked what business he had to do. Sebastian let out a soft sigh. "I will I just have to do something first," he explained to Aduin. Sebastian searched for words how to best explain this. "I left because of two reasons... I wanted a mate and well, I ran away from my father that lives in the pack next door," he spoke, more as an explanation to Aduin. "I wanted the caldera wolves to be safe and I knew that my father had been at their doorstep, he is not a kind wolf, Aduin. I didn't want you to know because the Caldera and the pack itself are very safe."

Sebastian then looked at Elwood. "I should have done this a long time ago. You know it. I know it. I can't come back here to be in hiding again. I want to live here because I want to. I should talk to him and settle this with him so there won't be any trouble coming from my side again." Sebastian had actually hated the fact that Burke had been creating trouble with RHC. Sebastian also knew that knocking on his father's door after all the avoiding and running into pack mates he wouldn't be exactly pleased to see him or maybe he would? He just needed to get this over with. He didn't know Elwood met his father.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin's gaze shifted. Had it not been a family matter, he would have complained. But instead, he nodded, going with it. Even if it meant that might not see him again, and based on how he described his father, that was a chance. That very fact upset him. But he kept himself silent, looking over to the Elwood wolf. Would he accept him into their ranks? That was his choice to make, or possibly the Alphas, if Elwood had to take him to them first. 

"You better come back" he seethed unexpectedly. Mostly due to the part of him believing this to be just another abandoning. But in his voice, there was also sadness. "Promise?"
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
I went ahead and added Aduin to the ranks. Welcome! :) Mar, do you want add Sebastian now or keep him as a lone wolf for the time being?

As Sebastian explained his situation, Elwood became aware of a presence behind him and turned to see Eljay lingering a few feet from the edge of the territory. The Beta was surprised to see his son there, but his tail waved with encouragement. It was a big step for Eljay to venture this far out. He then turned back towards Sebastian and Aduin, his ears pressed toward them attentively.

He should have guessed that Sebastian's "unfinished business" had to do with his father. The stub-tailed wolf hadn't caused too much trouble for Redhawk Caldera previously, but he could understand why Sebastian was worried. Although he frowned, he realized that this was something Sebastian needed to do in order to move on with his life.

"I get it, and I trust you. I know you'll come back as soon as you're able, and when you do, there will be a spot in the ranks waiting for you," he said. Because Sebastian had left on good terms and had explained his intentions to his leaders before departing, he felt confident that Fox and Peregrine would agree with his decision. And besides, they were in need of able-bodied wolves to provide for the pack, especially with the next batch of firebirds arriving sooner or later.

He then turned to Aduin. "So, you are a hunter? I'm going to accept you to the pack because Sebastian has vouched for you, but it's important that you live up to the expectations. You also will need to introduce yourself to our Alpha pair, Fox and Peregrine," he said.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
I want him to stay a lone wolf for now! But he will be back! (hopefully! :P)

Sebastian was glad that Elwood had responded to their call. Elton might have understood, maybe Peregrine less so? He wasn't sure. He had been away for so long. "Thank you Elwood," he spoke and then turned to Aduin. "Aduin I promise you that I will return. I will come crawling if my legs don't work. Trust me I've done it before. Elwood can tell you have broken bodied I returned all the way form the North," he pointed out. 

Sebastian stepped a bit back dipping his head respectfully towards Elwood in thanks. Because now Aduin had a home, a good home where he would be able to grow and become a confident wolf. Sebastian had no doubts about that. "You will do good Aduin. I believe in you. I won't abandon you," he returned. With that he thanked Elwood once again and wished Aduin good luck before turning on his heels and running off to Black Feather woods.

- Sebastian Exits -
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Aduin's ears flattened, a small whine coming from him. He had to deal with this. And so did Aduin. He had to live, for his family. And so Sebastian had many things to return to, a reason to come back. He gave one final nudge to Seb, a sign of brotherly compassion. And even though they were not brothers by blood, they saw each other as brothers. "I know you aren't" he whispered as Sebastian walked away. Unlike his sisters, Seb would never abandon him. But this was something he had to do. He wondered if part of the reason why was that, somewhere deep inside, he still cared for his father. Just like how Aduin still cared for his sisters, wherever they may be.

He turned away to the wolf before him, Elwood. Now the nervousness kicked right back in. Something he would have to control. "Y-yes." That was all he said, with a respectful nod. He recalled the time he hunted with Seb, but did not want to brag. "Th-thank you." He waited for the time to move. The time to move into his new pack. Things were going to change for him, and hopefully for the better.