Otter Creek i'd rather you did not turn your skunk bath into a giant cocktail
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
All Welcome 
He's more or less on Blackfeather's borders but I'd love for him to encounter someone outside the pack :)

The head of some unfortunate and nameless wolf was exposed as the wind piled the snow away from it. There were no eyes in the eye sockets and yet, the boy felt that the dead was looking at him. He stared back, fascinated by the snarl that was wrought in its features by the tightening and drawing of its decaying skin; captivated by the plane of bone that ended in a jagged fringe where a nose should have been; transfixed by the revelation that a wolf is mortal, that a wolf under its fur is no different than prey.

His eyes had feasted on the macabre furnishing enough. Drawn to the scent of blood and rot, Euron stepped nearer. He lowered his nose to the reeking head. He sniffed. He licked. He chewed on a tough bit of flesh that had been torn and had peeled up and withered. His teeth plucked at fur that struggled to cling to the hide and his tail wagged at the fun of yanking out these tufts. The boy leapt to his feet with a playful woof and darted in and out at the head, batting it with his paws and nipping it as if encouraging it to rise and chase him.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
After being taken care of and her injury healed, the young black pelted female begins to search for her astray brother. She picked up his scent and lowers her muzzel to the ground as she followed it. Soon his scent is replaced with the smell of blood. Certainly he didn't come here but she knew not for sure. She was careful not to cross the border as stopped.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
The boy continued to romp around and celebrate his find until a dark wolf — obvious against the snow and gray skies — caught his eye. Euron froze with his two paws planted on the dead wolf's forehead, eyes narrowed as he peered at this stranger. He made no sound. Had she even noticed him?
10 Posts
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slides in 

she was hungry

scratch that, she wasn’t hungry she was starving. her usual lean self had become nothing more than a pile of soft bones strung together through weakened flesh and fur. pathetic. what had become of her? she was a kementári, hunger was not supposed to be a word in her vocabulary. yet here she stood, the bones of her rib cage threatening to burst from her very side as she walked. mother would be disappointed. she had raised berúthiel to be more than a walking pile of scraps and still her daughter had failed. no, she had not withered away beyond repair. there was still time to rebuild what had been broken, she just needed time...and food.

speaking of food - the heavy stench of a rotting corpse filled the woman’s nostrils and she gratefully welcomed the foul odor with open arms. her gait quickened to an anxious trot, her heart barely able to keep up with the rough pace of her feet. as she descended upon the scene, berúthiel was met not just with potential food, but by some child who was playing with the head of a rather unfortunate soul and a stranger who appeared to be passing by. “hína” she called out to the boy, voice strained from the lack of use. “are you going to eat that?” she asked with a low rumble, not bothering to wait for an answer while she closed the distance between herself and the youth.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow heard the female's raspy voice and looked at the pup who she had not noticed when she had first arrived. She stays hidden as she watches everything unfold, willing to intervene if need be. The you black wolf watched from the shadows paitiently
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
In no time at all another wolf appeared and Euron felt the fur on his nape prick the tiniest bit. Though not a fearful pup by any means, he was possessed of an innate sense of self-preservation, and that instinct was chiming in his ears and letting him know that he was at risk. It was further agitated by the fact that the first wolf looked directly at him and then attempted to hide while the second wolf boldy moved in on his position.

"She is sneaking!" He blurted out, thrusting his muzzle forward to indicate the position of the dark female the same way a setter might alert a hunter to a bird. "She is wanting to take this! I cans share with you if you makes her stop!" He moved his feet from the skull and stood a pace away, eyes darting between the two wolves and muscles coiled for flight.
10 Posts
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the earthly woman’s approach was steady, unconcerned with the world around her until she stood only a few feet from the child. her stone eyes bore down at him, gaze uninterested and annoyed as he spoke. his offer held little interest to the female, especially when he appeared a bigger push over than the full grown stranger. but berúthiel knew not to test her luck. she was on the border of someone else’s land and despite the madness that starvation had caused, she still held enough sanity to realize killing a child was not her smartest option. 

so in a split second decision fueled by hunger and desperation, the kementári nodded her head and leaned in towards the boy. “if you do not keep your word, i will eat you instead” she answered, the seriousness in her tone adding to the frigidness of her glare. and as if to get her point across, berúthiel lunged forward, jaws snapping once at the boy’s face before pulling away. she gave one last sour glance at the youth before spinning on her heels and zeroing in on the inky stranger. with her tail held high and stained teeth visibly on display, berúthiel made her intent clear to the other woman. get lost or fight.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
"Leave the pup alone, I have no interest in your meal, I am merely looking for my brother. He came here looking for a place for both of us to stay." The young she-wolf did not want to fight. "Listen young one, is there an adult I can speak to? Perhaps your alpha?" She knew not if he understood her but she couldn't help but try.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Euron was not just sneaky of body but of mind too. His ploy to deflect attention from him and the head that he wished to have to himself worked. The light female turned away from him to challenge the one that tried to hide — but not before leaning in to him to offer a threat. He tried to suppress the smile that twitched along his lips as he felt that familiar, arousing feeling of his heart pounding and blood rushing. He flinched away when she snapped and could no longer avoid a toothy grin, nor a short giggle.

Tail beating with excitement, he peered around the stranger with an impish face, in the manner of a bratty child who had just sicced the family dog on the neighbors. It was momentary — Euron's next impulse was to reach out and grasp the arch of bone that was laid bare beneath one of the empty eye sockets. He did so with the smooth, stealthy movements he was known for, never letting his eyes fall off the wolf closest to him. One tentative tug told him all he knew — the head was not something he could whisk away.

So he dropped that idea and settled in for the show, offering nothing but a cock of his head and arched brow when the black female addressed him.
319 Posts
Ooc —
Since first catching sight of the fiery stranger, so unlike any member of his family with her bright fur and brighter eyes, Ramsay tended toward the borders. An innate sense of ownership was sometimes the cause, and when that wasn't it, then it was curiosity. After seeing it several times, the fence of blood and body parts Blackfeather Woods sported was as normal to him as the ravens winging overhead and the dark, twisted trunks of the trees. He didn't even pause when he encountered a decrepit severed limb from some canid or other. He didn't know to fear such things.

He strayed near to the borders, but far enough within the territory that he could only just see the bright fringe of the forest. When Euron's voice broke through the heavy quiet of the forest from some place far off, but not so far that it was unreachable, the dwarf picked his pace up into a gorilla gallop and plunged from the darkness into the light of the borderlands, where he was met with his brother near a decapitated head, which was as mundane to him as the limb from earlier, and an unfamiliar she-wolf advancing.

When the sharp clang of tooth on tooth met the air, Ramsay snarled loudly from the shadow of the woods. It was a young, immature and ineffectual snarl at best, but it broke from the prison of his lips nonetheless and within moments the dwarf stormed fully onto the scene, guns blazing, as it were. It was curiosity that drove him there, but the threat to his sibling, while thrilling for Euron, was terrifying for Ramsay, and he tended to answer terror with teeth.

"No!" he screeched loudly at Berúthiel, flinging his wide rounded ears forward into sharp lines above his brows. There was nothing he or his brother, or even both of them together, could do if an adult wolf attacked them, but because she had threatened one of his two pillars, Ramsay would try nonetheless. He quivered on the spot, equal parts angry and frightened, but held his ground at his brother's side as he loudly emphasized, "Euron's," with regards to the macabre plaything.
10 Posts
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berúthiel‘s face twisted in disgust at the boy’s amused laughter. she had known him for a few seconds and even she could tell there was something sickly with his mind. she let out a grumble, attention turning to rest on the raven furred wench. a snarl slithered from her jaws, lips pulling back to reveal stained teeth in a fashionable warning. if the boy’s ignorance to her questions wasn’t enough to convince her to leave, then perhaps berúthiel could persuade her through some other means. claws dug into the ground while her muscles tensed, the pace of her heart beat quickening with every passing moment. and just when the cobra was about to strike it’s prey, the screech of a child drew her attention back towards the spiderlings. 

her head snapped in the direction of the boy’s voice, eyes landing on the dwarf child. the disgust upon her face couldn’t be hidden and her stomach turned at the sight of him. what the hell was wrong with him? she gaged, a bit a vomit coming up along with it. she was dazed for a moment and couldn’t help but wonder why anyone would let such a hideously deformed child live. and then out of nowhere something snapped in that corrupted head of hers. she turned her body to face the child, eyes wild with bloodlust. “what?” she hissed, moving to take a few steps in his direction. a sinister smile began to tug at the edge of her lips while berúthiel ultimately said screw you to the last of her sanity. she quickened her advance upon the children and should they be foolish enough to remain in their position rather than retreat into the safety of their forest, the ravaged kementári would attempt to lock her jaws around one of them with the intent to end their young life. because honestly, the fresh flesh of a child sounded a whole lot more appealing than that of a rotting head.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow's heart raced as she quickly contemplated on what to do, she did not want to trespass on a pack's lands but she saw no other choice. She was unsure if the pups would listen but she spoke anyway to them. "Run." The black pelted she-wolf said sharply before her instincts took over as she growls at the older wolf, baring her canines as she snarled, attempting to draw the females attention away from the pups.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Ramsay barging onto the scene came as a complete surprise to the boy. But it was a welcome one and there was no hiding the crazed devilishness with which he grinned — to witness his brother's aggression in the name of him and the rotted head he wished to possess. It was a new kind of thrill, and Euron cackled loudly and wriggled in place, overstimulated and perhaps even a bit manic in his delight at all of this. Unfortunately, the fun was short lived.

No matter how much he enjoyed the adrenaline, the pup was not feeble minded. He had sensed early on that the pale wolf was not to be trusted — her bold approach had made that assessment quick. She turned on his brother, on him, and came toward them, and he knew the game was up. His elation quickly simmered and was replaced with his usual calm, but still smiling look. Ramsay might have been ready to prove his bravery but Euron was about to demonstrate that cowards lived to see another day.

"It is time to be going now!" He chirped and darted forward to give his littermate's stubby tail a quick tug. Then he dug his nail in and took off — leaping with the grace of a deer over the severed head and then cutting hard across the borders and fleeing into the dark forest.
319 Posts
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There was another she-wolf present, speaking words that beckoned one ear to swivel, but Ramsay's gaze remain fixed on the one who threatened his brother. It roved over her wood-wrought pelt, tipped with accents of cinnamon and umber, and came to rest squarely on her grey-blue eyes. There was something uncomfortable about it, something innate that called for him to avert his eyes, but he leveled it instead, ignoring his instinct. She was an adult, but she was no superior of his.

Even when she began to advance, sending Ramsay's heart lurching into his throat—there was a significant size difference and age difference and the halfling understood a predator when he saw one—he held his ground, if only for Euron's sake. His legs trembled under his shortened barrel, fit to buckle, and he struggled to maintain a firm stare when hers grew hungrier by the moment. But no matter what happened, this was one thing Ramsay would always stand by: as long as he was there, no one would lay harm to his litter mates. They were his world. He would take it all in lieu of them, no matter how badly it hurt him.

It didn't come to that. Euron's voice rang out beside him, breaking his trance, and the dwarf needed no further coaxing. With a baying sound that came unbidden to his lips, pulled forth as a compulsive call to arms against an enemy alien, he spun around in the nick of time and fled back into the safety of the woods.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Hope it's okay to throw an Aries in here!

The Tyro had heard the commotion grow at the gory borders, the snarls and the baying, and so his pace accelerated, iced eyes narrowing as he broke into a steady run. Along his dark pelt flashed, through the dark Woods, until he came to a halt near the borders. Hidden in the undergrowth he watched for a moment, just in time to see the youngsters flee, and his suspicions grew by the second. Aries lashed his tail, then emerged with grace from the shadows, lip pulling upward to show his teeth. A low grumble rose from deep within his chest.

"What is the meaning of this?" He questioned, directed at both adults. No pups of Blackfeather would be hurt while he was around, that he would make certain of. There was a burning rage, a boiling in his body he felt urging him to attack this wolf outright, without question - but the logical part of him held back for simply a moment longer, sharp gaze piercing the silence that ensued between the growls. Though it may be true they had not crossed the borders as of yet, Aries still felt the need to assert himself here and be sure they would not further approach.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
in our town the hangman came, smelling of gold, blood and flame
390 Posts
Ooc — jal
The yearling barrels through the tree line, leaving a gap in the scenery where shadows once covered, illuminating his intimidating, pale figure as he waltzed threateningly through and beyond, to stand hackles raised and ears placed back against his skull, before the scene. But his presence is one that reeks of fury; ears adept had caught quick notice of the cried yelp of one of his youngest siblings near the bloodied border, and no sooner had he made his way towards the beacon. Enraged eyes fall heavily upon the sight of an unknown individual, a rouge equipped with a sinister smile and he needs no further explanation. "Who the fuck are you?" A heathen snarl balances on his lips and quickly realizes that frankly, he doesn't care who she is. The identity of those who fall as prey under his claws mean shit all to him, and the lack of a pack scent upon her gives him all the confirmation he needs to do what endarkened instinct begs of him. Hesitance forgotten, he lunges at the unknown woman, claws extended and wholly reckless in his attack. Lethal fangs seek her neck in the movement, a bout of extreme, bloodlusted malice within the way he does. It has been too long. The titan's salmon tongue has not tasted another's blood in many moons, and he is starved. It can be seen as he descends upon her like the predator to prey; volatile and hungry for retribution-by-death for whatever she had intended to do. But admittedly, he yearns to shred her apart, to sever head from body not just for the price of her actions, no. To satisfy his eternal need for destruction, and the desired finality of death of others by his will, a sense of power in justification he can get nowehere else.
for the sins of the unworthy
must be baptized in blood & fear
10 Posts
Ooc —
rolled here to determine the severity of her injuries. she gets away unscathed but since that seems kind of unrealistic, you guys are more than welcome to have your characters land some hits before she gets away! last post from me.

her advance never faltered or slowed and as she drew near on the children, teeth began snapping widely at the air. luckily for the brothers, both seemed to have a functioning brain cell in their head and quickly took off fleeing towards the safety of their darkened forest. tired huffs escaped berúthiel as she felt the full punch of malnourishment, paws skidding to a rough stop. she glanced between the inky female and the forest before beelining straight towards the severed head. however just as her feet tore into the ground, another stranger smelling thickly of blood and musk appeared from the shadows of the eerie woods. but he was not alone. realizing her fault, the cursed woman let out a snarl towards the silver and ivory male before frantically searching for an escape.

her eyes darted towards the lone female and in a desperate attempt to get away with her life, berúthiel took off towards her, ready to plow through if need be. but an opening unexpectedly presented itself and the woman takes it without a second thought. her heartbeat drums in her ears as she runs, lungs pounding against her chest as she barely holds herself together long enough to get away. only when the woods are no longer in her line of sight does she stop to catch her breath. but as the adrenaline fades and exhaustion catches up to her, berúthiel stumbles to a stop and the next thing she knows it’s lights out.
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow watched the female run off, she shared a glance with the two wolves before her as she began to speak. "The woman who ran off, threatened the pups." She says with honesty lacing her voice as she lowers her body in respect as she glances up at the white wolf before her.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Throwing in a quick post here but feel free to skip afterwards. Euron is just watching from some hidey hole usual. :P

He ran only so far as he needed to be sure his tail was safe from the clip of fangs and he was out of danger. Euron skidded to an abupt halt then, ears pitching forward to catch the cacophony that was rising from the borders. He noted that Ramsay was safe too, and that freed up his mind to be curious an excited again. Quickly, he snaked his way back through the trees to watch, from cover, as Vaati descended on the aggressor and Aries demanded answers.
319 Posts
Ooc —
Last post for me.

Ramsay hear it more than saw it when his brother's paws skidded on the ground, but wherever Euron was going, he wasn't following. Much as he desired to stand between any source of harm and his litter mates, Ramsay didn't share his brother's penchant for seeking out trouble, and Beruthiel's attempted attack had shaken him. He retired to the glen instead to catch his breath and think on what had happened.