Moonspear No need to ask
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
backdated to the 25th please allow Valour to post first!!
The woman had been in a generally pissed off mood and just coming her for this reason was completely ridiculous to her but here they were. She had traveled with @Valour so that they may get help and hopefully would find the young pup who got away from their sights due to their mothers neglect.

Serem was tired and drained from the surplus of pups she now had to take care of and she stopped at the borders letting out a howl for their leaders; @Hydra and @Dirge
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Valour had stayed silent the entire walk to Moonspear, wary of Serem's mood and annoyed that she had bothered to come in the first place if she hadn't wanted to. Regardless, he supposed having her there to back him up as Vengeance's widow and General would be in his favor while he asked for help. As they arrived he added his voice to hers ears pricked as he waited for the intimidating woman to appear.  "Are we telling her I'm Warlord?" he asked quickly giving a curious look to Serem.
3/10 mastery
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Another howl sounded off in the distance—Dirge groaned.

He didn't want to deal with it, even went so far as to consider raising a protest to Hydra, but the cut of her expecting gaze was enough to push him into action. It wasn't worth grumbling and as it were, he had plenty of time to mourn the loss of a nap on the trek to the borders.

That was where the grumbling came along, all internal but explicitly in his expression until the slope eased and the timber engulfed him; this stretch was saved best for composure as he came closer to the borderland, where he could feign some interest as someone else either pitched a fit or pitched a sale about why they needed sanctity and safety and so on and so forth.

However, interest budded ahead of that when he saw at least one semi-familiar face in the set. Never mind thinking this was bound to be a boring event, he knew who they were even if their names eluded him—Nightwalkers.

Dirge didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing, and was even more surprised not to find a trace of @Lyra lurking along the border already. Maybe she was getting that nap in that he was missing out on... or maybe she was yet to come lurking in the background like the ominous, menacing wraith she had become as of late.

"This is a welcome surprise," he said to them, "what's brought you out here?"

Perhaps they had news that would he hear firsthand for a change.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
They waited for a bit and Valour turned to her and questioned. "If you feel it should be mentioned then do it." She then proceeded to wait until a man came to greet them and she listened to the words he spoke. "I am serem, the nightwalkers new General. A pup is missing due to their mothers incompetence and we came here hoping perhaps any of you had seen her or could keep and eye out. " she started off.
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Keeping in mind that Serem didn't know of his previous journeys to Moonspear he just nodded while knowing that he would mention it. Hydra had been the one who'd brought up the idea of his taking over before he'd even considered mentioning it himself. She'd even offered to train him for it, of course he would tell her where he stood though he did feel rather embarrassed he'd claimed it because Hela had vanished.

A man with a handsome agouti coat approached bringing with him the scent of Hydra. Assuming it meant the woman was busy elsewhere he shifted impatiently though holding a respectful silence as Serem took the lead. Noticing how she'd blamed Conquest's loss on her mother he frowned, for he felt the blame was on the pack as a whole. No way a pup that young should get far away and just vanish like that. Worried that something would be said about an entire pack having let a pup escape he was quick to try and cover their backs, his heart racing inside his chest because of his nerves. This wasn't Hydra, he had no idea what this man thought of them though it was clear he knew who they were.  "We've been searching for a while now. We found her scent to the west of our pack but it just vanished" a testament to the fact that at least Nightwalkers was working on the retrieval too. Finding that words were coming smoothly his confidence grew and he continued "It's possible she got picked up. A lost pup wouldn't just be left to die if someone passed by" he was aware of the fact that potentially it could be otherwise, that a child in distress could very well be left to die...But not even Vengeance had left him to die alone and the man was a real piece of shit. His nerves finally got the best of him and he fell silent, glancing to Serem as if she could provide him reassurance and just as quickly looking away afraid his vulnerability would be held against him.
3/10 mastery
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
It was of little surprise for there to be a title drop in the midst of their exchange, though the relevancy of such is lost on him. His gaze lingered on Serem nevertheless, head canting in time with a well placed crease to downturn his lips. It went hand in hand with the unsettled shift from the other, who in spite of supplying information only seemed to have half the grasp on his confidence to his counterpart. Wrongly, unknowingly, he thought her in charge rather than the other way around, but it was a weak comparison. It paled to the situation and pulled concern taut to his expression.

He may not have had full trust in the Nightwalkers, but he was not cruel and unjust. They had stayed true to their word and their request was hardly a favor. A lost child was never a good thing—not with the luck they had, and Dirge wondered how well their lines of communication were. Hydra had always been keen to share and he had left it to her; he would maintain that as best he could.

"Whereabouts did she vanish—closer to the mountains, or the marshland? I'm more than happy to share bodies and resources to find her," he offered in earnest. "Though I admit, given the timing, it will be limited. Hydra will whelp soon and we have other young here—our son was attacked by a familiar wretch not long ago and there are other fiends about beyond these woods."
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
I'm gonna push this on ahead since it's been so long?

His opinion of Moonspear as a whole rose greatly as the man responded by asking for more information stating they were completely willing to help. Understanding the limitations because of children very well because of how many they still had running about Valour nodded sympathetically though he was more focused on the fact that attacks had been made here. Eyes sharpening with interest he lifted his gaze opening his maw and replying quickly before Serem could "Her fur was found in a meadow heading east toward the mountains but it vanished from there on out" it was unfortunate but there was nothing more for him to give them his expression solemn. Still interested in the apparent lurking danger that bothered their allies he spoke again, all but forgetting the woman at his side had come all this way as well "Fiends huh? Do you know anything about them or the woman who attacked your kid? I can do some digging around myself, in return for your help locating Conquest" 
3/10 mastery
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Vanished? How strange, though a few demises came to his mind. He wondered just how young this child was—too young and it was likely something just as swiftly scooped her up and took off, which meant they’d be better off looking for remains. Too old and well… same story. Vanishing was not the sort of answer he had been looking or hoping for.

Still, he was caught off guard by the parting commentary and again his gaze shifted to Serem briefly. Something had certainly changed internally with the Nightwalkers, and something he would have to bring to Hydra’s attention if only to find out what she hadn’t disclosed to him.

But nevertheless, he would abide by trading favors.

“She’s the same one our packs have been hunting, the one who runs with that wretch Blackhead and the boy that used to run with your pack, Merrick. She caught my son unaware in our hunting ground to the north—for all I know perhaps she could be behind the missing girl too. She’s known to roam as much as they are—how old is your pup?”
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Merrick.....the name didn't sound familiar to him at all. There were a few wolves who had drifted away from Nightwalkers, the woman he'd fought upon first arriving in the pack was the only he could really remember by name. "I was too young when he was around but i'll see if one of our other original members remembers anything" he would also ask around and see if the name Merrick rang any bells. If he could find that man then he'd find the woman in question if she was still around at all. "She's about two months. Maybe a little more" there wasn't much that he knew about Eirwyn's kids except that two of them were relatively quiet and Conquest was much rowdier than Famine was, clearly. There was no other information that he could provide the man to help in finding her and so Valour finally asked "How is Hydra aside from about to have kids?" the intimidating woman had left an impression on him and he was still looking forward to eventually sparring off against her again.
3/10 mastery
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
She’s two months, stuck with him; young, so young. Not quite old enough to be venturing out on her own without some sort of supervision… but then again he’d have been a fool to know that there weren’t some exceptions. There had been the boy wandering in the woods from Neverwinter, after all. Whether it was negligence or simply something far more sinister at work was not his place to judge, but it was difficult not to wonder.

“Your friend there probably remembers him,” he said, eyes once again going to @Serem curiously. Would she? He thought so—no, believed so. He continued to her: “You’ve been there for a quite a while, if I remember right.” But the topic changed just as swiftly thereafter and his attention went back to the boy.

“Hydra’s fine as fine could be,” he offered, intentionally vague. “Though I know this news will trouble her as it has myself.” He couldn’t have been too certain what she had shared with their friends—Hydra was Hydra and prone to doing as she pleased much like he—and he didn’t feel it necessary to air their dirty laundry.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The name Valour mentioned lingered into her mind and she hadn't officially met the man. "He was the one followed by the mute girl." She had seen them in the hunts and meetings. "I did know of them but personally we've never spoke." But if they were causing trouble it would not end very well for them
”Common” "Spanish"
563 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Mute girl......The only one that brought to mind was the woman he'd challenged who could barely land a hit on him and he was way too young to be trying to fight an adult. Snorting with a quick laugh he perked up "Her name is Astara. Black fur?. I remember trying to fight her when I was basically Conquest's age and she could barely land anything on me. took forever" his eyes brimmed with pride and amusement before he started thinking about the name Merrick too...he never saw the man even though Serem said he followed Astara. Those memories were so fuzzy he couldn't remember clearly but he could have sworn they vanished shortly after that. "They didn't stick around too long but now that I remember, I'll keep an eye out" he was trying to recall the name, why they both sounded so damn familiar to him. Then is struck him and he turned to Serem suddenly, unfortunately too distracted by his realisation to reply to Hydra's well being "Vengeance deemed them kill on sight didn't he?" after conversation dwindled on a while longer and the confirmation was set that indeed, Astara and Merrick were Kill on sight for their pack Serem thanked Dirge for his time and Valour followed suit, wishing Hydra his best before they turned to return to NW.

this has been open super long and I'm not sure if either are active, but I tagged the ending on as vague as possible and will be archiving. Let me know if you want it reopened.
3/10 mastery