Stone Circle Bounded by pain
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Oryx <3 I hope you have the time.

Arlette was still struggling with everything that happened but at least she had realized she wasn't alone. She had found a friend in Oryx at the time she was most vulnerable. She had embraced the other like a sister of medicine, and a friend she could confide in. She had gained her trust when she had not taken Kaito from her while taking care of her wounds. She had allowed her to wallow in sadness while still sticking around. It was admirable.

The pale girl wanted to do the same for Oryx now she had been wounded and scared as well. Arlette hated that she found out so late, or later than she would have liked, but the girl had kept to the background. But now, Arlette was going to be there for her. They were both scarred by events out of their control. The pale female approached her dark friend with a soft wag of her tail. She had not smiled, but their situation was not something one would smile about. She had brought valerian root for her to chew. The ear was a sensitive organ and since it was ripped off it would probably cause her a lot of pain.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
I 100% have time for you and Arlette <3

To say Oryx had withdrawn from most social contact would have been somewhat of an understatement. She lived tucked away in a little, shaded glen, where she lingered more often than not beneath a ledge formed by a rock which jutted out from the ground at an odd angle. It kept her dry, and she could blend in with the shadows well enough to go unnoticed by those who'd passed by in recent days, especially considering how much harder it was to track other wolves down with all the rainfall. 

But she'd made no attempt to hide her tracks, and while she didn't make it known that this little place was her dwelling, she was sure that some of her more observant packmates must have noticed that she hid herself away in this particular area. It touched her, then, to see Arlette approaching through the mist, something clutched in her mouth that was too small to be food. She thumped her tail against the ground and turned her face slightly to the side, flattening both her full ear and maneuvering the shredded base of the other so that it might not be so noticeable that she only had one. 

Silently, she rose, slightly, and moved to the side- creating a little bit of space next to her, so Arlette could join her in the shelter under the ledge, out of the rainfall.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I love their friendship so much T.T

Arlette had brought a small meal, which was a vole and the valerian root. She was not the expert hunter her mother was. She had never really shown any interest in it. She also brought the root that Oryx had taught her about. The female moved under the rock beside the dark female. Luckily they both weren't the biggest so they could both fit under there. Arlette placed the vole and the root by the other's paws. "Here to help you," she spoke. Oryx had helped her a great deal as well. She was pretty sure her wounds would be even worse without the female.

She knew about the ear, but she didn't give it any attention. Oryx was her friend and she didn't care what she looked like. If Arlette could only apply the same mindset to herself. 'It isn't much. I am sorry," she spoke. "I brought the root just in case you still had some physical pain," she added. Arlette figured that Oryx had enough mental pain from the attack. That damn she-wolf.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The small gifts brought for her had been noticed- but Oryx would not ask for them. Once they were offered, she shifted her muzzle to gaze dimly at the roots, and it did move her to see that Arlette had brought her the very same root she'd first been digging up when she'd met the fair girl. Normally, she might still have refused the help- she felt she'd done next to nothing for the kind Easthollow packs, and to be drawing from their resources once more felt unfair. But as one who enjoyed being a medic, she knew how much better Arlette would feel if she allowed herself to be tended to. So while she thought she did not deserve such an act of kindness, she would indulge her friend and quietly consume both the vole and the valerian root offered for her. 

Arlette's apology fell on deaf ears- the service, no matter how simple, was thoughtful and sincere- so once Oryx had consumed the gifts, she scooched a bit closer to Arlette, and lay her head down upon the pale woman's paws, heaving a sigh of thanks.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was pleased to see Oryx have a bite from the root and the food she brought. The other female didn't really reply to her words. Which was fine. It was the same when she was down and unwilling to talk. The dark female had stayed with her without forcing her to talk, so Arlette would do the same. She would stay with her friend and keep her company. Arlette placed her head down. Rain started to come down harder, making all of Easthollow even more gloomy. She had never seen so much rain in summer.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
I know this is very out of date, heh, but I'm 100% happy to continue this so that it's long enough to count for the medic trade for Arlette <3
She would not be seduced to speak, but felt no pressure to do so anyway. Arlette seemed to sense that Oryx was not in a talking mood, and had come simply to help. The art of being a truly good healer was knowing what the patient needed, and doing that despite one's own selfish desires. Though Arlette might've wanted Oryx to open up and speak about what she'd been through, Oryx wasn't ready and her healer seemed to know that. Not only had she brought a small meal and medicines, she also brough patient, quiet and sincere companionship which helped to heal the soul.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Yes please!!

Arlette was glad to feel a comforting vibe go settle them. The young female was glad that she made the right decision. It seemed that the other just needed the comforted silence and not someone who as constantly asking questions. She remembered that from herself when she was with Kaito. She had not wanted to walk either. That was something she would take with her in the future. Not ask too many questions to the wounded person as they might also be wounded mentally. That was another thing she would take with her.
116 Posts
Ooc — Jess
For a while, Oryx was able to drift off into a comfortable, peaceful slumber. She hadn't planned on falling asleep, but now that the pain in her head had ceased and she was warmed by the young medic's side, she drifted off comfortably, the rise and fall of her sides rhythmic and slow. As exhausted as she was, she passed into a dreamless state of sleep, and would awaken some time later only to find that her packmate was still there, a silent guardian, alongside her. 

"Thanks, Arlette," She said, after a few moments of silence had passed.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
I will end it here! Thanks!!

Arlette was glad to hear Oryx's breathing even out. It meant that she was resting and rest was above all, the most important thing to receive when being wounded. The female stayed on guard but no one passed or came to bother them. It gave her some time to reflect on how she handled this situation. She felt that she actually handled it pretty well. Oryx had been comfortable enough to sleep and get some rest with her there. The female eventually woke up and Arlette looked at her with a warm expression. "You're welcome, Oryx. That is what friends are for."

- fin -