@Wren :) spar thread!!!
Nyra was more or less a decent distance from the Strath today. She'd go back later, but for now, she had been patrolling the Sweep, now entering the Glade hidden in the trees.
What wonders would she find??
Nyra was more or less a decent distance from the Strath today. She'd go back later, but for now, she had been patrolling the Sweep, now entering the Glade hidden in the trees.
What wonders would she find??
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 10:20 AM
A yawn was bit back as Wren trekked along. She had slept relatively well lately but her sleeping was deep and full of dreams. The brunette knew what it was about - her old pack, old friends and old lands... Perhaps a nightmare or two splashed in for good measure. It was because of those that she decided to get a running start.
Training was not something she typically did. Wolves she had fought before the Teekons had been more or less primative. They reacted like a coiled snake being prodded. Wren sought to better herself through technique. She wanted to do more than chomp on random places. The scent of a Saint wolf filled the air - one she hadn't met.
Recalling Derg and the charcoal woman she had helped with a hunt, she approaches.
Training was not something she typically did. Wolves she had fought before the Teekons had been more or less primative. They reacted like a coiled snake being prodded. Wren sought to better herself through technique. She wanted to do more than chomp on random places. The scent of a Saint wolf filled the air - one she hadn't met.
Recalling Derg and the charcoal woman she had helped with a hunt, she approaches.

December 07, 2020, 03:44 PM
At first, she thought Wren was running at her, but upon further listerning, she was just trotting at a quicker clip...perhaps?
Approaching, though. The Harbinger faced Wren with her usual You may or may not die in 3 seconds facial look, though her body language otherwise wasn't telling of murderous intent.
"Greetings." Nyra spoke as the brown she-wolf appeared, swaying her tail some.
Approaching, though. The Harbinger faced Wren with her usual You may or may not die in 3 seconds facial look, though her body language otherwise wasn't telling of murderous intent.
"Greetings." Nyra spoke as the brown she-wolf appeared, swaying her tail some.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 03:54 PM
"Hey" she says less formally, raising a brow somewhat. The curtness and tense body language was noted. Maybe she should leave... but instead of doing that, Wren went on. "you're a member of the Saints, right? I met your Overseer and Alpha - Derg and Kynareth." Might as well make that known. It might make the woman less... well, whatever she was displaying.
"Derg sparred with me" she said "a friendly one" for empathize "I was wondering if you would too" her head tilts downward slightly, questioning "if not that's fine. I just figure the Saints were a good place to start learning how to really fight." But she wasn't going to pressure the woman if she was bothering her. As far as Wren was aware, the pack were active fighters.
"Derg sparred with me" she said "a friendly one" for empathize "I was wondering if you would too" her head tilts downward slightly, questioning "if not that's fine. I just figure the Saints were a good place to start learning how to really fight." But she wasn't going to pressure the woman if she was bothering her. As far as Wren was aware, the pack were active fighters.

December 07, 2020, 04:13 PM
As Wren spoke, Nyra visibly lightened up, softened even.
"You're correct, I am one of the Saints. Nyra, the Harbinger, second in command to Kynareth and Derg." The Harbinger confirmed with a small smile, further listening, further watching.
"A spar? I'm always willing. If you'd like, I could probably escort you to the Strath and see about you joining our ranks? It would be a good opportunity for gaining combat experience." Nyra said all this as she moved, loosening her body up with stretches and rolls and as she took her stance.
"You can tell me if you accept once we finish our spar, if you'd like." She inclined her head once, allowing Wren the first move.
"You're correct, I am one of the Saints. Nyra, the Harbinger, second in command to Kynareth and Derg." The Harbinger confirmed with a small smile, further listening, further watching.
"A spar? I'm always willing. If you'd like, I could probably escort you to the Strath and see about you joining our ranks? It would be a good opportunity for gaining combat experience." Nyra said all this as she moved, loosening her body up with stretches and rolls and as she took her stance.
"You can tell me if you accept once we finish our spar, if you'd like." She inclined her head once, allowing Wren the first move.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 04:34 PM
"I'm with Kingslend" the brunette would say, taking point and readying herself accordingly. A gentle dip of her head of acknowledging the offer, but rejecting it politely. She had no interest in joining the Saints anyway. Kingslend was fine for now, until the winter passed anyway. "but thanks for the thought, Nyra."
She would pause, squinting her eyes as she focuses. "I'm Wren" and pleasantries exchanged, the women would begin. The brunette wasn't trying hard at first, she wanted to gauge Nyra's strength. She suddenly flings herself at the white wolf, aiming for her shoulder. The bite is soft, piercing skin but not enough to actually bleed. She doesn't want to bleed the woman anyway.
She would pause, squinting her eyes as she focuses. "I'm Wren" and pleasantries exchanged, the women would begin. The brunette wasn't trying hard at first, she wanted to gauge Nyra's strength. She suddenly flings herself at the white wolf, aiming for her shoulder. The bite is soft, piercing skin but not enough to actually bleed. She doesn't want to bleed the woman anyway.

December 07, 2020, 05:01 PM
"Congradulations on finding a pack," Nyra praised. She meant it, despite her voice. She didn't always keep an eye on how she sounded when she spoke, but the congrats was genuine.
A pinch to her shoulder; no big deal, right?
Well, for the time being...yes. No biggie. For Wren though?
Once the brunette's teeth are on the Harbinger, Nyra pulls a version of one of her favorite moves - quickly grabbing Wren close to the throat, Nyra bulldozes under her opponent, flipping the girl head over tail in a messy, sharp front-flip.
A pinch to her shoulder; no big deal, right?
Well, for the time being...yes. No biggie. For Wren though?
Once the brunette's teeth are on the Harbinger, Nyra pulls a version of one of her favorite moves - quickly grabbing Wren close to the throat, Nyra bulldozes under her opponent, flipping the girl head over tail in a messy, sharp front-flip.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 05:07 PM
She wasn't going to be flipped so easily. Teeth grazed her neck, biting deep and attempting to throw. Wren had time to blink before her own head shot out. As Nyra went under her, the brunette saw an exposed back of the neck. She went for that, grapping onto the white wolf roughly.
Nyra slipped from her grasp, but probably not without some wound. Wren was roughly rocked upward - wasn't this supposed to be a friendly spar? - and then hit the ground. Anger burned in her chest, a snarl threatening to expose itself. But her stormy eyes kept their cool, as did her body. If Nyra wasn't going to play as nice as Derg had...
Not a lot she could do but run away, seeing as it was a bad idea. But she'd see how it played out first.
Nyra slipped from her grasp, but probably not without some wound. Wren was roughly rocked upward - wasn't this supposed to be a friendly spar? - and then hit the ground. Anger burned in her chest, a snarl threatening to expose itself. But her stormy eyes kept their cool, as did her body. If Nyra wasn't going to play as nice as Derg had...
Not a lot she could do but run away, seeing as it was a bad idea. But she'd see how it played out first.
rolled 9
/oops forgot to say previously rolled a 2
/oops forgot to say previously rolled a 2

December 07, 2020, 05:18 PM
It seemed...Wren probably had a different idea of friendly sparring than Nyra did? She couldn't tell for certain, but she had a feeling this wasn't what the brunette had in mind. Not that Nyra was an excelling master at reading others, but despite being Miss Murder she had...some empathy for her partners.
To Nyra, a friendly spar was a bar or two down from real fighting - just not making one's opponent bleed on purpose or trying to kill them.
Deciding to play it safe, the Harbinger shook off the burning sting on the back of her neck from Wren's fangs - not an easy thing to tune out, mind you - and approached Wren some, slanting her ears back with a soundless apology evident in her golden eyes
"...Perhaps I was a bit too rough there...I apologize." She dipped her head to Wren, deeper than she would have on any other given day.
This time, she loosely circled Wren for a moment, closing in to clash with her shoulder-to-shoulder. If she dodged, awesome. If not, maybe the two would tussle for a second?
Who knew.
To Nyra, a friendly spar was a bar or two down from real fighting - just not making one's opponent bleed on purpose or trying to kill them.
Deciding to play it safe, the Harbinger shook off the burning sting on the back of her neck from Wren's fangs - not an easy thing to tune out, mind you - and approached Wren some, slanting her ears back with a soundless apology evident in her golden eyes
"...Perhaps I was a bit too rough there...I apologize." She dipped her head to Wren, deeper than she would have on any other given day.
This time, she loosely circled Wren for a moment, closing in to clash with her shoulder-to-shoulder. If she dodged, awesome. If not, maybe the two would tussle for a second?
Who knew.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 05:24 PM
"..." Wren looked a bit insulted still from the throw. She got up, shaking off the debris from her coat to hear Nyra apologize to her. She didn't say anything right away, content to just watch the display for a bit longer before nodding. "it's okay" she spits out some dirt, flicking her tail dismissively. "remember; friendly."
She didn't want to patronize the white wolf, but some boundaries had to be made if they were going to continue. Wren wasn't going to draw blood or maim. This was out of respect for Derg - who she had a good run in with. Less with Kynareth, who rubbed her the wrong way, but still accepted Nyra was part of his pack. Therefore, she would respect the Saints.
Nyra would circle, causing Wren to whip around and follow her sight. The woman banged into her shoulder, and Wren returned the push, leaning out to snap her teeth along her shoulder opposite of the one touching the brunette's.
She didn't want to patronize the white wolf, but some boundaries had to be made if they were going to continue. Wren wasn't going to draw blood or maim. This was out of respect for Derg - who she had a good run in with. Less with Kynareth, who rubbed her the wrong way, but still accepted Nyra was part of his pack. Therefore, she would respect the Saints.
Nyra would circle, causing Wren to whip around and follow her sight. The woman banged into her shoulder, and Wren returned the push, leaning out to snap her teeth along her shoulder opposite of the one touching the brunette's.
rolled 7!

December 07, 2020, 05:33 PM
The...pinch?/bite lands, and Nyra clenches her teeth at the sting. And yet, it seems the tussle for who lands on the ground first is ongoing.
The Harbinger aims her teeth for Wren's scruff, shaking back and forth a bit to try and unabalance her. If it worked, cool, if not, damn Kynareth for kicking her in the face during that one spar she had with him.
Big meanie >:U
The Harbinger aims her teeth for Wren's scruff, shaking back and forth a bit to try and unabalance her. If it worked, cool, if not, damn Kynareth for kicking her in the face during that one spar she had with him.
Big meanie >:U
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 05:40 PM
All apologizes aside, Nyra sunk her teeth into Wren's scruff. The woman almost panicked again - suffocation and all that was not okay in her fear books - if she hadn't reminded herself. Derg did this too. And she had backed off from him, ending the spar. Now she'd finish what she started.
A bite of medium power crunched down as she tried to sink her teeth awkwardly into the side of Nyra's exposed neck. As the woman shook her, Wren tried to remain calm. Clinging to the other woman would work in the long run. If she wasn't dislodged before that... But that thought wouldn't come. Not until she was.
A bite of medium power crunched down as she tried to sink her teeth awkwardly into the side of Nyra's exposed neck. As the woman shook her, Wren tried to remain calm. Clinging to the other woman would work in the long run. If she wasn't dislodged before that... But that thought wouldn't come. Not until she was.
rolled 5!

December 07, 2020, 05:47 PM
Nyra rolled a 10. Big oof to the site dice bots LMAO
Teeth in neck for teeth in neck, Nyra silently praised Wren for her fiery determination, something Nyra herself had and could dually respect.
Careful not to bite down to the point of truly hurting the brunette, Nyra messily planted her back paws and aimed to try and push Wren to the ground with her thick forelimbs.
At least the effort was made, but it was up to fate here, for if she succeeded. If not, there's always another day.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 05:51 PM
rolled 7
omfg i'm not lucky wtf happened
omfg i'm not lucky wtf happened
The woman aimed to push her to the ground. Wren snarled, refusing to submit so easily. Her growl was breathless, as each wolf was reaching their limit. Feeling desperate, the brunette tore away from the white wolf. If Nyra still was forcing her paws down, she perhaps didn't have time to react to the next bit.
Wren lashed out for her cheek, aiming a bite at it full on. The power behind it was a bit rough, but only a small speck of red would well up. She'd pull her head backward, feeling the end was near. She'd used up the last of her energy. All that was left was to declare a victor - if anything. Waiting, huffing softly, she stared at Nyra.
And she didn't attack again.

December 07, 2020, 06:01 PM
Indded, at this point Nyra was also huffing with the effort.
Swaying her tail, the Harbinger offered a deep, acknowledging dip of her head, "You're a worthwhile opponent, Wren. You'll make a fine protector of your loved ones and yourself." She smiled as she gave the praise, also an indirect agreement that the brunette had won this spar.
"Perhaps one day we will meet again, hmm?" Nyra panted, shaking out her fur.
Swaying her tail, the Harbinger offered a deep, acknowledging dip of her head, "You're a worthwhile opponent, Wren. You'll make a fine protector of your loved ones and yourself." She smiled as she gave the praise, also an indirect agreement that the brunette had won this spar.
"Perhaps one day we will meet again, hmm?" Nyra panted, shaking out her fur.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
December 07, 2020, 06:07 PM
"You're not so bad yourself" Wren would give, shaking her fur again. No blood, but definitely some bruises. She would mentally check that she hadn't hurt Nyra too much before dipping her head. She excused herself to go lick her wounds somewhere else.
"Tell Derg and 'Lette I said hi!" she calls, trying to breathe properly. Maybe she'd find a pool of water and drink before resting... That sounded good. "see you around, Nyra." she adds as the brunette disappears from view and deeper into the land.
"Tell Derg and 'Lette I said hi!" she calls, trying to breathe properly. Maybe she'd find a pool of water and drink before resting... That sounded good. "see you around, Nyra." she adds as the brunette disappears from view and deeper into the land.

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